Is this the start of a new era of fake impeachments?

Is this the start of a new era of fake impeachments?

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mind explaining what a fake impeachment is?

who gives a shit at this point

An impeachment that doesnt press a charge including misdemeanors or high crimes as stated in the constitution

Who ever controls the house can use the most arbitrary and weakest impeachment articles to impeach anyone they dont like.

why do people even care anymore

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ITT guys with micropenises

Idk but, I've seen several republicans in the last few days promising that the next time they have a majority in the House of Representatives, and there is a democrat president, he's getting impeached for revenge. How the fuck is that not an admission of the corruption of the whole GOP?

What crime did they charge him with? Why are they saying "no president is above the law" when they cant cite a broken law? They're making themselves look like clowns

These people are the sickness in the world. They will lie steal cheat and kill for power. This is the party that calls Trump supporters deplorable but is fine with murdering fetuses and babies. Fine with ripping away the first and second amendment. They glorify immoral behavior and keep the under class in poverty for votes and power. If anyone thinks that these people care about America or you, you are asleep. They would burn this country down just to rule over its ashes. These last two years is all the proof anyone needs.

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Democrats can do it but the GOP cant? The GOP fighting for equality against an oppressive Democrat party lmao

treason, but mostly obstruction of congress

It's just another step towards Civil War. We all know it's coming. And I'm pretty sure the guys in the red areas with over 300 million guns are gonna win.

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We haven't had a fake impeachment since Clinton, so no.

Absolutely. Plus I laughed every time they said that it was a sad day for them.

>fake impeachments

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Democrats didn't impeach for revenge, dumbfuck. Trump admitted that he wanted a corrupt foreign country to investigate an American citizen in exchange for aid that Congress had already committed on the White House lawn in front of cameras. Then he invited China to do the same thing in exchange for favorable terms in the idiotic trade war.

g man

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An impeachment based on falsified statements, hearsay, and circumstantial evidence ...all the things that are dismissed or get you jailed in an actual court of law.

i believe obstruction of congress would qualify as such, abuse of power as well would likely be considered such. that's not a fake impeachment.
they could, but it still wouldn't be considered a "fake impeachment"

>GOP fighting for equality against an oppressive Democrat
like when the GOP impeached clinton on the grounds of "how dare he have his secretary blow him in the oval office"? I guess if you throw enough shit at a wall, at some point something will stick, right?

Obstruction of congress isn't a crime and treason read the transcript that did not happen.

A corrupt foreign country shouldn't investigate their corruption because you want a corrupt senile pedophile to have a 3 point advantage on your corrupt news network? Kys

>obstruction of congress would qualify as such, abuse of power
They presented absolutely no evidence of either of those charges against Trump. Go read the transcripts.

He lied under oath and they showed it on the national news retard.

saying there's no evidence of obstruction of congress while he sent a letter saying he will not comply with congress, already knowing the precedent beforehand, is quite silly to be honest with you.

At what time did he testify?

Did you know "obstruction of congress" is not an impeachable offense? Do some research snowflake.

They proved a crime was committed. Bill admitted it.

Lmao. At least they had evidence of it. A interns dress covered in Bill's cum. Why are Democrats so immoral?

Executive privilege exists for a reason .

I think you lost your train of thought there, Trumpfag. You were saying how Trump didn't get impeached for all those crimes he admitted committing in front of cameras on the White house lawn.

Learn some history. Not what he was impeached for.

says who?

He's talking about clinton

What law did he break shit-for-brains?

Should I make a list of the many Obama administration people who refused to testify in all those investigations . There is nothing new here.

Bribery, extortion, campaign finance fraud, fake charity fraud, fake university fraud.. when he went to Helsinki and said that he trusts Russian intel more that American intel... that looks alot like treason to me.

Sex in the white house isn't a crime
Lying under oath is

Bill was impeached for the latter you fucking walnut

And don't forget to thank me later

while it does exist for a reason, it is not there to shelter the president from possible violations of the law

He was not impeached for any of those.

says the Constitution retard. If he committed obstruction of justice it would have been different but they didnt go that route.

And don't forget to thank me later

This is where precedent is important. During Obama's term, he used it to stop his people from testifying before Congress . Now orange man can do the same.

Then you should have no problem with Mulveny, Bolton, Rudy, and Pense testifying in the Senate trial

ah yes, but obama did not have an impeachment inquiry to not comply with did he?

He was impeached for bribing China on camera, and admitting that he extorted Ukraine on camera.

i said obstruction of congress

Democrats may never send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Breaking news.

they must have been polling-

So......they did a I Hate Trump vote and call it an impeachment?

It's a real impeachment.

You're arguing with someone more retarded than a wall

Theres going to be no Senate trial you gullible retard. Pelosi is not going to release anything to the Senate because she will look like a moron when they throw it back in her face with no evidence of their claims shown other than 2nd and 3rd hand info.

Thats not an impeachable offense. Go look it up.

my favorite is all of the fucks saying again and again " He used is power in office for personal gain" ...The guy is a fucking billionaire, he doesn't need the white house for his personal gain lol.

somebody needs to do it or he will go thinking he's got it all figured out, and we will keep getting idiot presidents.

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only idiots fall for gaslighting

The notion that only criminal conduct can constitute sufficient grounds for impeachment does not comport with either the views of the founders or with historical practice. Alexander Hamilton, in Federalist 65, described impeachable offenses as arising from "the misconduct of public men, or in other words from the abuse or violation of some public trust." Such offenses were "political, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself." According to this reasoning, impeachable conduct could include behavior that violates an official's duty to the country, even if such conduct is not necessarily a prosecutable offense. Indeed, in the past both houses of Congress have given the phrase "high Crimes and Misdemeanors" a broad reading, finding that impeachable offenses need not be limited to criminal conduct.

