There’s some shady links on this otherwise clean site, no? How does it stay up?

There’s some shady links on this otherwise clean site, no? How does it stay up?

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Other urls found in this thread:


seems shady, but it is just propably some porn hub (lol) with all the links n shit, none of it is propably illegal (even the "lolita" ones lol)
All of it is just propably either amateur or paid actors, if not, this website would be btfo instantly by fbi

Maybe it’s a honeypot

Oh shit, it is actually quite shady Christ...

Did you click one of them?

oh its one of these wormholes

Fucking yeah, you can see some irl loli, the shit that I normaly see on .onion websites, I guess when I said "there is more serious shit on the safe web than on the deeb web" I were right. fucking damint.

The site itself is no different than any other porn aggregator, ala porhub or xnxx. But they appear to host links to illegal shit. Is this just a poorly kept secret, or a honeypot, or not as bad as it appears

Every fbi agent watching this thread:

Attached: 1573943072906.jpg (646x595, 42K)

Enjoy getting v&. Thanks for verifying

Meant for

I mean, I am not saving any of this shit, most of it is propably bait by fbi waiting to be downloaded.

Hey if they’re watching let’s hope they do something about the site

Is it full on CP or is it just nudist pics

Well, if you click an image it redirects you to one of predefined links, you either get on non cp, mild cp, or some fucked up cp, How did this shit get on the safe web.
Anyways, we are propably busting some pedophiles' favorite website by mentioning it rn, good job to

Good shit

Most of those websites linked look in a way that they can only be used by someone who knows how to use it, I see weird symbols and options to click on them.
Also, do not click on those links by yourself, your ip might be grabbed and you might be ddosed.

Everyone be careful out there

I advise to not look, if you have to look just have a peek for a second. AND ESPECIALY DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS SHIT BECAUSE IT IS A CRIME

I didn’t. Just was looking for some legal porn from Reality Kings and I stumbled upon the site and was confused by what looked like illegal shit. I figured you guys would know what was up

every one of these sites has at the bottom
"All models were 18 years of age or older at the time of depiction." meaning that they might be done by one person or by one group

Maybe they are 18 like kitty jung or something. You sure this is CP

it spells "i11egal pussy" what else could it be than these links of websites being pedophiliac.

Attached: ohshitnigga.png (351x100, 63K)

Holy shit okay. Also nice file name kek

top 100 young model says
all 18+ so that links good

According to they all say that

They link to "random" (one of the predefined) links, first time I clicked it was full on cp

kitty porn
top lolitas
guys im scared

Define full on CP because nudism or artsy pics are legal. See the movie pretty baby starring brook shields

Stay safe.

off topic is duckduckgo a good tor browser or not

CP sex n shit, the first link I clicked, now when I click it or others it does not show up.

Ech that’s bad

Why are you still clicking though? Aren’t you worried about getting v&

this is fucked, i saw little ukraine girl

>looking for tor mechanics
Off-topic my ass

How’d you know she was Ukraine?

the title said so

Im not afraid because I am not downloading shit, I am in europe
I just saw some child maybe 4 years old
These set of websites ensure me that pedophiles should be fucking hanged

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i looked it up with duckduckgo and i wanna know if it even matters
no sus shit

we should, b4 it becomes legal
it might, with how crazy the world is it might

we should what? I did not understand the message

I sympathize with the pedo to some extent. They can’t control their desires more than you or I could. Sexuality is the most powerful force in the human mind. The pedophile who goes through their entire life without ever acting on their desires deserves a fucking medal. That being said there is no excuse for actually hurting a child and by viewing hardcore CP you are incentivizing just that



u never know, that aside
i think this shit goes deeper

it does.

Attached: 1574098805357.jpg (480x480, 26K)

Fun Fact; Tor is used for illegal activity 100% of the time that Irish police CAN seize your computer if you're believed to have it. My friend was investigated two years ago for revenge porn (someone on tumblr made a burner account and sent him cp because he made a tit out of them to the tune of 400k notes, which got a visit from the police because his ISP called interpol and so on) and the first question he got asked was if he ever used Tor so yeah keep in mind (everyone here), if you have Tor on your PC and the Police ever get your PC there isn't a lawyer in the world worth calling, just ask for 20 apples and cyanide yourself.

