Did Trump get the peach?

Did Trump get the peach?

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He certainly fucking did. My sides. Can't wait for the trumptard meltdown.

Dont know watching rally

Yelp house voted to impeach
him it’s done but the Senate still
has to do a trial on him

Self replying on a slide thread jesus

Can some amerifag tell me what Illuminati are gonna do whilst everybody is freaking out over trumpy boy getting the peach ?

Got 'im

can someone actually explain? both articles are adopted, but what does it do? sry dont know much about politics

I guess this is it boys. They really stumped the trump.

I'd be baffled if The Senate finds him guilty; Republican majority and all, but whatever the fuck happens, the shit stain of impeachment will forever stick to his record, just like it does to Bill Clinton's.


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Yeah, it'll follow him forever, and stain his family. All the Senate gets to vote on is whether to remove him from office. Whether they do or not, his ass is still impeached.

Who cares? They're all criminals either way..

The House of Representatives have voted to impeach Trump, which means he is now impeached; so the sext step is that the case will be brought before The Senate that will vote whether or not he is guilty. If they find him guilty, he will be removed from office, but I doubt they will vote guilty because it takes a 2/3's majority (super majority) and The Senate is held by The Republicans by 53 repubs to 45 dems and 2 independents.

.. but still, if he gets to walk from The Senate and continue as PoTUS, he will always bear the mark of a President impeached.

No, he will always be the victim of a political stunt

Jan 2025 will be sad.

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cri moar babby trumpette

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What do you think trying to prove abuse of power and obstruction of congress will look like in a trial run by congress without him having a lawyer present after the house just premeditated a vote?

I still can't understand why y'all can't see that in the process of walking the legal and moral line trump oops'd it just enough for a seething congress to nail him. play with fire and shit.
it doesn't matter his motive whether to influence the election or root out corruption, he dun goofed

please learn how the American gov't works before trying to respond. You look like a complete faggot.

Ha, ok noob.


has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

okay retard

You dumb ass americans. It'll look bad on trump? Thats hilarious. All this, even the presidency. The joke is on the american population.

I'll lay this out nice and clear for you. They didn't need a hearing, because they alresdy made up their mind on how to vote. It wasn't obstructed, because they had a hearing on "bribery" ran by Nadler who's had a grudge on him for many years. Thus, he didn't abuse power or obstruct, they abused power to have the hearing, k?

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just took a look over at Sup Forums.. it's an absolute shitfest holy fuck all muh lulz

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>I'll lay this out nice and clear for you
>they abused power to have the hearing

okay retard

you have an odd taste in women

They have to save the democracy so we can elect a socialist.

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This is why you aren't supposed to vote until you're 18

Fkn bump that shit up a notch

A re-elected impeached president from a partisan house vote to undermine the will of the American people

Say he gets re-elected. how long you think that one's gonna last, seeing how he conducts himself. He might be the first US president in history to get impeached TWICE.

Oh fuck, I like that. Let's do that.

You will have your chance because your not beating him 2020.

ok boomer

if someone gets away with voting before they turn 18, then they've earned it.

Don't worry, it wasn't even vaguely about rooting out corruption.

Watching Forged in Fire.
How many times do you think Adam Schiff got beat up in school for his lunch money?
I say he never had lunch.

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Orangutan DNA

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Major boomer pic right there

pssst! Hunter isn't running for president!

After this democrat debacle, the republicans will be majority in both houses and the dumb democrats will have no say in the matter.

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Psssst! Nobody said retarded Hunter is running for anything, but his corrupt father is. Guess he can't use Ukraine for his personal piggybank anymore.

It's all a moot point since Trump will not be impeached when it gets to the senate.
Fatboy Adler loses again.

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And can a single one of you braindead mouthbreathing NPCs tell me what 'being impeached' actually does to Trump in literally any way? The senate won't vote to convict, and his tens/hundreds of millions of fervent supporters will continue to support him. Do you morons really think your shouting on twitter about "HAHA IMPEACHED THO" means anything? It won't be any worse than the shit you've yelled about him for the last four years LOL but I guess it's a win right? Democrat majority voting against Republican president, he's surely stumped LMAO gottem

(best part is I'm a liberal, just see this insanity for what it is)

2020 Trump wins and Republicans own the House and the Senate. It'a going to be a long four years for the looney libs.

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He sure did. Guess this means Pence is president. We were fucked with our without him anyway.

Trump will run in 2020, probably win, send the world into a lib-tard panic. Just a redo of 2016-now

Trump isn't going anywhere.
Just heard Pelosi is delaying sending impeachment papers over to the senate and is now looking for a way out of it.

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Oh shit! I just read that! She is in way, way over her oddly shaped fucking head. 2020 looks promising!

You don't have any morals or empathy, or any of the things a normal person should have and refer to, so what's the point of explaining it to you?

Okay, wtf.

It brands him forever as a criminal, a failure, and a corrupt politician. All the twitter rants in the world will not erase it, and he gets to know in his darkest hours that Clinton got impeached for getting a blowjob, whereas he got impeached for being a traitor to America and trying to bribe America's enemies for political gain.

This is one of many things trump has failed at in his privileged life, but one he can never erase or legitimately deny.

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"By delaying passage of that resolution, Pelosi and top Democrats retain control of the articles and hope to put pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to adopt trial procedures they consider bipartisan. "

The possibility is still there.

