He'll never get impeached

>he'll never get impeached
>he'll never get voted out by senate(you are here)
>he'll never get thrown in jail
>he'll never be publicly hung for treason

Goodbye kike faggot

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i am a trump supporter and even i admit its fucking over. We got cocky and we will pay the price

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He's a joke, he's turned your government into a joke. Israel's greatest punchline.



hello next democrat president, oh no you're getting impeached too?, wait theres some person from your past thats being paid to say you raped them, thats so sad.

Anybody with a brain knows. It's all a shit show to make them feel better. The fake news and do nothing Dems. Gonna be a red wave like the world has never seen in 2020.

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As a Trump supporter, I'm fucking pissed. How could THREE WHITE PRESIDENTS get impeached and not a single black president get impeached? What the FUCK is wrong with America. Maybe blacks really are superior after all. Fuck.

Because we've only one had one black president, retard. The likelihood of that is basic math, also, he was our first black president and was also a Demorat so they would've babied him no matter what. It's not that blacks are superior, it's just that we're overcompensating and kissing ass because MUH SLAVERY

But whites are far more oppressed in America than USA. Why the fuck aren't we babying our MAGA lord? How could we impeach Trump, the most oppressed President in American history? For fuck sakes. Maybe Obama really was better.

Reported to FBI. Nobody threatens my president.

Enjoy jail, faggot.


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I have no idea what your first sentence meant so I'm guessing it was just a typo and you meant "America than blacks". Nobody babied Trump because he wasn't a shill for Transpride and actually tried to do something about border security so he was automatically deemed a bigot, nobody cares about what happens to you once you've disagreed with them and the higher-ups don't either. The problem is that being a Republican instantly means that you have to hurt some Democrat feelings and this world only cares about Democrats since they REEEE louder than everyone else.

This impeachment is pretty bad for people like you b/c you think it proves you right about something.
The Dems are fucking people up so bad, It's great.

When haven't they been? They only care about stupid shit like Transfags, homosexuals, and being overly apologetic to blacks. Imagine calling yourself "liberal" but also making it your duty to shut up anyone that doesn't agree with you, so fucking stupid.

>> Hurr durr stupid liberals!

Wow looks like there is still some hope for America....

Yeah well they hate freedom.

Super majority in a Rep controlled senate which fully backs trump. The absolute delusion of the left.
>we lost cause russia
>we lost cause country is full of white supremacist (that elected a black man in the previous election)
>we lost cause sexism
>we lost cause Bernie
>we lost cause Comey
>we lost cause Jill Stein
>we lost cause Obama didn't jack us off hard enough
>we're out of bullshit excuses and can't admit we lost a fair election so we're just gonna use the Dem controlled house to force an impeachment with no evidence (you are here)
>trump winning 2020

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>The absolute delusion of the left.

trump believes putin over own countrymen, murica!

gives weapons to Ukraine to fight Russians
>Putin's puppet


The phone part of all is that his being in peached for the rong thing becuase it for Ucrane insted of Rosia and for the 20/20 election insted of the 20:16

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>implying any of your shitposting mattered beyond a LARP

>I’m a trump supporter
Ok shill