Remember that time people said Trump collude with Russians to get elected?

Remember that time people said Trump collude with Russians to get elected?

Crazy amirite?

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Same folks who said heavy metal music caused suicides. the people of the past are stupid.

>four more years
>maybe if I keep shitposting it it’ll come true
fat dementia fuck won’t even finish the term

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Wait, I thought he colluded with the Ukrainians. Now I'm all confused.

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>5 more years

even “obummer” would never

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i mean he did rob many americans with obamacare, which was ruled unconstitutional...

not even nearly comparable to getting impeached KEK

this entire impeachment trial is exactly the same as the reason trump is being impeached, and as for the military aid part... it's no worse than how reagan got into the office.

it is when they're making it about upholding the constitution dumbass

He did

Google Obama impeachment.. now google trump impeachment.. I’ll wait newfag

It's still crazy.

completely possible

the only thing this soon to be acquitted impeachment will do is secure another trump victory for 2020

Obama won two terms without even an impeachment scandal let alone the house impeaching you, trump ain’t gonna win shit but a swift kick in the ass.. he should just kill himself

thats not the point you illiterate swine... btw i voted for obama and hillary i just also happen to have a brain and not ignore the facts. if you actually trump did anything worse than any other politician you're just flat out dumb

>btw I voted for obama
>and for hillary
>I just also happen to have a brain
>not ignore the facts
Cringe asfuck go kill yourself

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the democrats claim to want to help people, but happily throw away millions on a pointless impeachment, while simultaneously helping pass a 1.4 trillion budget for us to continue to police the world when there are millions of people that could use a meal or financial help. crazy amirite? this country's government is complete shit... George Washington warned us that political parties would only tear us apart... smh

>pointless impeachment

Why even elect a president if you think they're allowed to do whatever the fuck they want when they're in office?

lmao okay faggot we'll talk after the senate vote... cant wait for another 4 years of this clown bc the libtards make every gd redneck come out their hole to vote for him

ask the hillbillies. i never wanted him in office but this impeachment isn't going to change a thing he'll still finish out his term, that why i called it pointless. but for the record every damn president has done whatever they wanted.

Here's video of Trump in 2014 saying what being impeached would do to Obama:

Remember that time when Trump signed off on sanctions against Russia for interfering in the election?

moral of the story politics are fucking stupid, and theres not politician you can trust anymore

Nice green text btw Newfag, I’m suprised you even know how to use a ballot let alone the internet

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remember that one time the media used "internet trolls" and "facebook advertisements" as examples of how russia supposedly interfered in the election, after they were forced to admit that it would be nearly impossible for someone to "hack" voting machines, as they are not connected to a network?

if this is the same guy that said kys and newfag already he desperately needs laid before the insecure nerd kills himself

found him

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And that video games cause violence, porn causes rape, and lolicon is the same as pedophilia.

All stupid people.

reality is that Trump supporters can’t get laid.. KEK conservatives swear

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>Remember that time people said Trump collude with Russians to get elected?

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according to you this is what women desire

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>Trump supporters can’t get laid

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>can’t get laid

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>illiterate swine
>voted for Obama and Hillary
>I dont ignore facts
This is a bait poster
This guy is correct but he is a faggot

that'd be funny if i were a trump supporter

That dudes a g

Proof that Trump's party is the big tent party.

the dudes not right but is a faggot

and idk if he's bait posting as much as he's probably independent and sane

You can’t say you’re not a trump supporter when you are one but don’t want to be opted in with
>CUCKservatives dont get laid
>trump supporters can’t get laid
because you know those are statements ANYONE could agree with, even people not even informed on politics

Trumps presidency is a great honeypot to filter and weed out all low iq hillbillies. America should be purified from them, as they slow the country down more than immigrants. This fact cannot be refuted.

those hillbillies (white people in America in general) came here bacaud they got their asses kicked out of Europe and sent on some fucking boat over here, rejects by blood

im not a trump supported as i didnt vote for him and im registered as independent, crazy how that works

you learn something new everyday apparently

So true. This difference in this case though is that Trump HAS NOT been impeached. It's just more hopeful lies from the media.

>Proof that Trump's party is the big tent party.
There's a lot of shit stupid people out there
and you can't go wrong marketing to them.