>You don't have any morals or empathy, or any of the things a normal person should have and refer to, so what's the point of explaining it to you?
>Okay, wtf.
>It brands him forever as a criminal, a failure, and a corrupt politician. All the twitter rants in the world will not erase it, and he gets to know in his darkest hours that Clinton got impeached for getting a blowjob, whereas he got impeached for being a traitor to America and trying to bribe America's enemies for political gain.
>This is one of many things trump has failed at in his privileged life, but one he can never erase or legitimately deny.
Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury but sure whatever you want to believe

Think the Constitutional Court will decide to remove Trump from office?

"Once impeached, the President's powers are suspended, and the Constitutional Court decides whether or not the President should be removed from office."

Being the only president to be reelected for a second term after an impeachment. Why would he want to erase that?

In the US we have mayors and governors openly defying federal law. I don't think you understand the meaning of the word traitor.

Exactly. Trump lies everyday about even the most innocuous things. Get Trump on the stand and he'd be making ol Billy blue balls blush.
If you like Trump and support his polices that ne thing, but you'd have to be wilfully ignorant to not see the guy is a lying, solve-spoon, narcissist. If you're willing to trust that then I've got ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.

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We will have to see, since I dont really have the power to see the future

I understand, I am hoping the Court isn't made of Democrats, but a fair split of dems and reps.

The new year is going to be absolutely shaky.

That's assuming the House actually sends the Articles to the Senate, Pelosi is already starting to waffle about moving forward.

A traitor is someone who asks a foreign agent to intervene to their political and financial advantage in domestic affairs.

Someone who hides their tax returns from the scrutiny of the people unlike any other president, and is a blatant shill for america's enemies like russia and putin. Also unlike any other president.

Pic related, it's you Yvgeny.

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Ur actually fucking retarded if you think I support Trump because I wanted to make one thing clear. I don't like Trump, and I don't like people spreading dumb lies.

No they are holding it over the Senates head because they now that Republicans will ignore their constitutional duties to be impartial jurors. They are already out in the news saying doesn't matter what Trump did does they will always vote in his favor. Party over country as usual.

The amount of rhetoric and categorically false things I've heard key Republican figures deliver these few weeks have been beyond reproach. The mere fact that Trump will even see a trial, regardless of the outcome, shows that some fiber of our nation, and our government, still has some kind of integrity.

God bless.

Even Stalin's russia and Nazi germany had show trials m80. To make naive boomerdads like you feel good inside while the conclusion is foregone.

And there is no god to bless anything.


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>To make naive boomerdads like you feel good inside while the conclusion is foregone
There are 16 things wrong with this sentence. 6 of them include the things you seem to have missed in my reply, making chunk of your statement redundant no matter how you cut it.

>there is no god
It's a figure of speech, if nothing else.

No it's pretty spot on. You seem to take some kind of a civic pride in the fact that there will be a 'trial', when it means nothing and even some of the worst tyrants in history also had 'trials' to keep up appearances.

It's a stupid figure of speech that makes you sound a bit slow.

But my friend. Bill Clinton remained a broadly popular figure after his imbeechment. He even won the following election, and remained a huge figure in the party for decades after. He spoke at the DNC convention for Obama in 2012, and his wife nearly won the presidency.

Are you confused?

So basically it comes back to your feelings. Nothing's changed, but as long as your feelings are satisfied, you guys are happy? Sounds about left.

Broadly popular because getting a blowjob and lying about it doesn't mean anything to anyone other than evangelical mouthbreathers and party hacks and shills like you.

Being peached for trying to bribe a foreign nation for political gain is deeply shameful and humiliating for all.

No it comes back to your treason, as always Yvgeny, but thanks for posting comrade.

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Senate still has to vote in January

Most democrats do not know what impeachment means or is. So who exactly is going to remember/care about this "brand"?

Murkans will be voting in January also. Never forgetti. Should go really well for orange fans who are mad.

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>You seem to take some kind of a civic pride in the fact that there will be a 'trial'
Because it isn't a nonexistent thing that isn't happening for any reason. At least it happened, show or not. I would imagine that celebrating a figurative reprieve wouldn't be as pointless as you seem to want it to be.
>when it means nothing and even some of the worst tyrants in history also had 'trials' to keep up appearances
We live in an age where we have freedom of information, which embodies this exchange between us. This isn't an oppressive regime. And if you want to suggest a conspiracy theory, then this isn't an overtly oppressive regime, and there are real elements that elude the supposed structure that you could imply was keeping us stratified and disenfranchised.

But I seriously don't see how a trial could be so much a bread and circus, in a government like ours. Not possible, since I exist to criticize the government and the people within it. And, everyone else. And so is everyone else free to criticize. And publicize that criticism. It goes on.

>It's a stupid figure of speech that makes you sound a bit slow
If it makes you feel good, then I'll let you think that. I certainly won't change your mind. All I know, is that I've caught a bare glimpse of a world that isn't consistently steeped in bald-face lies, no matter where I turn. Something happened.

At least something happened; the point.

Jack shit save find a new news story to take the limelight away

Again, it comes back to your feelings. Most democrats do not know what impeachment means, and the ones that do, admit that he wont be removed from office by the senate, admitting you wasted tax payers money just to feel good about yourselves. Feels>

But if he runs again he's sure to win though. Which he'll be able to since he won't be convicted of anything.

There's irony in counting your chickens, when it comes to Trump.

Orange fan mad.

I want a peach

You like loosing 2020 just to be spiteful at a later date?

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I don’t know why you’re getting upset with me.

I just... don’t agree that Trump likely feels “deeply shamed”, or that his base feels that he has been “deeply shamed”. Impeachment is ultimately a political process. He will characterize it as a partisan hit job and move on.

I’m not a Trump guy, I just think you’re projecting your own idea of beechment onto the rest of the country.

Our institutions have become more zero sum. Beechment will probably become more and more normal.

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