Wizard here. How do you convince someone to have sex with you?

Wizard here. How do you convince someone to have sex with you?

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show them your "magic missile" ;)

Nice trips, but I'm trying to avoid a rape charge.

you don't. you either pay them or attract them another way. you cant talk people into fucking you unless you have blackmail material on them and let that be known.

It doesn’t work like that. Probably why you’re still a virgin. Focus on being normal.

I've been working hard on being normal. Socializing, hanging out with friends, talking with random people. Making progress, but still no sex.

Your problem starts with your use of the word convince. You fucking freak.

It works. I was slick and let my dick hang out of my loose shorts. Then acted embarrassed.

Later she kept trying to wrestle with me. Then it led to dry humping and eventually bottoms off and we banged.

Girls are horny as fuck bruh

Just be cool daddy-o. Girls will really dig it

What should I be doing? Sex only happens when a woman wants it, so its a man's job to make her want it. As it's been since the beginning of time.

I know they're horny as fuck, but they always have Chad to fuck when they want it. It's pretty hard to compete with that.

Well as a male it’s your job to make yourself a suitable candidate. Obviously you’ve fucked up.

chad here:

actually I have a theory: you don't convince a single girl to fuck you, but society. In this sense, if society finds you fuckable, you increase your odds that a particular girl will find that as well

in short: get fit, shower, dress well, don't behave/ talk like a creep, get a job

and you are done.

Be someone that somebody wants to fuck. Get your shit together, clean up a little bit, try to be a decent person, be more physically active, eat a little better.

It ain't rocket science dude.

Ask them.

>Asking cunts on /b how to get laid

That was your first mistake. Enjoy being a virgin

You say that as if being a chad is ascribed and not achieved. Fuckface

Just ask girls "Do you want to have sex with me?"
Eventually one of them will.

1. fee for services
2. mutual attraction

if a person agrees to date you and feels comfortable with you in that situation, any close physical contact may lead to sex

You don't convince them. You show them that they do want to.
Women are very malleable and acquiescent/compliant creatures.

Doesn't mean you rape em... Just... Show them that they do want to have sex with you. Obv if you get the vibe that they don't want to, just say sorry and move on to the next one

Best advice is to get oit and get talking to lots of women.

Don't be a beta

You claim that all advice here is bad and don’t give any advice yourself? Speak for yourself and yourself only you fucking idiot.

Be a normal person and not yourself (aka autistic and full of spaghetti)

This dude has had tons of sex. I don't know what I'm doing wrong...
Thanks Chad. Been working on getting fit. I'm not bad, but have a few pounds to lose after years of depression. I've been hiking and skiing a lot this year, so things are going pretty well.
I'm also doing great in the job department. Money isn't an issue. Women don't seem to care about that as much as anons say though.

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You’re hopeless lol

I've been trying. Bought a house a few years ago, getting in better shape, making female friends, etc. Still nothing.
Perhaps, but by that point my face would be slapped so many times as to be unrecognizable, and I'd be serving life in prison for sexual harassment.

Just ask drunk girls

Got any specifics? I have no idea how to show a woman that she wants to have sex with me. If I did, I wouldn't be posting this thread.
How many new women do normies talk to in, say, a month? Wondering if I'm off by orders of magnitude, or just handling each interaction wrong.

Oh boy, unwanted sexual attention, and she's under the influence to boot? It's like you want me to spend life in prison. Or are you serious?

Don't be either a weird cunt or super ugly, whilst having a normal social life and it will just happen.

They decide instantly. You get a little wiggle room but first impressions are crucial. From there they just wait to see if you can figure it out and construct a scenario to their liking

Good luck

>it will just happen
I'll be honest, I'm pretty tired of hearing that. That's the same thing my friends said when I was in my early 20s. Now, over a decade later, it still hasn't "just happened". I'm starting to think that's complete bullshit, and I was an idiot for ever believing it.

Dude, homeless people literally have sex. You can do it. You just don't think enough of yourself so you damage your chances.

If they decide instantly, what the fuck is the point in improving anything other than physical appearance? There's nothing else about my life they can understand instantly.

