Making my gf brownies

Making my gf brownies.
How’re you guys spending your evening

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Probably gonna go fuck a hooker

ass fucking your girlfriend

Pewpin on the terlet

Oof. He's not gonna walk that one off!

Dont be a fag

I'm impeaching the President of the United States of America.

Im fucking your girlfriend.

Fighting with my gf

Pretty good mate, just returned from a walk. I am expecting money coming in soon so I can finally eat. I have been waiting for 2 weeks because it is an international transfer. Been eating pasta and frozen chicken since. I also lost some weight.
Have you baked brownies before? how are they? how long have you and your girlfriend have been together OP?

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Send nudes and I'll send money

Missing my LDR gf. Kiss yours hard for me user

Its all good fam.

>How’re you guys spending your evening
fucking someone's GF before she goes home to eat cakes cooked by her faggot BF

I also like gluten free brownies.

Yeah I’ve made em before. They’re still in the oven so I don’t know yet.
We’ve been together for a little bit now. It’s still kinda fresh

How much pot do you have in there?

What are you fighting about?

None unfortunately

Picked the kids up from school and let them help cook dinner. Helped with homework. Now we're just enjoying some quiet time. Bed time in less than 30 minutes. Once that is all settled, I'm going to load a fat bowl and get stoned.

Looking forward to fucking my wife before bed. Helps me go night night.

cum up her nose


Hanging out with my little ones while my wife spends the night with her boy toy at her place.

Seems sad

Nah she’s got her fuck buddies and I got mine so no worries.

Masturbate, drink, play vidya. gf is gone this week.

Good man, are they special brownies?

why are you the one cooking beta male?

oh nice. my ex used to love coming home to a hot dessert or meal. you must be a beta too.

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