Femanons, how would you describe your ideal penis?

Femanons, how would you describe your ideal penis?
Big or small, shaved or hairy, uncut or cut, veiny or smooth, etc.?

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Not Asian.

but Asian guys can have nice dicks

8-9 inches. Shaved or trim (I kind of like prickles if thats weird), cut, smooth.

Aesthetically, 2.5-3 inches, shaved, cut, smooth, fat boy.


6-7 inches long, about 3,5-4,5 girth, trimmed pubes and of course clean. The one in OP's picis WAY to big for my liking. I actually fucked a guy with something like that once and i could barely walk for 2 days afterwards. It gave me a pretty intense orgasm though but overall a dick like that would be a pain for a relationship. Guys with big dicks also tend to think that alone makes them amazing in bed which it does not

Dick size is not all that though. The best sex i had by far was with some FWB guy some years ago and he had a normal dick. What he was a master at though was the mental games, teasing and build up. Every time we slept together i would have several super intense orgasms from PIV alone and that has never happened with anyone else.

Why do you think everyone and their grandmother bought "50 shades of Gray" even though its a poorly written piece of trash and went to see that shitty movie? THAT is what women want. Not some massive dick

Timestamp to prove femanon

are big dicks like that fun to play with at least?

ITT: homosexuals telling a zoomer their dick preferences

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So women like mind games? Why am I not surprised. Shade of grey was so badly written my 6 year old self could have done better. Though, imagine a fat guy doing the same thing instead of that Christian grey or whatever. The girl in the move wasn't attractive and did absolutely nothing that was attractive, btw.

Actually the actual fucking isn't really that hot to me, too. For me I love the physical and visual tease and foreplay, and dirty talking. But many women think a nice body is enough and just lay there like a dead fish, too. Goes both ways.

Tits or gtfo

Can you fags stop talking about dicks already?

>Big or small, shaved or hairy, uncut or cut, veiny or smooth, etc.?
This is the name of the thread. fuck off

The 50 shade analogy is shit replace the millionaire handsome guy with a regular looking middle class guy and women find it rapey, creepy and gross

Nah dude, they SAY their girlies with boobers, why would they lie about that???

3.5-4.5 inch girth? thats a mighty pencil dick at 7 inches long, like, wtf

Uncut, not too long, thick, trimmed pubes, smooth. Dont understand why some prefer cut dicks over uncut

>Why do you think everyone and their grandmother bought "50 shades of Gray" even though its a poorly written piece of trash and went to see that shitty movie? THAT is what women want. Not some massive dick

Christian Gray was a massive dick.

that description is the most unfemale thing i have ever read


Im on a long haul bus, so no

Yes. Its something incredibly erotic about a huge dick but as i said, for PIV its not necessarily great. The guy i mentioned though in my first post, hes kind of a man whore and i have two friends who also slept with him. One of them thought it was amazing and the other one did not even get that far since there was no way he was going to fit into her

The closest your getting to a female here is a tranny. Remember kids no such thing as chicks with dicks just dudes with tits.

Of course if some really unattractive guy tries the same its not going to work. Looks matter, anyone who says anything else is a liar

Its about control though. The guy in question i slept around with was pretty fit, but average height, face etc. But as i said, he was REALLY good at those mind games. So much so that i was wet and horny as hell the entire day before i went over

What your attracted to is assholed and hypergamy. Like any western roastie. By the time your 30 you’ll be telling that boring accountant he is so good in bed and his cock is huge, just so he’ll put a ring on your finger and you can avoid being a lonely spinster.


please deteail this, girls said to me I'm great at sex (the act), but also they had better/intense orgasm with normal guys who made a better PIV

So if I'm getting right, I kinda have a nice cock !

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t. low confidence bottom

it is a really nice cock

Thanks, are you the femanon ?

Fuck off incel

A big dick gives a kind of deep massaging feeling that smaller ones can't, but at the same time there is discomfort so its a bit weird. Its really good, but also painful.

