Howdy Anons, come on it, the feels bar is opening up for tonight. Come take a seat...

Howdy Anons, come on it, the feels bar is opening up for tonight. Come take a seat, order a drink and converse with each other. Vent what's bugging you, small or big. Everyone is welcome.

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Howdy bartender,

I'll skip the drink and just be drinking water unfortunatly.

I'm pregnant and hiding from it from my boss. Shes already warned me that I'd I get pregnant that she will let me go.
It's super illegal but it's easy to get away with since she can just say shes firing me for other reasons....

So I'll be losing my extra money soon

What's your job, if you don't mind me asking?

fuck that, get a double.

So your pregnant? That mean you take a nut, huh? Such a hoe.

If the bitch gonna fire you, punch her. At least then she has a reason.

Also. tits or gtfo

Gimmie a light, I have no hands
Delete fetus
I'm pretty sure there's a console command for that.

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Hey bar tender I need lots of vodka

But anyways I am feeling like shit all my Freinds are gone and ice had to resort to talking to people online for a while too feel less lonley being in highschool still is this a problem I should try getting out of?

Also I'm big sick pic related

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INB4 you complain about bad spelling I'm on my phone

Double of wild turkey please.

Im 30 and a 19 year old is wanting to date...I know it's odd...but Im cool with it

I shaved and showered tonight with the hope of having an online fap with my boyfriend but he was busy all night and he just said goodnight before going to sleep and I feel black panther

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I'm a waitress

I've taken loads of nuts lol
I was trying to get pregnant so I was going all in for a while there haha

Ah yes violence seems reasonable.

And nah

I actually wanna keep it haha. It wasn't a mistake. All planned..shocking I know. Who has a baby on purpose now a days??

The existence of blacks bothers me. We need death camps. They literally cannot be trusted and hopefully next term Trump does something about it.

Have you started looking for a new job?

Give me a water faggot i ain't paying for shit. I'm going to smoke some meth and hang out at the gloryhole.

I'm just a piece of shit
Wish I could get high to death but can't find a guy who sells me something to do that with

shot of jameson and a budweiser please

Two shots of Jack. I'm missing her so much and infuriated with myself for letting my share of heaven slip away.

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>being in highschool

You're in a place where you have no choice but to have social interaction. If you dont have any friends, thats your own problem. Unfuck yourself and quit giving a fuck about what people think.

Another one.

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Die on fent.

dickles barrel select straight and a beer, what do you have on tap?

What's that?

What's the high like?

Well it was never easy for me to get a job in the first place since I'm a slow learner. No places really had patience for that.
But also many places dont want to hire an already pregnant chick. Which I actually understand. Though I believe if an employee becomes pregnant than that's different.

By 7 months I had planned to not work anymore and focus on making sure the baby is in good condition.
I'm already 3 months.

Like junk but 1000x stronger. Especially dirty fent. A dose slip up and it's literally lights out, you lose concsiousness and stop breathing if you OD. It would be like dying in your sleep.


I farted in my hand and smell it