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>Trump HAS NOT been impeached
>please be patient
>I'm not very smart
>I'm a Trump supporter

you all need to learn how politics work and quit arguing on Sup Forums like a bunch of goons. our only hope is to burn down dc, remove parties, send every current gov official to the north sentinel island and start over

that doesn't mean he's a trump supporter. and the media is hyping this up to high school and college kids who know jack shit about the process. i'd love to him gone but its just crazy how many people think its over with

collusion would mean it was private


So you got dropped on your head as a kid?


I think he colluded with the Democrats by getting them to run a shit candidate against him. They're even doing it again! Thanks Obama

The Russians had access to to the voting machines.

Then why do Dems oppose voter ID?

>obama starts 5 wars
>gets a netflix deal
>trump ends one
>gets impeached

neva 4get

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Kennedy was your best president, and you killed him.
Trump opens new workplaces, and you want to impeach him.

Maybe you really are that stupid and deserve all the misfortune.

Trump doesn't like war, its bad for business.

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Drawings of children being fucked is the same as pedophilia, retard

>Kennedy was your best president, and you killed him.

You're kidding, right? He nearly started a nuclear war with the USSR, he murdered Marilyn Monroe, he collaborated with the mafia, he tried to overthrow Cuba. Those were just the highlights.

Let's not forget the Trump family was banned from operating charity in New York because they STOLE from a KIDS CANCER charity

Don’t think you know what you’re actually talking about dumbass


That's completely accurate, traitor.

least they didn't steal the kids like so many other "charities"

lolicon doesn't CAUSE pedophilia, it's an outlet

print("He colluded with ") ;

TRUMP 2020 BITCHES!!!!!!!! Fkn idiot Demo's just guaranteed his reelection. They should have listened to Harry Reid lol. Psycho lefties are pissing off the moderate lefties. Its fucking hilarious.

These trips lie. God has already said that the Mango Mussolini will leave next June.

They worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
– Revelation 13:4-5

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The business of the United Snakes *is* war, dummy.

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I'm sure you are a troll but here goes anyway. Each state runs its own voting machines. Each district in each state controls those voting machines in their district. The Russians would have had to have access to thousands of non internet connected devices to "hack" the voting.

Russians were found to have hacked some districts' machines. Not all districts.

I thought we had banned you extreme Christians from Sup Forums. Take your stupid religion elsewhere. This is a site for enlightened anons.

Citation needed, and I will apologize.

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>says the user who's arguing with an atheist

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Just do some simple research and you won't have to apologize.

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When was it ruled unconstitutional?
The law is still in effect.

Btw the Earth is flat af. google it, you'll see. thank me later

My simple research shows that no machines were hacked. Work on your reading comprehension.

You forget the part where the the investigation, and I quote, "did not find sufficient evidence that the campaign "coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities""

several months before an election the democratically controlled house charges our president with impeachment with 0 evidence, only "presumptions" of impropriety. the republican controlled senate will follow the rule of law and not convict because 0 evidence. i am surprised more people are not offended by the motivation of the democartic party and the disrespect it shows to us, the citizens. yes, our president is a bully. bullies get shit done

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Are you not upset at how stupid the leadership of the Democrats is acting? Left center liberals are sick of the stupid shit. Right center are DONE. Minorities working at highest employment rate ever. lol

I want to be clear. I don't like the guy. I do like the way he is kicking China in the balls, the way he is leading the deregulation of some things, and getting the government out of the way of economic growth. Fucking China wants to rule the world, and we are giving it to them. They are thinking 200 years down the road. The Europeens have been getting fat off the USA generous trade deals since WW2, when USA had to use the Marshall Plan and rebuild the shit pile that THEY CREATED. The whole continent was rubble, and we got them going again. What do we get?
Fuck you guys. Should have let the Germans or Russians have you and done trade deals with them.

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It still is.

There is still no proof.

today sometime and to be clear is was the part that mandated each person to be part of it or you pay a "fine"

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also im not caught up on all the details because of everything else going on

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idk what your beliefs are but if god were real trump and hillary and the rest of these children wouldnt be running this country

Fucking underrated

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Why even elect a president if the other party can just impeach them for bullshit?

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