You spend too much time on the internet

Just pay for it then bro, it's clearly a big problem to you. Once you break that wall you might be able to find a normal relationship

Give her 40$

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hire a prostitute, have some sex, realize it's fun but pretty minor in the scope of human achievement and FUCKING GROW UP CUNT

There where at least 2 girls I should have fucked but I didn’t. I kept waiting for them to take my dick and put it in them.

It’s a very delicate dance user. Just fuck some whores and chat with cam girls. Get some confidence somehow

Things don't ever just happen. People say that because the opportunity will happen but you have to pounce on it and capitalize. The vast majority of women like sexually aggressive men. Be sexually aggressive. Say what you want, when you want, and be persistent. That isn't to say just start with "bitch come here." That has worked for me on occasion, but I'm attractive. If she's feeling it, she'll let you know in subtle ways. Then you have to make it happen.

I know, and that's part of what makes it so hard. Literally (alright, figuratively, but still) everyone other than me is having sex. It's like there's this secret club that everyone else is part of but I'm not invited.
Probably, but the internet is fun.
Considered that many times. She wouldn't like it, I wouldn't like it, and we'd both leave wishing we hadn't done it.

I lost my virginity at 18 at college. I literally called the girl and asked her to come over for a quickie and she did. It was surreal

Went back home for Christmas with confidence had my old crush tell me I was changed and it was sexy

Does fucking prostitutes really get you confidence? That's like cheating on the midterm and then somehow having confidence that you'll ace the final on your own.
>she'll let you know in subtle ways
This, user, is the root of the issue. I can't read subtle cues. It's entirely possible that women have been hitting on me over the years, and I've never realized it. Sometimes women are friendlier than normal. Are they flirting, or are they just being nice? How the fuck would I know?

What was the context? How well did you know her before that? Did you do any flirting,etc before that call?

Spend time with them. Be a bit assertive. It takes trust not physical appearance or money.
Respect for being a wizard though.

No one is an incel. They just wont have sex below their standards. Lower your standards = sex

I've been working hard on spending more time with women. Made friends with a few of them. We have a great time together, but it ends at friendship. I have no idea how to progress beyond that.
And thanks, you can hardly imagine the ultimate power that comes from abandoning the sins of the flesh. Or something.
Human female with no penis who's willing to have sex with me.
What part of those standards do you think I need to lower?

Married user here. Everything a lot of people said is true. You have to play a game. When I was single had to play this stupid game to get girls to fuck me. It took time and it worked. Got old really fast. Thought marrying a whore would change that. No different. I still have th play this stupid ass game to get her to want to fuck me, so gay. The worse part is that I have a ring on me finger, all other bitches are trying to fuck me when I’m not even leading them on! Chicks are stupid.

Either get ripped, get rich, or find a fat girl

Sorry to hear that. I hope she doesn't divorce rape you and take the house and the kid.

You let her know by using your dick. Probing the possibilities. If you think she's into you and you want it, chase that. If she's not interested she'll tell you or let you off. It's actually that easy. Just don't care what she thinks, to a degree. You have to show her some care/interest, but throw her under the bus from time to time. Women love that. It's stupid as hell.

You won’t get charged as long as you become a Muslim, it will be classified as a “sexual emergency”

Join a gym and get yourself a body that girls will find irresistible, read—read books—so that you'll have something to say to girls (the best way to make girls think you're interesting is to actually be interesting), and get out of the house and do shit—political shit, sporty shit, arty shit—so that you'll meet different kinds of girls in different kinds of settings and become comfortable talking with them. Get a decent haircut and use deodorant and floss your teeth and take regular showers and wear clean clothes. Go online and read about birth control and STIs, and learn enough about female anatomy that you'll be able to find a clitoris in the dark.


Working on getting in better shape, but certainly not ripped. Still trying.
How rich are we talking? I'm not obscenely wealthy or anything, but doing pretty well for myself. A single dude making six figures with my own house.
All the fat girls I've hit on have rejected me though. I guess I'm not good enough for them.
What are some specific examples of what you'd do if you're interested in someone? Different from just asking them to hang out, since I've done that before plenty of times and obviously had zero sex.

