I'm not american, I think affiliating yourself with a movement, faction, belief, side...

I'm not american, I think affiliating yourself with a movement, faction, belief, side, is for lonely faggots andever situation should be analyzed independently from your faggot feelings.

That being said. Anyone who thinks trump's impeachment is unjustified a some liberal plot is fucking retarded, and is in the same category as flat Earthers and moon landing deniers.

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I'm not american, and I remember Trump being the real outsider three years ago. Everyone hoped for the better - not only americans - yet as soon as he installed himself into the White House, for amusingly unknown reasons he became the puppet of the Jews.

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Meh the impeachment is bullshit that's why 3 Democrats chose to go with the Republicans because they're the only Democrats in Congress who arent scummy fucks. They have been looking for reasons to impeach Donald Trump since before his inauguration so the Ukraine call is just an excuse to move forward with impeachment. And honestly idc that he had Ukraine look into the Bidens if they were up to some shady shit over there it needs to be looked into and brought to light

How is he a puppet for the jews? The jews want open borders and sanctuary cities and stupid shit like that but hes fighting against all that dumb shit

False, the impeachment is unjustified. He may be tacky, rude, and loudmouthed, but those are not violations of the constitution or oath of office to uphold it. The simple fact is the left hates him and they impeached him only because the had the votes (dems outnumbering repubs in the house). The worst evidence against Trump doing any wrong is circumstantial and/or hearsay (neither of which are legit in law). The evidence of crime against his accusers is far more clear.

Why do you think it's unjustified? He abused his authority as president to extort just the announcement of an investigation into a political rival in exchange for taxpayer money and instructed his people to obstruct Congress' investigation into the matter.

Group thinking is for people that aren’t free thinkers, buncha Newfags

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It has been confirmed, there is no doubt hes done any of the things hes been accused of. Just because you plug your ears and scream doesn't mean it isnt there

And no there are only conspiracy theories to back up what the right believes, that's why nobody would go on record defending trump. And if they did there are alot of his people who are in jail right now or awaiting sentencing for lying in trump's favor at the command of trump

No they voted against because they're scared of angering their base dumbass

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Honestly I'm surprised he didn't get impeached the second he fired James Comey for investigating the involvement of Russia in the elections? I mean not only did it scream guilt it was blatant obstruction of justice. And the Mueller report basically all but confirmed dealings with the Russians, it was just everyone involved managed to destroy the evidence in time, enough so that Donald Trump wasn't implicated.

So basically you're saying all democratic candidates get a free pass until the election and we shouldn't ask countries that we are giving money to investigate corruption?

And there is a difference between obstructing an investigation (eg witness giving a false alibi) and not contributing to an investigation (pleading the 5th, the actions of every defense lawyer)

Theres literal evidence this was being a partisian hit job than flat earth though. Didnt you read about how fucked the FBI and FISA courts are now?

>. They have been looking for reasons to impeach Donald Trump since before his inauguration
yet trump still had to go about flirting with legal and moral boundaries. he stepped over the line and those dems who had him under a microscope got their opportunity.
the president is not above the law

And don't forget to thank me


Just a reminder that Trump is being impeached for investigating the democrat's nepotism

No im saying he should have gone through the actual steps of starting his own investigation into biden and asking Ukraine for information for said investigation, but that doesnt even matter since the aid he froze was specifically reliant on only the announcement of one, there didn't even need to be a true investigation trump didn't care about that he just wanted easy talking points. And yes instructing people to ignore congressional subpoenas because you don't like them is obstructing

Sounds like your feeling are clouding your judgement. We have had Presidents in my lifetime blatantly committing war crimes and assassinating US citizens without consequences. Trump had a uncouth phone call. This also makes the Democratic Party look bad leaving us fucked for the upcoming election. It’s both inconsistent and a horrible political move leaving no logical reason to impeach him. It’s only about feeling so take your foreign, shit understanding of our politics and our Empire and fuck off kindly.

epic trips ftw

>So basically you're saying all democratic candidates get a free pass until the election and we shouldn't ask countries that we are giving money to investigate corruption
did you know we have an entire agency that does just that?
which is headed by the attorney general who was appointed by the potus.

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yes. because he is the same as them.
trump took off his blue suit, put on a red suit ran for president and won.
you're basically defending a democrat is sheep's clothing, my dude.

You should probably look into the trilateral commission they do sumaritan work around the globe and advocate philantrophy. Also you wouldn't have pick a side since its bi-partisan both sides are the same. You only have to sign in blood and then youre set for life.

did you listen to any of the actual footage or just little sound bytes of your favorite politicians. this whole thing is an election stunt. yes, our president is a pompous, loud-mouthed bully... but its not a crime to be a jerk

coincidence, flat earthers, climate change deniers, moon landing deniers, anti-vaxxers, chem trails nuts and pretty much every conspiracy retard around is already a trump supporter

so much ignorance

>being alive
>having no purpose, belonging, or cause
>"am i really alive?"


Did you? Because you actually havent refuted anything ive said and it sounds like you've taken a big ol gulp of that willful ignorance Republicans seem to enjoy these days

I bet you believe everything the talking heads tell you.

Enlighten me then, instead of just calling me ignorant why not try and prove it.

You’re all willfully ignorant. The whole thing is a distraction while the Congress lengthens the patriot act and votes more executive powers to the president. Trump is just a fall guy for the establishment.

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Yikes, stay in your lane third world street shitter.

Im hearing alot of opinion but not alot of fact, might wanna work on that

Democrats presented evidence. Republicans presented nothing but autistic Hitler screeching. Anyone still supporting Don Cheeto at this point is truly cucked.

Typical non-American. Absolutely obsessed with American politics, American culture, American websites, everything and anything American.

>They have been looking for reasons to impeach Donald Trump

So, it would be smart if Trump didn't do anything impeachable, like every president except 3 have been able to do. Trump's not smart.

>I'm not american
Literally stopped reading there. If you aren't AMERICAN, then we don't give a single solitary shit about your worthless shithole country opinion. Ok?

It's like watching a crash between 2 dumpster fires that are being riddled with AR-15 fire.
We just can't look away.
When it's all over we'll send the survivors some missionaries to teach them about self-respect, integrity and civics.
We hope you won't eat them.

imagine using fire/s twice in once sentence. literally braindead poster here.

>imagine using fire/s twice in once sentence.
Don't just criticize, suggest an alternative.
Oh, wait...