I just got done with some work, and I got a vr headset coming on christmas. Im feeling Comfy

I just got done with some work, and I got a vr headset coming on christmas. Im feeling Comfy.

Comfy thread Boys. post comfy feels.

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Im also listening to this song. :)

comfy time

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Called OP a faggot. Now that's comfy.

it may just be me here, but im cool with that.
nothing can stop my comfyness hehe :)

hey, whatever makes you comfy fren

I even got a new little electronic fireplace that looks cool
comfy initiated

getting some cocoa now

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comfy wallpaper gif

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this thread is going to die, but i will have made at least 1 person comfy too . thats all I need to know.

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Hello fren, I'm enjoying sharing in your comfyness. Half my house flooded last night when the water line to my dishwasher broke and I'm just exhausted and depressed from all the work and damage.

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Bumping this thread. Comfy threads shouldn't be washed away in tides of porn and politics during peak comfy season.

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If you feel bad today, take a cozy hornet

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I'm very Cozy
Cuddling with my BF.
Tons of snow outside, the rest of the room is cold, but hes so warm.
The weighted blanket makes it double cozy.

And this thread just made it triple cozy

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you've made me comfy user

Thanks, fren.

Comfy time~

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Hey, I'm in bed under the blankies. I feel covered in comfy

Walking on air over Brexit, we've finally done it. Looking forward to comfy Christmas now :^)

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