Where's your advice?
I'm down to hear some faggot wisdom

I'm working on getting better shape, but 95% of guys somehow manage to have sex without having the body of a greek god. I'm 34. If I continue working out, I might have a few possible years of good looking body before age takes its toll. I probably need something other than physical attractiveness to attract a woman.
I've also been working on going out and being more social. Some friends even tried to introduce me to a single lady I might like. Like 3 times, and every time an act of god prevented us from meeting. Like she got sick or her car broke down. It's like the universe just doesn't want me to get laid.

How? Assume I know nothing, since I do.
I can't imagine walking up to some random woman and saying something like "hey, want to come back to my place and have some sexual intercourse?"
Is that what you mean? If not, what do you mean?

Ask them sexual questions. Tell them things you'd like to do to them. I had a hookup from the whisper app a few weeks ago. The post was about open relationships so I posted about how they were stupid. Talked a bit about why I thought they were stupid. Asked her questions about how she felt after the experience. Told her a bit about my own experiences. That warmed her up, talking about sex. I asked what she looked like, got a pic, moved in. Told her she's pretty and I'm interested in what she can do. Told her a bit about what I'd like her to do to me and what I'd do to her. Barebacked her. A lot. Was nice. Then we stopped seeing each other after like 2 weeks. 3 weeks later, there was a post on whisper again about how she wanted to hit up an old fwb, me, and how hot it was. She didn't want to directly ask me, but I moved in again and we slept together some more. It's over now. It's really fucking easy. I've also straight up messaged girls on fetlife about their looks and what I'd like to do to them. They send me nudes and I fuck them. It's really that easy. I am hot though, so, that comes into play.

Think of it like training wheels for a bike

Don’t think about it. You ask too many questions. Let your lower order brain act sometimes.

Yes. Knew her. Flirting. Touching. The hard part is crossing that line

How do you avoid coming off as a creepy weirdo when doing this?
>hey, just so you know, I'd really like to insert my penis in your vagina
Seriously though, I have absolutely no clue how to show sexual interest in someone. The above comment may seem absurd, but I'm not really sure how to do better.
My reptilian brain is fucking retarded. If it weren't for my higher order brain functions making me dollars, I'd be extinct ages ago
So how do you get to flirting and touching? If that's already happening, a booty call doesn't seem too far out of the realm of possibility. But going from zero to flirting and touching is still a mystery to me.

pay him

Say to the woman you want to fuck, "you have an innie, I have an outtie, lets fuck."

Dude, it would be sooo much easier if I were gay. I've had plenty of gay friends who would have happily had sex with me if I were interested. Unfortunately I've been cursed with heterosexuality.


You continually close proximity to her. You just keep being close to her. As basic as sitting close and the outside of your thighs touching. Or playfully rubbing her back.

If she’s not into it she will increase physical distance between you. If she doesn’t take evasive maneuvers continue to press the attack

How is this different from being friends? I keep hearing that once you're friends with someone it's game over.

To answer the question of flirting and touching, you should always be flirting. Touching, well, you just do it. You won't be comfortable with it until you've done it a few times but you just do it.

Language and practice. Language matters. Don't say everything so matter-of-factly, its often not. Leave her some room to move around and dodge or avoid things she doesn't want you to know yet. She don't trust you yet. Compliment her features, soft skin, beautiful eyes, facial structure, ass shape. Say what you feel and mean it. Who cares who knows; that's what they like.
You have no sexual experience though, so you can't promise the best of times in bed, yet. (See what I did there? Language. Yet.) Be honest with yourself and with her. Then just do it. That's really all there is to it.

What's the difference between flirting and just being friendly? I really have no idea how to flirt. Or maybe I've already been flirting and just didn't realize it?
Are women ok with guys just touching them? Seems like a great way to get a sexual harassment charge. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I'd hate to lose my virginity to Bubba in prison.

