Redpill me on Greta Thunberg

Redpill me on Greta Thunberg.

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Oh great this thread again

make new threads, Jews

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Some chick that was brainwashed by her parents to be an ecomentalist then trotted out like a show pony so they can make money off her while she reees about the boomer leaders.

Some natural climate change denier, we are plagued with the retards.

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Don't mind me; just hijacking this thread

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carry on friend

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Go to BitChute, find the Red Ice TV channel, watch their video on Greta. Same shit, different generation. Only difference this time around is half of the men are so soy infused that they want to cut their own dicks off.

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Climate change debates on Sup Forums, summarized

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She is a child who knows nothing about science and shouldn't be given a platform.

She is a child who knows nothing about science and shouldn't be given a platform.


Just post memes, mate. We don't need this thread again

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Donaldo identifies as she now? Well he has the cups for it..

You are 100% based, user.

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>redpill me

found the autist

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To be honest they both look like the don.

People hate her so much that an old man in sweden got sent in jail for sending her post mails nonstop about him wanting to rape and torture her till she died.

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If you want to convince people about an divisive issue, even one that is unarguably true. This is by far the least effective way to do it. To belittle and berate your opposition is going to get you nowhere. Fear is the only thing that will motivate people to action by the time people that were in denial are actually afraid its already too late. The evidence is overwhelming that climate change is not only real and but is happening now. On certain level is refreshing to complete and utter condemnation of the who aren't actively stalling and fighting reality. Facts don't change people's minds, emotions do.

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What I liked the most is the whole "OMG she cried during her speech" - meme, as it is nothing but. People who think this was the case perfectly illustrate that they lack the 2,5min attention span to watch the speech for themselves and rather follow a narrative based on a single picture that suits their ideas than forming an opinion. The content of the speech made it necessary to overact in order to deliver its message properly. Understanding that would require some sort of education, something "Swedish girl bad"- npcs lack.

First effective leftist meme I've ever seen actually gonna save it for the history books well done user

>when you're a try hard that thinks people care about their opinion

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They had a professional film maker following her around since she first started "her" protest lol

Damn you showed me by making you reply :^)

Alright. I've spent an hour in this thread. I'm out

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Kek, this though. The climate change debate is the best for libtards because they can die before having to prove it, it's the only reason they keep riding it so fucking hard.

Is this actually true?

whats with this zoomer only eat ass meme

Neither of them are scientists

Why the movement?

Politicians (pols) are the ones who make the laws, not the people. The people vote for pols and assume they will make laws that represent the people's interests. If someone likes a pol's message and has the funds, they may send in a contribution. A pol needs lots of small donors like that. Pols need money to get their message out.

Here comes someone (for example coal industry) with lots of money. They recognize pol might win the election (or is in office already). They offer lots of money if pol would just relax their stance a bit and not vote for this environmental bill. Just this one. Pol agrees - he's doing so well otherwise, he can afford this slight. Pol can be bought.

Greta comes along and says, "We recognize you can be bought. We don't care what you say anymore - you're a liar, and we have no reason to trust you. We're going to be able to vote soon, and we're going to vote for someone else, unless you start doing something about this shithole world you're allowing industry create. Read the reports!"

Read the science, act accoredingly. That's the message.

On Sup Forums though, the meme of being "retarded" or "fem" kind of loses its punch when a little girl with a mild case of Asperger's manages to command so much attention. Meanwhile, the unaccomplished Sup Forumstard basement dwellers can only denigrate her success in this Echo Chamber of the Wretched with the delusion that doing so will make them feel better about their own shortcomings.

fake, trump isn't a child, he's legally an adult

Trump is, he used to be an astrophysicist when he was 34-41.

Kek, are you sure you're not the one with the mild case of aspergers? She claims she can see carbon dioxide for fucks sake, that's your reliable source? We don't talk down on her because we dislike ourselves, we talk down on her because she's a dramatic retard and most of us are too nihilistic to give a shit about something that's not going to affect us anyway. Whatever happens when I'm dead just happens, should I have a reason to be as enraged as her over something I'll never experience?

You seem well-equipped with self-assurance.

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So does everyone with an argument, that's how arguments start, right? You're drooling on yourself.

>Sup Forumsbait
Go away.

She is not a 'reliable source'. She never claims to be. That's your misinterpretation to meet your own narrative and put you back in your comfort zone.

>Read the science, act accordingly. That's the message.

I disagree, most of the fags on here just blindly agree with her because "orange man not very smart". They don't even look into the science, it just gives them all the more reason to complain (as leftqueers love to do) so they run with it. Greta is just yet another person complaining and I personally think it's hilarious that you can get PoTY for complaining, most libs should have gotten that award before her in that case. So her argument is "read up on it", not trying to "getchu" but I really do wanna ask if you think that's worthy of an award?