Lol can you just imagine being so cucked by the american media that you don't see the constant trends in the country...

lol can you just imagine being so cucked by the american media that you don't see the constant trends in the country, like wages never increasing, no new rich people, just spoilt daddys kids or fuckin no shoes walkin about thinkin you're jesus because you came up with the idea for some bullshit website and dumped your parents wealth into building it, then along comes a used car salesman that's known for basically being a joke and taking his dad's money, bankrupting a bunch of companies and escaping with the cash, then trusting him to fix the country, and then being cucked enough to believe it's getting fixed while it crumbles worse than ever and the empire everybody feared 10 years ago gets laughed at even in shitty mud huts where everybody's thirsty

fuckin lol

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Other urls found in this thread:

It blows my mind how the boomers managed to pass down their conservicuck nonsense to young people. Nothing ever changes at all but god damn if them librul tranny muslim lovers aint ruinin mah cuntry.

thats what happens when you educate them like feeding garbage to a sow

Whole world has internet access yet all the newfags took all the memes 100% srsly and have no critical thinking skills because all they do is parrot pop culture nonsense and watch nasal voiced yuppies play video games on stream.

ahahahaha this is so true

i suppose it really became true that when you act like retards you just attract all the retards, and these retards are a captive market to any words in greentext

You got it

And meanwhile, those tranny muslim lovers still have right-wing fiscal beliefs. Which is exactly why the mainstream media doesn't pillory them, because trannies are a great distraction from unions.


you're an idiot.

I remember being 16 and ignorant

Turns out politics is a dog and pony show, like sports, it only exists to captivate the minds of the simple and keep the machine chugging on.
>govt is wool in front of your eyes, potus is a figurehead, nwo is real and happened 30 years ago, nothing you can do but change yourself

Found the brainwashed youths

>no new rich people

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>not understanding the irony in their own post

What, now youre 20 something and believe in the state? Seems like you should have stayed 16 you fuckin bootlicker

I'm sorry. Did you say something?

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You have to go back.


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Dumb fuck.

I'm not the attention whore making these worthless threads.

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Neither am i you shitposting meme lord idiot

Do these memes trigger you? Do you need to lie down?

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Oh now youll tap out umads to me like youre some Sup Forumsite ironic shit king huh? You arent rustling anyone jimmies you dumb fuck. Am i using "bad words" at you? Oh no no no, i must be triggered.
Youve got shit for brains fam.

I'm just enjoying you slowly descend into a spastic baby drooling in the corner.

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Nice rhetoric there retard. Struck some nerves did i? Apparently youre now trying to convince yourself of why youre even still here giving me (You)s
Git gud

>being american
>trusting the government

What nerve do you think you struck?

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>Implying Hillary voters are going to vote trump in 2020.

The Dems have this in the bag as long as they don't put up a shit candidate.

Whatever one that keeps you slipping on your spaghetti ITT you special ed motherfucker

Which one? Literally all are losing to him.

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Why so much hostility?

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You need to update your pictures to show trump how he really stands.
>Hands draped out
>Ass popped

Attached: donald-trump.jpg (618x412, 62K)

Whatever helps you sleep.

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Why so much nonsense? Am i not responding your god emporer memes the right way? I must be hostile, mad, and a democrat huh?

No. Just a dumbass.

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With Trump being Impeached now it solidifies his win for 2020 in 11 months.
Democrats probably have pulled one of the most, if not most retarded stunt in history by doing what they did.

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Democrats may never send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Breaking news.

they must have been polling-

So......they did a I Hate Trump vote and call it an impeachment?

>So......they did a I Hate Trump vote and call it an impeachment?
That is exactly what they did.

Why is your favorite word cucked?

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Oh you. Top kek.

Funny how you drop all pretense only after you try and fail to elicit the response youd hoped for you dumb fuck Sup Forums babby

omg who made this fucking picture!?

The blue Angel's flying above some golden hulk knockoff with fucking WW2 panzer tanks and what looks like North Korean troops and some fucking navy uniforms. This is a jumblefuck of google photoshop.

What response was I expecting?

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I borrowed the picture and it is awesome.

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Obviously not this one faggot, how would any of us hope to know what goes on in that elite Sup Forums high iq brain of yours?
Or are you just a bored newfag that thinks hes ironically funny?
I wonder

You're the one that said it. You feel better about yourself now?

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How's Russia this time of year, Vlad?
Do they pay you a lot to make these pictures?

How's "muh russia" going for you lad?

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Stay out of my countries politics exsoviet shit. Are you guys still butthurt the capitalist mixed market crashed your republic. No real American would put this much effort into meming this jackoff.

The only solution is to import massive amounts of people from violent 3rd world countries. Upon being exposed to American oxygen they suddenly become gentle patriotic geniuses. They almost never advocate for removal of guns, hate speech laws, and open borders for their fellow countrymen. They all become constitutional scholars that really love the founding fathers and all that shit

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Must be nice living in your bubble.

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>no shoes
Just because you're pissed you keep dying in WoW PvP doesn't mean we want any more of your failure.

>not understanding why capitalism doesn't heap wealth on 15 year olds
Do you even consume your own media?

actually lost at OPs attempt of using written language

don't worry OP you'll finish that dropout recovery program eventually

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Your country is drying up. You will never be what you once were. I get it. Your seeking revenge against the established American government for what they did to your country. Unfortunately the people in your country only know how to be serfs so you never really stood a change to the Anglos superiority.

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I'm glad Russia is going down in flames.