Smaller dicks can go harder and faster which is good in its own right, but you dont get that sensation of being filled. Pros and cons with both

Curve and position also matters. My current BF is quite curved and in the right positions like if he lifts me up in missionary he hits all the right spots

As i said though,its about the build up, the mood and the mental aspect about it. Learn to push her buttons and the actual act of fucking matters less

do you prefer uncut or cut? shaved or hairy?

>hurr durr incel
Keep coping roastie. But Prince Charming ain’t coming

Women only care about one thing and its fucking disgustang.

Pic related women cream themselves at any hint they are dating someone rich

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Used to be a professional photographer, used to work at a modeling agency. Was friends with basically every model that worked there male and female. Would often do nude shoots. During drinks everyone wanted to know who had the biggest dick. Consensus was long +7 and thick +6 with an upwards curve and foreskin was the ideal/dream dick.

Everyone that's ever confess to me about the sexuality/sexual preferences largely prefers a larger penis. I've learned they won't confess it to you unless your their type or they're never going to have sex with you and know you won't betray them.

TL;DR high majority of women and men, especially younger prefer bigger then average penises but don't normally voice it due to big penises being rare

6-7 doesnt like em big. Average size is 5.5.... sigh

I got a question, when they said 7inches are like 7 inches "from the belly"? because when I read doctors said you have to push the ruler against the fat and mesure from your pubic bone.

>Learn to push her buttons

me again...
that's my question how to push her buttons, because I took a massage course and all I get was to get her relaxed and sometimes sex, but not super orgasm

Any femanon still here?
What about this. 7.5 x 5.5

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Big/thick, shaved, uncut, clean

Let me stop you right there if you got a belly you'll pretty much out of the running unless your rich and they don't care

larping as women thread

Never fucked anyone with an uncut dick. And completely shaven looks kinda weird especially if you get razor burn. Bush is kinda nasty, so trimmed is perfect. The most important thing though is hygiene.
6 inches is pretty normal though and half an inch is a pretty minuscule difference. To put it this way, if you dick is bang on average its fine for most girls.

Can anyone trace the sauce on this?

Their is only so much you can learn user. After that it comes down to
1. Does she on a primary level see you as a worthy mate
2. Her mental state and values vs yours.
Example I had a girl once who could only cum facedown on a cold hard surface. Worked every time. But I hated it didn’t feel nice.
Current girl only likes the most gentle of touches and gets of huge from lovey dovey sex

Petite half asian here so.whos only been with 1 6in guy forever so: cut, long thick girthy sizeable dick (who doesnt like that), cut, trimmed minimal to light/reg hair. And some veins are kinda hot w smoothness, but vericose shit is weird.

Good luck actually finding big dicks, they're basically endangered species especially long and girthy ones. It's a shame when you do find one and he's cut. Big veins you can feel are the shit though


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Kasia Mi on FB

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fucking moar, need to COOOOOM

Im a sissy, slutty, faggot. I like the smell of an anus when its getting wet. My dream is having a cute big cocked woman as a life companion who cums in my anus several times. Ill suck on her girl cock for hours as we watch Netflix cause we like to cuddle and prepare constantly for her to squirt her girl load all over and inside me.

I bet your cock is hard. You faggot.

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Your a thot

I'm uncut at 7.5 inches with a decent girth. Wife is Asian and I'm the biggest age has had. She said she married me mostly because of my cock haha

How good does her pussy feel?

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Why do you keep posting this?

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200 iq post of the century right here.

Op has a micropeen

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About 3 inches fat and full of $100 bills. Dick size isn't important.

Python script.

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LOL imagine being this much of a buttmad small dicked faggot

That's cause it's a fag looking for an ass dick.

Best sex I've ever had was with a guy with a 6 incher, uncut and trimmed pubes so yeah

Your dick is not 7.5 and not 5.5 girth fucking faggot.
