Would it be a problem for you if a girl you're interested in said she once dated a black dude in her past?

Would it be a problem for you if a girl you're interested in said she once dated a black dude in her past?

Attached: 1544137534226.jpg (540x660, 77K)

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I'd had to say no because I'm not a insecure little bitch

Yes, because it shows she is prone to disimilation, groupthink and propaganda

Make her get an STD check.

>implying i date girls

Girls who like black guys is extremely unattractive and it's pretty much a deal breaker for me

I would date her but not a long term relationship over thing
People who interracially date are likely to be mental unstable


Race traitors die first.

Doesn't matter. The guys who have a problem with this don't deserve to reproduce anyways.

Yes because I'm an insecure white supremacist that's obsessed with dick size and have never made a woman orgasm

Attached: tenor (2).gif (220x213, 131K)

no cuz i wouldnt be interested in her anymore

Yes, just like I wouldn't be interested in a girl who fucks her dog.
Women retain the DNA of those who they have sex with and I don't want retard babies.


fuck a black, instaAIDS
no fucking thanks

Attached: AIDS-female risk from sex.jpg (1484x552, 42K)

Yes, because a white girl dating a black or other than white is a form of reverse racism towards her own!

It would be a problem every bit as much as if she told me she liked pineapple on pizza. The body is a filter and cleans it's self.


I'm pretty sure she also fucked her dog and a nigger is technically an animal so whats the big deal

Being open to fucking the dog is pretty much a must for me
As far as I’m concerned, dogs>dudes>niggers>pajeets

pajeets>Monkeys>Aboriginals from Australia