When the House is controlled by the other party, I think 100% of presidents will now be impeached

i believe it would fit under "misdemeanor"

Literally neither of those count as high crimes or impeachable offenses.

Wow, sorry I didn't know. Now please cite the NYT opinion article and tweets so I can convince myself to be angry too

All these conservatives forget about their failed attempts to bring impeachment to Obama

that is always your answer call somebody a name , lol there will be a trial and if Trump did nothing wrong those people should be able to say so under oath. It will never happen he did it he got caught and he tried to cover it up

Go look it up retard theres not a fucking thing they can do about it.

Or how about former NSA director James Clapper, who proudly admitted he lied to Congress?

where's the list in the constitution of what is exactly impeachable offenses under high crimes and misdemeanors?

Fuck your slippery slope bullshit rhetoric. Is this the start of a new era of presidents openly flaunting the law, then pretending they are immune to prosecution?

What law?

No, your boys just flat out admitted they'd work with trumps lawyers to acquit him and would not be impartial jurors, and we want a fair trial with people who aren't corrupt shitbags. But you knew that.

The democrats are total monsters. Their party set to impeach a president because they simply wanted to, not because they represent anybody but because they have the power to cause hysterics given the chance. They are responsible for indirectly causing a high flux of crime simply because they cannot express any accurate data or presence in their party. They use scare tactics on people and pat themselves on the back. They are just corrupt as can possibly be that are the kind of people that torture fish and then revulsively accuse someone else. Fuck them fuck you.

Rise and shine, mister president.

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I'd impeach Pelosi on muh dik ... if you know what I mean.

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Wait, sorry. I forgot today hearsay is better than direct evidence

They chose obstruction because it's the hardest to disprove and prove all at once. They dont have anything which is why it went from Russia to bribery to QQP to blah blah. This is exactly what the constitutional lawyer was warning about. That it is setting precedent of just impeaching because you dont like the person. If it was real, pelosi would have impeached bush back in the day but didnt.

I hope the next liberal president exploits the shit out of some of the precedents trump has set to get what the left wants

Bribery is a big one there. And he did it.

exactly why she didn't, even was trump was upset that she didnt do exactly that back in the day.

> t. fox and friends viewer

How is it hearsay, legally? And why won't they release the actual transcripts of the calls if it is just hearsay and that would fix it?

What bribery? There's no evidence

i'm just trying to keep it constrained to the 2 articles that they impeached him on.

Different user, but while high crimes and misdemeanors is essentially a meaningless today, it had a meaning when the Constitution is written. The "high" refers to the status being charged, specifically someone in a high office who has been granted great privileges, and thus must be held to a higher standard. The "crimes and misdemeanors" part of that term of art can refer to nearly any abuse of office, including very minor or subjective ones. So it's basically whatever the House wants it to be.

that started with innocent Bill Clinton.

Trump is the 2nd Real impeachment in US history.

Putin: "Trump wask wronkly impeached! leave himk alongk!"

Putin's FURIOUS. That's why we know this was Impeachment was 100% justified. Our enemies are FURIOUS.

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>Putin's FURIOUS
and you're S E E T H I N G

He used the state dept and american foreign policy to set up an october surprise for his campaign against joe biden. He is acting in his own interest instead of the national interest. And that is impeachable on the sole basis of a majority of the house saying it is. Learn the constitution. Your deflections and screams and tweets are entirely irrelevant. And then the senate may choose to remove under any circumstances or legal basis (or lack thereof) that they choose.

i think i understand, so, obstruction of congress is an impeachable?

Do you know how that works, both parties have to be aware of what is happening..president Zelensky said nothing of the sort happened..which is why both bribery and QQP failed.

I think most people get it by now but there are so butthurt that they decided to back someone so obviously corrupt they want to try and obfuscate at every turn. it's pretty sad actually to see people so desperate they lie and gaslight so much. they only convince their small group of fellow idiots.

>bill lied under oath
Are you just fucking retarded?

>flaunting the law
It's flouting

And you support his impeachment? You literally just admitted you haven't seen the transcript

Basically anything they decide is impeachable.
But impeachment doesn't actually do anything. They have to be convicted in a Senate trial to be removed from office, for instance.

this is known for a long time. if you actually had a civics course that you paid attention to, acted like an informed educated citizen and resesrched these things or paid attention to a reputable need source instead of relying on Sup Forums as your source of information you would have known this about a year ago at least

It doesnt matter what zelensky said. They proved aid was delayed in an attempt to force a political investigation of his political opponents. As soon as money and personal interest comes into it, it is bribery and **abuse of office**

prove it fag. he was aquitted, charges were DISMISSED.

Bill was hemmed up by the faggy GOP. He never had the Russians nor N Korea cheering for him you buttfag tranny

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Trump's impeachment was handled beautifully.

Putin is FURIOUS!!!

America is Happy.

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Moving the goalposts

I don't think most people get it, because high crimes and misdemeanors is an archaic usage, not part of the modern vernacular. obsolete do. And my defining what the term actually meant when the Constitution was written does not mean that anyone who is unaware of that usage is gaslighting -- you probably didn't know either, you're just looking for excuses to say Trump is bad.

So it's nothing,. it's just politics. Dems are going to do the laps saying "WE'VE IMPEACHED TRUMP! WE DID GOOD!" Reps are going to say "THEY DID THIS FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN THEY DON'T LIKE TRUMP!"

It will die in the Senate and both parties will be jerking themselves off for weeks over this and both the bases will be riled up. All theater on the taxpayers dime.