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I farded on my cum and cried.

Fuck off and die, stupid christfag.
You and your shitty book are worthless.

I am addicted to Dethklok porn.

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Whenever I take a cab/uber with my GF I pretend to show the driver a route on my cellphone when actually I'm showing him a nude picture of her. He usually turns to see me all confused through the rearview mirror and I just discretely point to her. The rest of the ride he constantly looks at her and her body. She has no idea.

i like the smell of my own dick

One time mom brought oysters home from a lunch she went. My sister had a friend over who hadn't tried them before so I offered to prepare one for her. I took out most of the meat of it and filled the shell with my cum. Watched her slurp it down and she said it was a bit bitter but ok.

I do too. Its steeenky.

I sucked a shemale penis

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youre an alcoholic

My father and brother have seen my gf naked and I like that fact.

it was basically just a puddle of cum in a shell she slurped up. I jizzed in a cup then poured it in



I have a massive collection of pictures saved over the last 15 years of nearly every woman I know personally that I am even mildly attracted to (all legal age). Fb/insta, nudes sent to me, nudes sent to friends that made it my way, creepshots (haven't taken any in years), snapchat screen saves, etc. They're all Friends, family, wives/girlfriends of friends, exes, fwbs, coworkers, etc. If I have plans to hang with a female friend or family member that is in my collection, i'll likely fap to her before going out to see her. That being said, I have many folders in my collection that I will probably never fap to. It's almost the same rush to just have them as it is to use them.

same, for about the same length of time.

The rush is in getting them and having them, not the actual content itself. some of them I haven't looked at for a decade and don't really plan to.

you're getting off on the power of it.

killed someone lol

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I spoon my farts with my hand onto my face because I truly enjoy the smell.
I try different diets and even condiments and seasonings on my food to see what kind of smells I can get.
I don't know why I do it. I guess my goal is yo achieve a stench not even I will like.

I’m in the student band in my group, i play guitar. Every Tuesday and Friday we rehearse with the choir. horny, good looking girl and I always have sex whenever we can during breaks. Mostly in other smaller rooms. Been going at it for about 7 months now. It’s fun


Pretty accurate actually. It started off as a fantasy fulfillment, but it morphed into a whole different thing over time.

I got caught in various ways a few times over the years, but I always found a way out of it.


I'm going to get this off my chest because I am tired of keeping it. I seriously need fucking help with my life right now and I have a severe masturbation problem that lead me into a deep hole and I have masturbated to stuff that I really wish I didn't want to masturbate too in the first place. I have been agonizing about fucking killing myself over the past few years because I feel like I am a putrid humanyetbhere i am in Sup Forums talking about this.


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Shut up atheists nigger. Go back to watching Richard Dawson foundation of science you fucking perma virgin whore.


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Lol, you fap to cp don't you Squidward

Begone nigger.

Worse than that but yes.

I did once

I'm assuming you've taken precautions to protect that stuff. If anyone ever found it and anyone in your folder ever went missing it'd seem awfully serial killy

yeah, the main thing you learn over the years is plausible deniability. always have a reason ready if they ask, always have a way to dirvert attention somewhere else, learn to stage situations to give you access to their devices for a little while.

I used to just want fap material , now its all about the thrill of getting something new and glancing down what I already own sometimes.

Well, I still masturbate to pictures of myself from when I was 13-14.


this is interestingly self sufficient. are you taking more pictures now to fap to in 10 years time?

How did they see her?

Holy fuck, I do this too.

Family trip in which she tagged along. On the 4th or 5th day we decided to try a nudist beach.

I started when I was pretty young, but that was my creepshot days in high school and I don't have those anymore for obvious reasons. I had a hidden folder named "printers" on the family computer just in case my mom stumbled on it. Then I backed them up on disks, deleted them from the computer, and stashed them on top of a vent. One day mom found them and my dumbass labelled them. Luckily she didn't make connections and thought I just kept porn. We had a "talk" and she ended up letting me keep them. Another time, I told an ex she could use the computer while I was on my way home and she found ONE folder of creepshots from a girl in my grade. I told her it was for an art project and actually found a way to incorporate them with the girl's permission (I took several real pictures after asking) and I got away with it then too. Another time, a male friend caught me creepshotting a classmate's ass, but he actually laughed and later asked for the pictures. From what I can recall, 3 girls I had in my collection at various times are now dead.

Exactly. One of my exes from when I was barely 20 had just broken up with me, but we were still cool. I asked her if I could use her phone and a dude sent her a fb message. I didn't even think about it but I checked the message. He said she looked hot, so I scrolled up on the chat. Next thing I know, I sent myself a dozen nudes she had sent him, deleted the chat, and gave her the phone back, said I accidentally opened a message but didn't read it, and acted like nothing happened. Similar shit has happened to me many times. I have also used many divertion tactics to get good creepshots. Once, the same ex that found a creepshot folder asked me if I was taking pictures of her, and I said yes, but it was because she looked so damn beautiful. Somehow got me bonus points that day. Also, these days, I will collect 20 or 30 pictures on a great day then fap to regular porn. Not even interested in fapping to them hardly.

I cum in my daughters food and shampoo and moisturizer etc...all...the...time.
I swear there are times when she has more of my cum in her than I do.

This is my pp. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

My pp is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

Without me, my pp is useless. Without my pp, I am useless. I must fire my pp. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will ...

My pp and I know that what counts in sex is not the cummies we shoot, the noise of our moans, nor the sounds we make. We know that it is the pats that count. We will pat...

My pp is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I will keep my pp clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will ...

Before God, I swear this creed. My pp and I are the defenders of my virginity. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.
So be it, until victory is pp's and there is no enemy, but peace!

Semper dick

I can't fapping to my sister and the idea of other anons fapping to her turns me on, is that weird?

Bumping for God

Father, I can’t stop hoping that Donald Trump drops dead. I really want him to die. He is a bad, bad person.