I'm literally shaking right now!

I'm literally shaking right now!

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Me too. All this laughter is really hurting my sides.

Reminder this is a shill post

That being said, no serious republicans are announcing a primary run because we all know what happens next in the Senate: nothing.

They can sit on their thumbs all they want. It still ain't gonna un-impeach him.

Happy holidays snowflake

You guys don't see whats really going on right? Obama administrayion did some incredible good moves economically. Like every systemnit took time for the reaultsnto show, this is during Trump's administration(We lived abundance of resources and employment) and made the poblic think it was all Trump's calls. Now after the chain of stupid shit that Trump did, we will have negative consecuenses that will start show untill Trump's out of office and gov will blame it on next preaident who's going to be most likely a democrat. Now I'm neither left or right supporter but I've seen this circus happen before in third world countries and it's all a show to keep you ignorant from the truth. You are bing run by a group of friends who pretend to be rivals when they actually have the same interests and they make you think isbyour neighbore of the opposing party who is ruining you.

I already saw this episode of South Park.

And what does "impeaching" him actually do? Oh right, no response to this LMAO

The Senate will not remove him, we KNOW that. He's STILL impeached, always will be.

I dont watch south park but watch third world countries politics and you'll see how shamelessly they do it

South Park did it better. And managed to wrap it up in 30 minutes to an hour.

Yes and he'll be the only president to have beaten impeachment and got reelected. It will be an accomplishment.

He won't be removed from office. The dem debating him will rap him hard across the face for this though.

Oh OH Maybe he'll be the first president to be impeached TWICE. Fuck yeah, that's be real history in the making!

For all of you out there saying the Senate will not remove him, we KNOW that. He's STILL impeached, always will be.

Impeachment doesn't look good even if he DOES get reelected.

You shouldn't assume he'll be reelected, though. Americans are getting wise to his shit.

Lmao Americans are fucking stupid.


lol thinking trump is gonna win in 2020

Merry impeachment eve to you too!

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If we don't get someone better than Biden's old white ass, he might.