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This fucking bullshit motherfucker got voted out then why he still able to stay?? Seriously what the fuck is going on in DC

Until he’s convicted yeah. I’m not really following the whole situation coz I live in Australia but until he’s convicted and sentenced he can still be pres


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He didn't get voted out retard lololol

What the fuck does impeachment mean you fucking redneck stop pretending like he didn't get kicked the fuck out people need to hit the streets over this bullshit he's like a dictator now won't give up power??

>I live in Australia

Higher taxes NAOOWW!

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Lol you dumbass.

But lower taxes for the rich.

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even worse is pelosi doesnt deliver her shitbag case to the senate, the whole impeachment won't even count

>literally worse then hitler

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Stupid libs who are too naive and ignorant to know how the govt. actually works.

>genuinely believing it matters who the president of the US

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Miss the old Sup Forums?


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Democrats may never send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Breaking news.

they must have been polling-

So......they did a I Hate Trump vote and call it an impeachment?

Miss the old Sup Forums?


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Read a fucking civics book

The president can be convicted but still retain the office of the president.
Impeachment does not guarantee removal from office.
>I bet some liberal's head just exploded.

Miss the old Sup Forums?


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As soon as it gets sent to senate it will be thrown out for the bullshit that it is. The lie scam can only live as long as Pelosi doesn’t allow it to move forward to the senate to be voted down


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So now it's President Pence?

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Miss the old Sup Forums?


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Right, but at least 5 more years

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SHUT THE FUCK UP. since when were there alt right losers on 4 chan?????

Some progressives have urged Democratic leaders to withhold the articles until Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, agrees to the parameters for the Senate trial that Democrats have called for, as well as agreeing to bring in firsthand witnesses like acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to testify.
>They want it played by their rules. Not the way it's lined out in the constitution.

If you're not right, you're wrong

Boy, are you in for a surprise.

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If they can't figure out the electoral college or why it is necessary, forget this

Define loser, please

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Yep :^)
5 more for Donald, then
8 for Ivanka, then
8 for Baron Trump

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Damn, I hope this is bait cause you can't be this retarded.

This isn't your safe space snowflake.

Libturd "education" everybody lol

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if donald gets impeached it negates his term so he could run twice more again

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Fucking moron...


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this has got to be bait, the whole purpose of an impeachment conviction is the removal of power, with the possibility of them banning you from holding office.

>The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Doesn't matter. The vote will never pass the republican-controlled senate with the 2/3 majority required.

He isn't going anywhere.

>Doesn't matter.
it does matter though, because acting like you know the process while accusing liberals of not knowing it is the epitome of being just another partisan hack.

A president can be impeached and the punishment can be a stern warning from the bench.
>Ask Bill Clinton.

“ In the United States, impeachment is only the first of two stages, and conviction during the second stage requires "the concurrence of two thirds of the members present".[29] Impeachment does not necessarily result in removal from office”


You must be new here

there's a difference, the person stated one can be convicted and retain power, which is not true

rofl forgetting the house sets under congress in the grand scheme of things and it controlled by Republicans not happy with the Democrats political stunt

He will be charges and 100% vindicated
just 5 more years snowflakes

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yes, impeachment doesn't, but conviction does.

he’s only been impeached not convicted

ok let me try again for you slow fuckers, i was merely calling out that someone falsely claimed
>The president can be convicted but still retain the office of the president.

Thanks we're not playing trivial pursuit though. The relevant fact is Trump can not be convicted in the Senate

incorrect, the fact is trump is unlikely to be convicted in the senate.

You're so damn uneducated

wow you are in for some earth shattering disappointment in 2020

just remember you can always hang yourself to make the pain go away

in a few weeks he'll be unimpeached and unjailed.
screencap this, while you enjoy your InThePeach Drumpf Xmas

>What the fuck does impeachment mean

It means the SENATE must now decide if he should be removed from office or if he should stay

See that’s what impeachment means. You learned something today

Actually the constitution is pretty clear on this, and it’s pretty clear and simple. The senate has the SOLE authority over the trial of an impeached president. They don’t negotiate or bargain any aspect of how it’s handled. They control the entire process with the exception that the Chief Justice must preside of the trial and it takes 2/3 vote to convict. Literally everything else is decided by them. The house has zero say in how the senate moves forward. The REPUBLICAN senate I should say!!! Lol

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Plz tell me you're trolling lmfaoooo
God damn people are stupid hahahahahaha
>yeah you

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God bless Trump the biggest dicked president in history, he'll even bang his daughter the absolute chad.

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You're thinking of LBJ

Typical uneducated Nigger

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