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this. Also english is literally the easiest language on the planet, but OP - which I suppose is an amerilard - managed to fuck it up nonetheless.
Go an hero, OP. It's the best option you have. Trust.

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Really Vlad? You sure are keen on supporting American politics that destroys itself and boosts Russian influence globally.

you're still all fuckin retards

imagine being american and thinking your opinions need to be either - pro trump or pro democrats

lol you guys really need to read something other than fuckin Fortnite beginners guides and actually learn about the world before you cuck yourselves into even worse bullshit than your parents have already left you in

honest to god the amount of dumbshit basement dwelling faggots who think that trump is working for a society where they can make jokes about niggers and kikes, lol you fuckin NEETs are gonna be the first in the camps because you're worthless to Trump other than keeping his chingchong hat factories open

like honestly never go to buy a car, if you remember danny devito in Matilda, you'd be buying some goatmobile from him and thinking you're the persuasion 100 masterrace

ok boomer

>Trump army then and now

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>What you once were

.. a cesspool?
>pic related: the only valuable lands in the european continent

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this is because you guys don't understand the various forms of english other than the Queen's English which is why you're retarded, you're not able to learn more than what you can use to pretend to look smart on the internet


>Everyone's Mad

I know one person being constantly mad...typically venting by bitch posting on twitter.

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How? By supporting a President that is stewarding a booming economy? Strange way of going about that Russian influence, no?

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lol just because I know how to add pressure to a boiler and work a washing machine doesn't make me a boomer

go back to the kitchen, think your microwave just dinged and the tendies are ready

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Does twitter really trigger you so much?

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Close, except the media cucked people into thinking he should be impeached, not that he was a good president. We know he's good from the growth of the economy, the fact that there are new rich people (despite your misinformation), and his success in turning a million from his father into billions (many lotto winners with much more go into debt quick because they're idiots, not Trump).
The only things threatening our nation (from within at least) are people calling for socialism (a known failure) and/or open borders (which invites crime, burdens the nation with more to sustain, and literally brings "foreign interference" into elections).
The things Obama said were impossible (especially since his administration set it up to be "impossible") Trump has achieved with a basic common sense of economics and business.

I'm not even anglo, shitlord.
But it's not even hard to see you're trying to pass for non-retarded, after you had to admit you're actually retarded.
Don't worry, nobody expects you to be the new Stephen King, keep being you.

You picked up the wrong card, amerilard. (spitting rhymes on you) ... as an european, I'd bet what you consider most precious in your life I've been eating better than you did for all my lifetime. Sorry, not sorry.

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fuckin lol, he has you idiots convinced that because american companies are reporting profits that somehow that's gonna make it's way back into the econony how? all that money is getting banked overseas while your workers get fuck all money to spend lol, you guys get so cucked and treated like shit by everybody

and don't think I'm defending Obama, he was one of the worst and straight up just spent on your money murdering brown kids

when was your last good president? they've all been dirty snakes that have fucked the american people royally every time, it's down to your great system of choosing the smallest of two turds to swallow. I love that Trump won, he gave the American people the president they deserve - ignorant lying trash that'll burn the whole country down and get all those stubborn washington gargoyles who've been corrupt for so long in the process



ah, yes, the old "you're obsessed" chorus.
Dude, truth is for any average cultured man like me, nothing in the world is funnier than you, I pick up keks from politics and anthropology. Being opened to the world and intrested in discovering it, rather than search for barricades to hide behind (brainwashing does this a lot to you, so I don't blame everything on you) I'm always intrested in new things and this makes not exception.

Thus, yes, I'm quite obsessed with america, I could not do without the keks. If you pref to put it that way.

Your idea of freedom is too different from mine for us to ever agree about it. I won't ask for any reply about that, it's pointless. Learned it by lurking in /pol, lmao.

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Damn bro, you made a thread and dedicated it to your hate.


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lmao rek't

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>ah, yes, the old "you're obsessed" chorus.
You are. I didn't bother reading the rest.

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>i assume therefore I am

Did you remember your drool cup on your way to asswiping 101?

This. All this constant impeachment shit 24 /7 on cable is just pissing people off. The dems are alienating their own voters and they are losing their own base. Besides we are less than a year from an election WHO the fuck is going to even have a prayer as a dem candidate. Mfw watching the dem shitshow go down the tubes.

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lol you americans haven't had a good candidate in the last 50+ years

>aww boohoo waaaahh waaaaah don't assume who I am, snowflake

You been having a rough month. I don't blame you for your rage.

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lol not here sorry

we've been having a tremendous year

enjoy your clown world president

I'm fine with my president. Having a tremendous year as well.

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That was going to happen no matter who won. Economic boom and busts are years in the making.
I know it's probably hard to follow politics in both Russia and America, but the current administration is doing the opposite to making us a positive economic future.

And don't forget to thank me

>but the current administration is doing the opposite to making us a positive economic future.
Care to explain how, if you can.

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Tariffs, deregulation, and unproportional tax cuts.
Not to mention the abuse of power that will cause long term damage to our political system. Trump getting away with the thing he does will make it OK for every president after him to do the same.

But what do you care. You're just a Russian troll bot. Must be music to your ears.

Trumpfags are like the people that said Rock n Roll is evil KEK

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Not really when you find out this is who’s behind them.. just a bunch of cringey weeaboo CUCKservatives with no social lives

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/Thread mate

Well GG Democrats, this ensures that Trump is President for a Second-Term

just wait til Trump cuts your NEETbux and you all die because you can't boil a pot of water