So I have exactly $17.62 in my account...

So I have exactly $17.62 in my account. I just paid my overdue electric bill but no luck for my gas bill which will be shutoff on Friday. I am 33 years old this coming Monday. My wife left me in August. I have never felt like an utter loser as I do now
I've had some low points, but nothing like this. Sorry for the blog. Just felt like talking, as I don't have anyone else. Here are some tiddies. Share some stories? I dunno.

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Wanna play fortnite

Maybe join the military so you get food and a place to sleep

Sorry. I don't play Fortnite.

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Have you considered suicide ? Whiny faggots , such as yourself just get in the way . Do the world a favor and leave it.

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I am considering it. I really don't have other viable options. I have a roof over my head and I'm not behind on my rent, but otherwise I'm broke AF.

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I bet you have an xbox tho hit me up bobteh1st

Nah. I'm not leaving my kid fatherless you cock guzzling faggot.

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Sorry, PS4 my dude.

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No, youre just leaving him without heat during winter. Father of the year here folks.

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Go take out a payday loan and next time remember the electric company usually won't shut off electricity if you tell them you Have kids in the home and make a partial payment in cold months of the year so it becomes low priority.

I was once in your position ya no
And then I got an xbox and the money and hoes flew my way.

Wife took my kid with her.

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Before I unload on you for being a whiny faggot, I would like to have 2 pieces of information:

1. What is your highest level of education?
2. What is your current occupation and salary?

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I don't give a fuck about your situation, but I must say, that's a might tasty looking potato you posted.

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Doing better than most still

Tasty looking baked potato with literally nothing on it except butter. You bland fuck how could anyone trust your judgement anyway knowing you eat like a peasant???

It'll get worse.

High school. Laborer. $15 p/h.

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What judgement? I wasn't judging his situation or anything. Just admiring a picture of some tasty starchy goodness, fuckface.

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You didn't seek out further education or OTJ training? Your position in life is your own fault, you don't deserve our sympathy. You should anhero, show your kid that if your become a whiny, lonesome, faggot who bitches to strangers about his problems, the only option is killing yourself. OP is extra fag today. Black or not, you are a nigger.

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Aren't there some commie liberal millenial faggot community resources you can tap into? As long as you prove you aren't a scum bag drug addict and do have some kind of financial plan, you could talk to some churches about getting help. Go to a free clinic for medical and a food bank for food.

True. I'm just looking for small talk. I've got no one to talk to.

It always does.

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Fucking sweet tits. Go apprentice at a trade, Mike Rowe website or something. So the fuck what about your age and ex, the vast majority, like 97% of your problems are in your head

At least you had a wife user. But tbh I prefer solo mode anyway. I do whatever I want.

You judged that bland fucking potato as tasty you degenerate shit how can you even sleep at night with shit like that rolling around in your hat holder

I'm not at that point yet, but I am definitely gonna live like a nigger for a couple of months.

Lol, all these faggots telling me to kill myself. Never gonna happen. So when you hit a rough patch, y'all just bottle that shit up until you shoot up a school, right?

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Ok, your comment was nothing until you said hat holder, good job getting a kek outta me.

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Go take a payday loan, get a car title loan, take a loan against your 401k, etc do you see a pattern here you have options

I've been down some rough roads too. Just focus on fixing one problem at a time. Losing gas isn't so bad. Eat microwave food till you can get a hot plate and wear layers to stay warm.
Also why'd your wife leave you?

Then take them with you faggot

Hate to say it but he does have a point there are too many people floating around now a days.