Are you voting for Trump in 2020?

Are you voting for Trump in 2020?

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well he just got impeached so

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No, I'd never vote for Trump. Because I'm not American.

Fuck Yah! I love hearing Alyssa Milano going ape-shit stupid. And all the good craziness.

fuckin wut

Hell yes I am voting for him again. He is the best thing to ever happen in American politics.

Eh, good enough. I’d also vote to see Alyssa Milano break down. Bitch is extra crazy.

He just got impeached, eat shit

Can't vote for someone who's been impeached.

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Andrew Johnson you nigger-loving faggot.

Alyssa Milano has any relevance?
Alyssa Milano still has a career? HUH


You are retarded

Bye bye byeeeeee

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Shouldn’t you love him if he’s a sandnigger, you know diversity and all that shit. Welcome him into your home. Let him rape and murder you daughter then beg the government to have mercy on him because it was a sexual emergency?

You guys are so fucking angry all the time. Whether he is impeached or not, why is it that you never discuss positive options? Why not try and fix all this political shit by finding a great leader, instead of just being pissed off all the time?

Not quite hyperbole

Lmao imagine thinking impeached means getting fired

He stays in office and literally nothing changes

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You’re an idiot. House voted for impeachment. Now it goes to the Senate. The Senate has said for months they’re kicking it to the curb. He will be your president for five more years. Suck on it

ITs my understanding that he would need to be convicted of the crimes.
When that happens he's removed. But idk
idc either.
He's certainly entertainingsuckit


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thought republitards voted trump cause better than hillary but still had to choose between bad and worse? shouldn't you guys be happy he's getting impeached so Pence can step up or did you forget that would happen?

Now more than ever.

That isn't how that works at all

no. no wall. no healthcare replacement. the swamp isnt drained. still gun violence. the middle and lower class is getting thin while the rich get fatter. I wont be voting for trump

Absolutely. This country is thriving. The meltdown in 2020 will be twice as sweet as it was in 2016. I remember when the Democratic party was the anti war party. Now they're barking for troops to stay in Afghanistan just because Trump wants to bring them home. This whole thing has gotten so ridiculous, the left has lost it's way. This statement coming from a pro choice, pro gay marriage, pro marijuana left leaning centrist who voted for Obama both terms. (Because he was definitely the better candidate when running against Romney and McCain) The Democratic Party needs to regroup and tell the fringe left to stick it where the sun dont shine. Regardless, yes....Trump 2020.

fuck pence only want trump since even though he says shit its real shit we all think but arent pussy to hide it

The fuck are you talking about? The wall is literally being built as we speak. Not to mention you must have been sleeping when they recently passed the bill that put another $1.3B in funds specifically designated for the wall. Gtfoh, faggot.

If a woman gets the democratic nomination, yes.

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Im voting for trump in 2020. Impeachment does not mean removed from office retards.

Yes, I didn't in 2016 and that's a mistake I won't make twice.

Hell yeah. Also donated to his re-election again today, third time in a month and a half.

He's getting squirted in the Senate so nothing's gonna happen you libtards!

A thousand times this

I didn't vote for him in the first election but this is fucking hilarious so I most certainly will vote for him if he runs in 2020

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>didn't vote in 2016
>won't vote in 2020
tell me more my funny cunny

Why would I vote for him? I didn't last time

Are you pretending to be retarded?


Yeah, no.

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I am not. Trump does nothing for me

I’d sooner vote for a bag of Cheetos then waste it on that piece of shit.