Is Romano a nice name to give to my son? I am of Italian heritage, and live in America...

Is Romano a nice name to give to my son? I am of Italian heritage, and live in America. If you do not think that name is a good choice, what would you prefer to go with, instead? Thank you.

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I’d make fun of him, that’s for sure.

Literally anything else. Do you really want your kid to sound like a fucking pizza?
Why not just Roman?

Or how about Benito?

go full retard,call him Ezio

Sounds cheezy.

Cazzo sounds good

Hmm, the name is normal in Italy, but seems to be poorly received in America. I am going to be living in Italy much of the time, too, though.

Romanos more of a last name

Romano Prodi was Prime Minister of Italia, though. Some people have it, but maybe it is a little more common as a surname.

Guido McWopface

Dago McGuinea

Frito Cordlessphonie

Métèque Spaghettibender

Mario or Luigi are good names
Gianmarco is top-tier

Go for it. Many people here, evidently, can't handle Roman victory. They are still seething around more or less two-thousand years later.

Yes, those are good names, although the first two are extremely stereotypically associated with video games outside of Italy and Hispanic countries, which also use Mario.

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Biggus Dickus
>its ok that he will have ur lil peener

Romano is a trash-tier name...

Its a fine Italian name but in US name is only known as a type of cheese so these posters are correct.

Biggus Dicus


Isn’t that a cheese? Maybe something that’s not a cheese...