You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American

You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American

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two americans

Polish ppl that voted for PIS.

Swedes, Germans and French. Just look at how fucked up their nations are, and the fact that they fucking voted for it.

EZ as fuck

>not voting for pis


A nigger.
Now stop making these threads.


3 million illegals that voted for Hillary


Africans? Mongolians? Half of Europe

an american nigger

Sorry but I need a lot more than 10 seconds ya ll.....

>anyone on Sup Forums

>You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than a Liberal American


A German that lost 2 world wars

Your mother.





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A russian

Is that a "gammon" I hear about in the UK?


dude fuck off we suffer from the amerijews

South American

And don't forget to thank me

i dont wanna fuck children


Canadian here.

Why are you guys so jealous of Americans?

Like, it's REALLY transparent that you guys are mad that your countries are irrelevant compared to America

In reality, yes. The leavers and other lefty twats were trying to force meme that pro brexit lads were all old men when in actual fact most of their most pro-remain vocal proponents were gammon faced old Marxists. I'm from the Norf and in my 20s and all my mates voted Brexit. Thank fuck for fptp.




2 Americans


An american outside of America.


Considering I'm from The United States the country. Anyone that wrongly uses American as a way to insult people from The United States is unfathomably dumber.

You got burned op.

Oh when did it change from The United States of America to The United States the country?

If you are specifying people of The United States. You still can't just say American. I bet you think Africa is a fucking country as well.

Stop skipping school to be on Sup Forums.

I didn't specify anything. I asked you a question, retard.

I'm referring to the op's statement. This is why you can't talk to people out side The United States. They are just so fucking dense.

multiple American's

Foreigner faggots with no life who shitpost about the greatest country on earth on Sup Forums

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stop trying to be clever and lose weight

You have 10 seconds to name something wrong with patriotism for your country.

>Implying we're stupid is patriotism for your own country

lel cant even draw the american flag right.

America is only a continent to non Americans, whose opinion mean absolutely nothing.
America is the greatest nation on Earth.
The 2 American continents, that is to say the continents sans The US of America, mean nothing.

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Ok zoomer.

a leaf

Greatest at what?

Leaves don't speak, so they can't be dumber than an American.

just how new are you? it is not even summer yet

Go eat a big mac and shoot up a school, fatboy.

You. Now please kys

Don't forget to thank me later user

Fucking faggot niggers who post crap threads for attention.

This inscel


Two Americans.

A different Canadian here.
It's pretty evident that they all suffer from some sort of national inferiority complex. Maybe their GDP's have all hit the floor? Iunno. Just sad, really. Canada is unironically great. Don't come here. We're full.

American president.

Two Americans?

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2 Americans

The UK hasn't recovered from having to be "saved" by the US in WWII. Then they lost their favorite toy, Empire.
They scrambled aboard the EEC liferaft but got all huffy when they weren't allowed to be captain.
So now they have their teddy bear tucked under their arm and are running away from home to live by themselves.
Scotland won't play with them any more, Ulster is dithering and nobody cares what Wales does. All three of them have had domestic violence issues with England in the past.

Remainers and everyone who wants to be part of the eu


an muslim

triggered trump supporter.


White folk in 2019 who expect white kids

EU here, what the fuck did we do?

Standardise minimum wage? Sign the human rights treaty? Fucking pay for infrastructure and service in the poorer eu countries? Buy weapons and tech off the US? What more do you fucking want?


american so dumburu

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