Sup Forums, how the fuck can I get some pain medicine such as oxy or hydros without having to buy heroin...

Sup Forums, how the fuck can I get some pain medicine such as oxy or hydros without having to buy heroin, I’m in the middle of a bunch of surgeries and my docs fucked me over with the new opioid laws, pic related it’s my leg and why I want pain meds

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Natural selection says you get no pain meds.

Sorry, you are unlucky! Ouch!

If you had no legs you'll have no pain

Timestamp. I don't belive you junky.

Honestly this was surgery 20 and I have tried to get them to amputate but they won’t bc I’m young

Cut off the part that hurts

Decide that you like the pain. Enjoy. It's as simple as that.


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Redneck addict detected

nice robot leg retard

Naw man like I have honestly struggled with addiction in the past since I’ve had a ton of surgeries, but rn I legit just can’t sleep at night

What happened?

Fuck bro i feel fucking bad for you having metal rods sticking into your legs and you can't even numb the pain with drugs cause junkies abuse opiods , the pain will be over eventually man you'll get better :/

Fucking trailer backed into me and crushed my leg

Having trouble kicking your habit?

Checked. Nice work, tib/fib fracture combo? You a biker?

Did you sue?


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Get some heroin an take small doses preferably snorting it problem solved.

Makes no sense when pain literally only exists to tell your peanut brain that something bad is happening

That’s what he gets for zooming around at high speeds without a chassis.

Thank you for not just calling me a junkie lmao

Order Kratom and hope you don't get addicted.

Naw I was helping someone move and they gunned it with a trailer into the house

He’s not gonna feel better so stop lying. He needs to cut that leg off.

I actually am taking Kratom now, it helps a bit but just not nearly enough

This is hopefully my last surgery

I am still recovering from a snapped femur but I came off the morphine after a few weeks. Just keep necking paracetamol and ibuprofen. It won’t do shit for a day or two but keep taking it. The absolute maximum recommended dose. After a while, it builds up in your system and works surprisingly well.

Shouldn’t have been so quick to volunteer, huh

How the fuck do you sleep with that man?!

Fuck. I'd look for high CBD gummies instead of an opioid unless you know that weed doesn't cut it.

We've got a bunch of old white fucks deciding on whether we should be given opioids or not user. Change doctors immediately until you find one that is sympathetic. Unfortunately you may have to settle for a Pajeet or spic doctor since they will give you whatever you want.

look into kratom!

Nah lmao not what i meant , as in harder to get opiods cause junkies live on that shit , making it harder for someone like you to get them

Have you tried LSD? Not great for pain but you’ll see lots of pretty colors

if dubs show pooper and leg

See that’s what sucks is with this cage bullshit I cannot take anything but tylenol and pain meds, everything else from nsaids to weed has blood thinning properties that will fuck my healing


I don’t that’s the problem

Also, can you ask for a nerve blocking injection? Didn’t work for me at ALL but some people say they work amazingly.

jesus christ man. that looks terrible. you could always go to an ER or an orthopedist. the only other way out of this situation if you can't get someone to drive you there is by knowing a dealer. you need connections for that kind of shit though.
without opiates i would reccomend about 2,000mg daily.
i used to use cough medicine to deal with my daily back pains.
you'll get through this. just walk it off.

Dirty situation honestly , how long is that cage meant to stay on your leg?

Yeah man not for me tho

OP helped someone move, now he can’t move at all

Oh the irony

I doubt he even sleeps. this is terrible.

Well I broke it three years ago but I’ve had the cage on for about 2 months, keeping it for about three more

Ironic you saying that bc I cannot walk

3 more months...
Can you stand up with that ? Like how mobile are you?

Paracetamol should be fine because it’s not an antiinflammatory. Ibuprofen can slow the healing process but paracetamol should be fine. Also, do NOT drink caffeine!! Slows down the healing process massively. I was REALLY struggling with mine healing slowly. I cut out caffeine and took calcium and vit D supplements and the difference (in just 6 weeks) was MASSIVE!!

No fucking way man I’ve been slamming multiple bangs a day for months

It's not because people abuse drugs,you fucking government and news believing retard. You sound like a little child that believes everything he's told.

CBD is an anti-inflammatory. Terrible idea for broken bones - you need the inflammation in order for it to heal quickly.

I can stand and crutch and I’m doing physical therapy, but it’s real hard to do a lot of shit with this on, my long time gf just broke up with me bc I’m crippled actually, she was the one I was helping move

Try it dude. Did wonders for me. Had MASSIVE headaches for the first week of no caffeine but was worth it for the quicker healing.

Oh my...

I’ll do it right away, I’m down to try anything to heal at this point

Can u explain exactly what happened? Your previous post isn't clear

Do you live in the UK?

Good luck man. Hope it heals soon. I feel your pain. Sucks MASSIVELY. Mine was entirely my fault though. Haha. 60mph motorbike slam into the back of a truck, followed by being run over by a car coming the other way. Oops.

...that's the joke. i'm using dark humor. sorry Sup Forumsro. just trying to cheer you up.

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Holy shit. You're going through a lot right now. don't think of doing anything stupid. Please. We care about you.
Also fuck her and the horse she rode in on.

amazon Diphenhydramine(benedryl) 25mg
take the same amount of acetaminophen 500mg
and Ibuprofen.
the benedryl is $35 for 400 pills on amazon, taking alot can cause you to trip tho, your gonna basically passout after 8 of each of these

Naw i was just making a joke ur good

But I bet going 60mph without a chassis is fun!!

jfc this just took a turn

Haha. It was rush hour so I was going slow. Took the same corner at 140mph the day before. Got lucky! ;)

He nevee said anything about sleeping with men, what are you talking about?

Stay classy user. That made me lol. Humor is a good painkiller as well.

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That godamn cunt. Pouring a shot for you

smoke weed fuck tard

Go to ER and tell them pain is 10/10, faggot

Ditto. i'm pouring 5 shots for this Sup Forumsoss.

Rookie shit

Damn feel bad for you bro, good luck keep your sense of humor...and alot of hyrdos and vics

morphine patches, dk us laws

You're not going to want to hear this, but after watching my cousin get into heroin, just stick with ibuprofen and let the pain ride. It sucks, but once you come out on the other end, you'll be an endurance beast.

If you live in a legal state, maybe try some weed. Certain kinds will help with pain relief.

Try a TENS device.

I was very pleasantly surprised by how nice Sup Forums was to me, cripple boy will let y’all know when I get something for my pain

I think op is kill but i'm still bumping this thread to show support for him.

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good luck out there. we've got your Sup Forumsack.

user there's a uh less than usual way to help.
But it's not a thing you can do regularly.
This will harm you if done consistently.

Take 2 ibuprofen and two paracetamol.
Take after eating with lots of water.
It'll knock pain out.

Preferably higher strength rapid varients of the pills too.

Bump Bump

How does one even find heroin¿ My opiate and Xanax plug refuse to help me find it. And they're always out of product so annoying

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I mean I’m op and tbh I can get Xanax and heroin easy but not legit percs or hydros

Can’t take ibuprofen, only Tylenol

Ur all very nice I’m honestly just playing halo

I actually have used a tens for the last two years! I can’t use it with the cage however

Idk if you’re still here but yes I did sue and won

oh nice Halo? that shit was legit back in the day. I remember my friends kicking my shit in while riding around on a banshee.
i'm on Modern Warfare currently. Crossplay has a lot of idjits in it. Pretty funny to hear them talking on open mic.

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