Can you people believe how fucking insane this all is?

Can you people believe how fucking insane this all is?
How the Democrats have managed to rush an impeachment merely based on conjecture and second-hand testimonies and lack of evidence of anything against Trump. This is a sham and this entire impeachment should be shut down, impeachments take years, not one or two, this is absurd and disgusting.


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mfw Trump won't be impeached.

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This is incorrect, and you are a moron


Yes everyone can believe it and knowone cares. They need this. They've been on their periods for years. Just let em have this one. They're still grieving.

Shit for brains admitted he asked Ukraine to investigate Biden and withheld approved aid to get it done. That just the most recent crime he's committed.

>impeachments take years. actually kek'd

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Unfortunately true. Moscow Mitch and butt pirate Graham are going to force all republicans to vote non guilty.

Which City in United States would be ideal for me?
I search
> Not Like Football
> Not Like baseball
> I Hate army
> I Like men's Soccer
> I'm a fan of the Canadian Premier League
> I never went to the University
> I hate Guns
> I hate shootings
> I don't know how to drive
> I live with my mother, one of my older Brothers and an Aunt
> I have a dog breed Cocker Spaniel
> Uber use and public transport
> I don't have a job
>I am totally against the right to pose weapons
>hates the National Rifle Association


Either one of those are criminal or impeachable Ukraine is an ally and it's their duty to help us investigate criminal activity also your quid pro quo was a rumor and has never been documented outside of hearsay.

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washington state or washington DC?

No aid to Ukraine was withheld... Except under the Obama\Biden admin. Try again son.

He never should have won I bet he had a hand in rigging the national election. He’s a corrupt as they come how about that wall that Mexico was going to be forced to pay for WRONG BITCHES he snuck it in the last defense spending billions now taxes are going up for some reason, hmmm wonder why. He’s a crook and disgrace of the highest position to be elected too. Good job fucktards

I didn't say D.C did I?


I am seriously starting to wonder if the military etc. are letting the Democrats continue with this just to confirm they are actually willing to go through it, at which point they will be simply marched out of govt. buildings in handcuffs for trials and incarcerations even faster than the "impeachment" they actually believe they can get away with here. They have definitely jumped the sofa on this one.

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Which City in Canada would be ideal for me?
I search
> Not Like ice hockey
> Not Like NHL
> Not Like CFL
> I Like men's Soccer
> I'm a fan of the Canadian Premier League
> I never went to the University
> I hate Guns
> I hate shootings
> I don't know how to drive
> I live with my mother, one of my older Brothers and an Aunt
> I have a dog breed Cocker Spaniel
> Uber use and public transport
> I don't have a job

And which city in the State of Washington would you recommend?


Not sure if satire or if OP really is this fucking clueless.

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I'm happy that he will be our president next year and four more after that. This is the lying Dems last pathetic move, last card to play. Cry me a goddamn river you dnc-fags.

Actually fact

fat dementia fuck got impeached KEK >yfw "four more years" cringe fuck won't even finish the term

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> Cry me a goddamn river you dnc-fags.

> Cry

We're talking about law and politics... but you only care about people's emotions?

FUCK their feelings. You're a snowflake for even saying that.

Clearly you weren't alive when Clinton was impeached

Holy shit you can’t even greentext properly and you’re a wojack poster
Get your fucking shit together

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In Trump land, multiple first hand eyewitness accounts means "conjecture and second hand testimony".

Either you're gaslighting or a moron. Either way you know you've backed the wrong horse.

Not that i care but i think Itll never pass senate. He wont be removed.

He didn't say that, and even if he did, you probably didn't understand it.
And if you did, it's not that bad.
And if it is, muh democrats have done worse!

Also, I'd rather be russian than democrat right user Anonavich?

I guess? meanwhile here you are LAL

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Guess who was officially impeached today?
Need a hint?
It wasn't Hillary.

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lol fuck that guy

El Muttador

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live a great life TRUMP SUPPORTER.. let that shit be your stain like how it was for Nazis

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Lol Ukraine got the aid so what's the big deal?

You're a tard

In what way would he even need to be framed

By highly respected public servants serving under multiple presidents under oath

All of them.

Not a trumpie however

>Senate trial will occur
>Senate is republican
>They won't remove another republican
Hes still gonna be president. Nobody has anything to fear......well 'cept the democrats,

All the Senate gets to vote on is whether to remove him from office. Whether they do or not, his ass is still impeached.


theres almost too much evidence

Portland. That's where the communists go.

And it means nothing.

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Yes. But if the senate doesn't vote to remove him the impeachment means fuck all. But aside from all that, why do you want it so bad? You're aware that Pence is next in line right? You do know his politics right? You're trading a 1996 Democrat for a 1950 hard right. You sure that's what you really want?

See, in a non impeachable offense that wouldn't have royally pissed off the founding fathers, Trump would have said 'domestic intelligence agency' not 'Ukraine' there.

Fucking brain dead faggot

It means everything. For the rest of history, his name will carry a big fat asterix next to it. His legacy is one of impeachment. A mark that will never, ever wash off. no matter how hard he tries to hide it.

