It's over

It's over.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm black af and voting for this nigga in 2020.

lol it's the fucking Russia investigation all over again.

Lots of talks, then nothing comes out of it because you're retarded, and you'll rage for 4 more years. you silly libs are going to get MAGA'd right up the ass again, and once again you're going to have no idea what went wrong.

>2016: it's over

>2017: it's over

>2018: it's over

>2019: it's over

>2020: it's over

>it's over

>every fucking day, it's over

>every fucking scandal: not true

>every fucking scandal: created by dems

>every fucking scandal: unearths more dem corruption


being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control. Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.


That sick feeling of shame and helplessness, like some indefinable part of you had been raped?
That the world had just flipped, turned upside down?
That feeling you had, the night she lost?
That evil had triumphed over good?
That feeling of despair?


Well, get ready for a second dose come November 2020.

No amount of shilling on social media is going to save you faggots.

inb4 it's over

Attached: 9e1.jpg (361x324, 51K)

Same time tomorrow?

Attached: ...over, it's....jpg (227x938, 88K)


Not yet it isn't.

It really isn't.

Attached: It's never over.jpg (200x314, 15K)

whats over?



ok boomer

>supports oldest president in history
Yes, I'm the boomer

Call J G Wentworth.
877 Cash Now.

The moron did it to himself. Wonder how that impeachment feels to his ego

Yes, you are.

That would be Carter.

I'm white and not

shut up cumskin

White people shouldn't vote.

fuck your dumb shit this is a spiderman thread now

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Goddamit just in time

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This is all you got user..over and over after day...Sad and small life you have :))

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democracy is victory!

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Oldest at inauguration

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Screenshotting to make sure this post gets more viewing. You are doing the lord's work. Not even a trump supporter myself as I'm not american and couldnt give a flying fuck, but the liberal tears and rage moments are what I crave in life. Bless you, user.

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Pelosi just handed your your little balls, bitch.

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At last, now can we collectively lower our blood pressures up in this?

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Is this by the onion?

No just very obviously shooped

Lmao thanks for guaranteeing 4 more years you drunk fucking cunt Pelosi


To Trump's ego? As if he cares. He thinks that he's a genius and the rest of the world is stupid. Wait for his treats after he's successful in the Senate trial.

Fuck how much I hate those muslim pigs

I'm not a Trump supporter, but tonight's impeachment vote literally means nothing.

The trial will move to the Republican controlled Senate and he will be acquitted.

Democrats just blew, completely blew their chances for Trump to be defeated in 2020 on this impeachment shit-show.

If they had ANY fucking brains at all, they would have tried to defeat him and gain majority control over the Senate. That way if he did win again, then they COULD remove him. But Pelosi and the house Democrats fucked everything, wasted time and taxpayer money, and made themselves the laughing stock of the country.

Any of you watch tik Tok videos?

You're right. It's over. The result of the Senate test vote this evening found that over 70 Senators plan to vote not guilty when the articles of impeachment come before the chamber in 2 weeks. That includes 20 Senate Dems. And current polls find that Trump now leads ALL Democrat challengers, while Democrat now trail Congressional Republicans by 9 points and support for impeachment dropped nearly 15 points in numerous current polls. So yes, it's over for the Democrats. They just guaranteed Trumps re-election. Lmfao

The tall man...

>It's over.
Reminder that if Trump was doing a bad job running the country, the Jews wouldn't be so obsessed with getting rid of him...

Attached: Trump-Economy-570x321.jpg (570x321, 49K)

lol. I’ll take “total bullshit” for 200, Alex.

>Any of you watch tik Tok videos?

>If they had ANY fucking brains at all, they would have tried to defeat him and gain majority control over the Senate. That way if he did win again, then they COULD remove him. But Pelosi and the house Democrats fucked everything, wasted time and taxpayer money, and made themselves the laughing stock of the country.

Don't jinx it dude, everything is going to plan.

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Takes 67 to remove, duder.

doubt senate is gonna impeach him. didn’t happen with clinton, probably won’t happen again. plus senate is republican so chances of him getting impeached by them are low

Hell yeah nigga me too!

Uhhh, have you been in a cave the last 48 hours, kid? Took me 5 seconds to Google, an that user post is 100% accurate. You think denial of reality will help Dems in 2020?

Impeachment is a scam anyway. Clinton got impeached for having a Jewish girlfriend, Johnson got impeached simply because of his association with Abraham Lincoln.
Its a 100% political process and has nothing to do with "High Crimes and Misdemeanors".
If we impeached presidents for that, 75% of them would had been put in federal prison.

This is really funny to read knowing it's a white dude who just got really happy from saying nigga

Peak copypasta material

I'm black af but not ghetto black but not white black but fuck voting for a Cheeto or a witch fuck voting if no good candidates

Haha is it though... is it really?

so why do magafags support trump if all he does is support kikes while his daughter gets fucked in the ass by one?

Because we like the jews more than we like you. Not very hard to figure that one out

lit come back bro. that was epic xd

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Either way he still sucks kike cock to the Max & his cucked q-tard peons never mention that.

Haha okay, I'm back.

i can only speak for detroit, most of that property is owned by private individuals who would rather let it go to shit and lower the value to buy more property at the lower price. then flip it with high value buildings after years and years. it doesnt seem like the city wants to do anything about the blight either, like giving out fines

lol imagine if the first female president was donald trump's daughter

holy shit what will the left do then?

i’m gay and i’m voting trump 2020

it’s extremely plausible

Attached: Trump2024.jpg (763x1024, 108K)

just think about it holy hell

what will they hate on then? her last name? all the women who wanted to vote for hillary because she was a woman would have to vote for her right?



Dear Clintons,

You know what's deplorable?

Being Impeached!!!


3:49 PM - 10 Sep 2016

Isn't this technically an ad?

Why so salty?