You’d have to ask a woman this. And that’s a fools errand my friend

Probably the best way I’d describe it is “a woman’s male friend is guy she likes but doesn’t want to fuck”

You're good bro on the working out part and definitely amazing on the financial part. If I were you I would start out by getting maybe 5s or 6s and flirt with them to get them interested in you. You wanna get them to come home with you after the first date? Seed the idea of them coming home with you. For example: "Have you ever seen (Whatever movie here)" And she's said shes never seen it then be like "We should go back to my place and watch (Said movie)" and if she says "Well I have to be at this at (Said time)" be like "I'll make sure you don't miss it and I'll kick you out by (2-5 minutes before)" or if she says "What if people think I'm a whore?" Then be like "There's no judgement here and if we fuck then it just happens." Now if you want the way that's average then flirt with her, don't be desperate or needy about it cause its a turnoff for both men and women, subtle touches like a touch on the arm or you can just nudge her, compliments but with a joke afterwards or do the compliments genuinely, be confident in yourself, ask her questions about herself too and comment on that like "I really find it sexy when a woman is passionate about something." And then when you're all done with the date, take her home. Kiss her, but if you're not sure do something a little flirty like "Your lips are looking cold, want me to warm them up with mine." and if she says yes then kiss her. Ask her to invite you in and if she says "Not tonight" or something along those lines. Then go home, don't text her the next day to let her miss you. Literally repeat and flirt with her how you did and mix it up and you should be get laid in 3.5 dates. You got this bro, so believe in the me that believes in you man. You really got this bro and I believe in you.

I'm not friends with very many women, so being a "guy she likes" is still pretty good in my situation. I'd hate to go from that to "guy she doesn't ever want to see again" because I tried to turn it into something more.

Flirting is playfully poking. You can’t just compliment her all the time. You have to kind of do the pick up artist trick of “negging” her. Challenging her, trying to get her to feel any emotional reaction to what you are saying.


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You have to move past putting pussy on a pedestal. Do you want to fuck them or listen to them whine about the last guy that fucked them.

If it doesn’t work out and your actions and intentions are virtuous it’s fine. Move on

That is likely the difference. You don't realize that it's sexual in nature so you miss cues. That's how you land in the friend zone. Don't always do what you're told, do what you want instead. If you see a sexual innuendo, say it. People have sex, it's funny. Clearly you can cross the line, so don't be some autistic fuck and you'll be alright. Start small and work your way up. Sometimes it helps to go in with a mindset or an overarching goal that you want and won't compromise on. You'll compromise on lesser stuff but you'll get it in the end.
Most women are ok with a shoulder touch or arm touch or thigh touch. If you're netflixing and chilling, the thigh is fine and so is the grab the chin and move her face to yours.
I have been accused of sexual harassment on 3 separate occasions. All of them were bogus and for looking at women intently. One was a landwhale, one was a black chick, and the other was hot. The hot one I grabbed her ass at a party, for a while cuz I was drunk. Some jealous red head bitch said it was her when it wasn't and threatened legal action. The black chick had smoked a lot of weed and reeked of it in public, so naturally I was looking at her. The landwhale just didn't like me or wanted attention from me. Total bullshit and nothing happened after I talked to the cops. Big whoop.

Thanks, that all sounds like great advice. But first I've got to somehow get a woman to go on a date with me. 34 years and that's still never happened. I've had plenty of times where I've invited women out to do , but I guess the implication was always that it was just as friends.
Ugg, seriously? I used to watch pua shit back when I was desperate in my early 20s. I was really hoping it was a bunch of crap. Do I seriously need to dress up in stupid fuzzy hats and goggles to get women to like me?
I'd like to fuck someone, but I also enjoy female company. And I don't get much of it. So when I have it, I don't want to ruin it by trying to be Chad and falling on my face.

>nothing happened after i talked to the cops
Dude, you're lucky you're white. Your life could have easily been ruined.
>grabbed her ass at a party
Men have been destroyed for less than this. Unless you're the president, then it's cool.

You don’t have to do the entire pua thing. But there are nuggets of truth in their technique. Most successful guys just do it naturally. A pick up artist cranks up the intensity of it to cover up their insecurity.

