Hey Sup Forumstards, for any of those who are doctors. What is this on leg?

Hey Sup Forumstards, for any of those who are doctors. What is this on leg?

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Looks like a spider bite of some kind

medfag here


Please for the love of I pray theres no doctors on this god forsaken site

Some fucking mosquitoe bit my leg and after a few days. Shit went from a bite to this red spot.

Judging by the shape I'd guess ringworm

>medfag here
>links me to WebMd
Go fuck yourself faggot

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Why ask people what it is then if you clearly already know?

I thought it was a fucking regular bite but now knowing I have a fucking ringworm because of Sup Forums, now I have to go treat it.

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Sarcoma... AIDS

It's a ringworm. You have about 4 days from infection date to dig it out before you no longer can and it spawns. When they get to your heart, you die.

How long has it been?

First thought says ringworm. Was there any puss or scabbing or any significant amount of skin flaking off, does it hurt? Does it feel warm to the touch?

Oh there here. Other healthcare professionals too. Clinical pharmacist reporting in.

MRSA my guy

Nah, there is clearly a pustule in the center of the lesion. Obviously, its got all the hallmarks for infection. Warm compress & drain that fucker! Not seeing ringworm.

Deer tick, congratulations you have lyme disease

Ah fuck you’re right. I couldn’t see it clearly, the pustule. It looks like it ruptured now that I’ve got it full size.

Scabbed then skin started to flake a bit and right now it itches

Lyme disease is different. It would be a ring around the bite

So was this from an injury or did it just happen?

I'm betting it was a tick, and I'm betting that's the "bullseye" infection pattern of Lyme disease.

Go in to see a real doctor immediately. Lyme needs to be caught early for best treatment results. Once it gets established, even after killing the infection the symptoms can last for years.

Umm, it IS a ring around the bite.

Oh dude ringworm is pretty rad. Are you a wrestler or not clean yourself properly? Or are you are third world fag

Had this a few years ago from a mosquito bite, thought it was mrsa but I was wrong... Penicillin got rid of it after 5 days!

Nornally I avoid doctors.. But this got to a stage where it was painful to walk.

medfag here. That’s what we call Ultra Leg Aids (ULA). Unless you stop sucking so much dick, which I know you wont, you have about a month to live. Sorry OP

Looks like CSSCB (can't stop sucking cock and balls) unfortunately. It's relatively common among OPs but I haven't seen a case this severe in decades.

Its the worst case of Ligma I've ever seen.

Gastroenterologist checking in

Aids.. it's too late, you're displaying the final fatal stages.

>Lyme disease
>the symptoms can last for years.
What kind of symptoms? I've been bitten by a few ticks in the garden and while hiking over the years, had mild fevers once or twice from not removing them correctly. Haven't been bitten for a few years. I feel okay??

Leg nipple, try nursing

Make sure to bite down on the teat to get it going first

Lurk moar

Getting any kind of reaction to tick bite should be red alarm for you.

Yeah, but I'm interested to know what kind of red alarm? If I was last bitten about 4 years ago and had slight malaise and a bit of a fever for a day or two, what is there to worry about now? The only meds I took were headache tablets.

What country are you from

I have seen TV shows with doctors, am now fully qualified to give advice.

Necrotizing fasciaitis. Get it amputated or you will die.

Yeah, but I'm interested to know what kind of red alarm? If I was last bitten about 4 years ago and had slight malaise and a bit of a fever for a day or two, what is there to worry about now? The only meds I took were headache tablets.

Spider bite.

psoriasis, good luck op

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Came back to thread, it said it didn't post. Sorry for double.

It's wringworms I know this because I have a fuck ton on both my legs around the ankle area

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South Africa

Why are u a filthy nigger

As 'n Suid-Afrikaner moet jij nie mislei word deur daardie mal Amerikaners nie

I had to google translate that. Sorry, boet. Ek kan only praat Engels. My Afrikaans is worse than a toddler, and my Zulu is just the same. Feels bad man. But ja, I do agree with you.