Say he gets re-elected. how long you think that one's gonna last, seeing how he conducts himself. He might be the first US president in history to get impeached TWICE.

Oh fuck, I like that. Let's do that.

I cant believe they are this dumb/strategically inept

People are pissed. Look at marches at your state capitols to protect the president.

>The founding fathers would support the CIA and FBI


The Founding Fathers would be revolted at the modern Federal Government.

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This is a war on trump. Only a Democrat would want to see pence as president. Only because they see that as winning.

putines talking points - all proven false time and time again. Hows that track suit working for you?

Classic ignoring the facts. It's not illegal to ask for an investigation.

Well if trump is getting impeached won’t just pence just pardon him?

>This is a war on trump.
If he'd quit breaking the law they wouldn't have anything to nail him on.
just say'n.

Whatever you feel about the article for abuse of power, Trump has clearly obstructed the house's investigations into him, which is textbook obstruction of justice.

The house has the constitutional right to provide oversight over the executive branch with the power of subpoena, while Trump has directed underlings not to appear for questioning. Witchhunt or not, that undermines the very foundation of your republic.

If he had nothing to hide he would have no reason to do so.

At least that's the argument being made by Washington for the bulk collection (mass surveillance) being perpetrated on the American people.

So which is it?

I dont care at all. Trumps "legacy" doesnt mean anything to me.

All I care about is that the economy is doing great, we're pulling out of existing overseas engagements, and not getting involved in more.

You retards are nothing but screaming children mad because orange man said mean words.

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Left can't meme.

Name one law he broke.

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Just like they'd be revolted at a president trying to solicit a foreign government to publicly attack a political rival. They had a big bugaboo about that but you probably don't care since it doesn't suit your personal politics this time.

This is cringe.

I'll name two. Abuse of Power. Obstruction of Congress. Funny enough, it's both of those that got him impeached.


So you're all about that symbolic win then? You're aware it likely won't hurt him, right?

>1950 hard right
Eisenhower was beloved by all. Ran and won as a Republican. Nixon was the next in line, who missed MLK support by about 15 minutes with a phone call.

Democrats literally fought against the first civil rights act until the weird libertarian Republican era of the late 60’s. What in God’s name do you know about American history? Lmao.

Let me guess, SHE should have won and we would live in paradise?

Those arent laws you fucking moron.

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Obstruction of justice when he directed underlings not to cooperate in a legal investigation and ordered another to fire someone who was allowing an investigation to proceed.

I now give the republicans a 50-50 chance of taking the house back.

Get rekt hahahahahahaha

Bro, I Am simply awestruck


I finially lost hope in this country. Democrats are lying pieces of shit that don't care about anything but being in power no matter how, even when based on lies. Also showed us with even the internet, people is still ignorant as fuck and can't identify facts from rumours, they still go with the mainstream media. Today we just attempted how it's all about politics and not the people anymore, I hope people start informing themselves and get the democrat party is just a big trap for ignorant people

It's okay not to like Trump but this impeachment is a fucking joke, a lack of respect to citizens

The Democrats are taking a huge risk pushing this through. If they can't come up with concrete evidence and make something stick, they'll be risking the entire party's credibility. I'm not a fan of Trump, but going off half cocked seems like a bad idea. Nothing to do but wait and see.

Congress, and the 25th Amendment, would disagree.

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If this wasn't an anonymous message board I'd buy you a beer.

Its not over yet THE Demi-Cunts have not won yet

hey bro sorry but this was a severe case, the guy is a motherfucker a biggot and a liar , he will lie to your face to benefit himself. his work is based on the backs of others dont be fooled

I don't get the military in this. They could end this. I assume that the Democrats have a trick for the Senate and after that you will see action.

Let us ask a favor of you, OP. Stop posting.

Prove it

(they cant)

Nice dubs. Also funny, if spot on description of nu-republicans.

Did not say Republican, learn to read. Words have meaning.


Then why do it. They look like greedy fools. This is just to hurt his name and his business. Senate will acquit.



How much bait is in the catalog and you can't figure that out?

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what do these things have in common:

Santa Claus
The Easter Bunny
A trump supporter with a college degree


Watch legaleagle's video this. He's a lawyer who does a good job of explaining to laypeople why what Trump did was actually a pretty big deal.
And if you care so much about the law that kids in cages is acceptable then you really don't have any choice but to accept Trump needs removal.

This is because he didn't break the law. Mueller was a hoax as is this. No laws could have been broken.

Are you serious?

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As non murrican I just can laugh about all this shit. All your presidents since Kennedy are shit. Your whole country is imperialism and warmongering. Your democracy is shit and just based on money, without money you won't win. And presidential candidates need to make debts which results in oligarchy

The worst mistake in the history of America is being corrected! FUCK TRUMP AND ALL YOU TRUMP LOVING UNEDUCATED RACIST VIRGIN FUCKTARDS!


I know they impeached him based on nothing else than his own admission of quid pro quo "I'd like you to do us a favor though" . Why don't the dems just let trump break the law? Makes no sense!

No the law. The house literally invented those terms this week.

>A lack of respect to citizens
You mean like how Trump treats the private citizens he serves on social media?