That’s just conspiracy theories. I think the reason why we see pedos in religion or stardom or corporations is because power corrupts. Give the wrong person enough power and influence and they start to believe they’re untouchable and to test this they do the worst thing imaginable

thats not fair, that a fucking police state

so no tor huh

Nigga, it's used for CP and Drugs, it doesn't exactly have a rep for being a free alternative to NordVPN so you can watch Norwegian Netflix so cut the shit.

now that i read the post i replied to,
i take back What i said

hang them

By that logic, if I have a VPN I the police can probe me and investigate because "I MUST BE TORRENTING ILLEGALY"

u pretty much worded my statement batter

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Well there are plenty of people who use VPNs to protect their info on principle, probably more than the ones that use it for torrenting shit. The only reason vpns are seen that way is because people like fucking Craig cant shut up about how he torrented his new movies at work. The same is true about Tor, we just hear about the silk road and cp and assume that's the only reason people use it.

OK GUYS, I think I can give a conclusion:
If you click a preview pic it will redirect you to thousand different sites and so on
until you press "download"
when you press "proceed with download" it redirect you to some MEGA rip offs (Of course you need to pay to make acc), those CP vids and pics might be bait for people to build traffic and download from those websites making statistics.

can we confirm it

So is it CP or not? People here are saying it is

I second that.
Either that or so some agency can make u give them your info to put you on a list

it is (atleast the previews and file names suggest so)

Attached: hmmm.png (1539x728, 369K)

seems likely, but it could be sum else i dont think it was in plain sight. it took sum digging to get

here is the "redirect to file" shit

Attached: Bruh.png (991x370, 7K)

Uhh boys, the records (domain name ownership records) point to this address: 1928 E. Highland Ave. Ste F104 PMB# 255

When you Google it, it's for a company called "botox online" in Phoenix.

Report to the feds?

propably fake adress to make the site seem legit to normies.

its something like
violation in California

Uhh boys.
The file (domain owner records) links the address: 1928 E. Highland Ave. Ste F104 PMB# 255

Which is the location of a company (botox online) theres definitely some sketchy shit going on.

lot of websites reporting scams and advertising
this is a deep rabbit hole

What do you mean?

they ran a bitcoin scam site

Didnt see my 1st post go through. I'm a fucking pleb.

Anyway, both domains are owned by the same company. And through the same registrar. The pedo link could be reported to namesilo (the registrar) or the feds. But either one could be in on it.

I’ve learned too well to never click links from Sup Forums, and judging by the replies, I’m sure as hell not gonna here either.

Fuck I'm too far in.
I found a forbidden archive page
I'm worried Sup Forums

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So it’s not CP? Just a way to scam dirty pedos out of cash?

post screenies


Found it where? What was on it?

address leads to a place called ahipoki with a fish logo. sketchy place with no rating or reviews

Definitely not clicking this, 100% a honeypot. Fuck them pedos anyways though idgaf.

post screenshots niggers

A fuck ton of links to more Cp Page's I think.

The first link is clean. It’s links on the first link that are sketch

dont believe me look it up urself
also im not black

Attached: Screenshot_20191218-231628.jpg (720x1280, 425K)

ahipoki is a fucking food bowl place with fish. Theres a chain in AZ and CA called ahipoki bowl.

But it's also the address for botox online

ok, guess that location was fake to fool normies.
oh shit am i the normiefag

bout to look it up

Well, the deeper you go the more cp it gets.
Only after some digging in "download" links started showing up.
It is propably to make a pedo look at some cp and jack off to be fully sex driven, the next link he clicks contains a download link, while sex driven he pays for everything and downloads it.
That's some deep shit Sup Forumsros.

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user im scared. and ik im not the only one

Gonna say it one more time, in Ireland if you use TOR in specific, you're getting a knock on the door.

Idk if it's fake, I could be a undercover ring run by a fishy fishbowl fast food fag. Maybe they're owner is running a pedo ring?

If we could find the chains owner, a search of him might yield some shit

maybe cuz the ira idk i dont even live there

As I said, this is most likely a fake adress to fool the normies into thinking that it is the people under the adress.

frick, i never thought about that.
say r there any glows here. you'd think mods would take this thread down


The non https ones are the really fucked up ones