But honestly, woman love being treated like shit

I don't want to treat anyone like shit though.

That. That right there is what is costing you. Why am I lucky I'm white? The fuck does that have anything to do with it? It's not even the sad truth, that's just what you think. My life easily could have been fucked up, but it wasn't. Women like danger. You're the safe option. Women don't like that. That's one of the reasons you're a virgin at what, 34? Outstanding.
You're a pussy and need to get that shit out of your head if you want to get laid. I wanted it, so I went for it regardless of the consequences. That is what people like and respect. That is part of what gets me women. I make them feel safe. What do you do? You make them frustrated with you because they always end up making the decisions. Man, isn't that fun. Can't say I didn't try. Poor guy. You'll never get it if you can't break that attitude. They've broken you and you fucking let them.


Be the opposite of you
Give your stats
Height weight race religion state

Just buy a fucking hooker for Gods sake. Get the poison out then the healing can begin.

Just be attractive guys

I've seen so many high profile people getting their lives ruined over doing something a woman doesn't like. Want to do something sexual, which she's perfectly happy with at the time, but regrets later? Your career is over, or worse. It's honestly amazing to me that men even consider risking approaching women with sexual goals in today's society.
Dunno, unfortunately. Just some random image I downloaded.
white as fuck
What should I be instead?

Yet here you are, asking random ass people online for advice on how to do it. Its a possibility. Life isn't safe. It never is. That's the ticket. You have to be ready to embrace that cold reality. Then women will come to you. They need to know you can protect and provide for them in any scenario. You can't. You don't want to take any risk whatsoever. That's why you are a virgin at 34.
I have literally been approached by a woman and asked, point blank for sex. It was quite hot, actually. I fucked the shit out of her and came inside of her. Her legs were shaking when I was done.
What the fuck do you want out of life? Do you want to be the fuck who sits on his computer all day, goes to his job, gets bossed around, and doesn't do shit else? Why is that important to you? It seems like money is your only objective. For what purpose? If it's just you, then wtf? Nice joke.

pro tip: she probably likes you a lot more than you think if she spends time alone with you and is single.
>"This guy I like is making a move.."
goes through her head before

Get more muscle and develop a attitude of self preservation but I can help you.

this post reeks of fake 19 year old punching down on user for his own ego

Believe what you want. I have the experience on what works. Do you? What do you want?

No, money is not my only objective. I want to feel like I matter in life, and my career is one of the best way's I've found to do that. I'm respected and looked up to at work, and everyone likes me. That results in money. But it sure as fuck doesn't result in happiness.
>literally asked point blank for sex
Good for you. It must be amazing to have that level of natural attractiveness. If I ever had a woman do that to me, I wouldn't be a virgin. And yet here we are.
There's a woman I'm friends with who is single, and we've spent a fair amount of time alone together. We've talked about how hard it is to find a relationship. Do you think she likes me?
Working on the muscle. Making some progress but its slow going. Still have a few pounds to lose as well

There it is. That's some spirit fire. Some drive in life. Now apply that drive to women and you got it. How you stated that to me is how you need to be when you talk to women. Remember that feeling.

It is nice to have that level, but it's also about the vibe. She told me she was attracted to dominant men. I often intimidate women and people with my confidence and body. Kinda sucks cuz I have to downplay a lot, but that's my own problem.

Don't listen to the hate and criticism here. Lots of people aren't brave enough to admit what you already have...

you vote democrat

If you are still here?

Same guy who gave you the first advice bro, meet women at events, places you like to go, festivals, random places or just about anywhere bro. Be casual about it and confident and if you are interested in a friend who is a woman start by treating them differently than you currently are and then confess. Its how I got my current girlfriend and plus you're gonna fail a lot, but you'll also succeed at times too and those are worth it on its own. Once you start feeling that it's flirty be like "Hey we should chat over a cup of coffee, when are you free this weekend?" Or whenever you have free time. It doesn't matter what you say, its how you say it. Be confident bro you got this and keep trying, eventually you'll have many to choose from.

Yes, she's into you. Tread lightly and communicate.