What are some books that are actually good? most of the books i've read recently were trash

what are some books that are actually good? most of the books i've read recently were trash

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Mein Kampf

Try the monstrumologist by rick yancey

If you want to know what we know and don't know about how the brain works

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I usually have difficulty reading; let my attention deficit disorder get out of control with the instant gratification provided by digital media. Brain's fried like a drug addict thanks to my lack of discipline.

Despite that, I found The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells surprisingly easy and enjoyable. The writing style pulls me in the same way everything else used to when I was a child.

I believe time travel is bullshit science, but a fun literary tool.

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Read stuff written before 1960. At least then if there are agendas being promoted its at least one being promoted by the author rather than the publisher. There's nothing more jarring, especially, in kids/young adult books where some SJW BS comes out of left field and reads exactly like a "put this in if you want to be published" insert.

Brandon Sanderson is good at fantasy books if you like that. Recommend Mistborn series first

classic Russian science fiction about the incomprehensibility of the alien

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Don't forget to thank me later user


Song of ice and fire series (game of thrones) is much better than the show
Star Wars darth bane trilogy is great
Star Wars revan is also good

Thats about all I read, star wars and asoiaf

Reading 'the sorrows of young werther' from Goethe atm. I think it's fairly interesting, and given it's a classic that brought a wave of suicide in it's time with only around 150 pages, why shouldn't you read it.

Bane is King. I hear the thrawn trilogy is good too.

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Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

You will not read anything better than Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry.

Jpod is a fun book

If you're not one of these snobs, there are many entertaining stories to be read. Not everything has to be "cultured" reading.
I second ASOIAF. (Game of thrones)
I also always reccomend...
Harry Potter series (I dont care. Its great.)
The Dark Tower series (also pretty much anything by King.)
Girl with the dragon tattoo series (only the first 3)


22/11/63 would be a good option

Can’t forget the sooner city or Monday starts on Saturday if we’re hitting this

Have to disagree about king. Late stuff has been preachy. Got to go with pre mr mercedes colander shit he did with his son

Doomed not sooner

American psycho is good the first 200 pages are boring but its totally worth it for the last hundred

Granted taste is subjective but I would say this is pretty much an un-list of taste. King had a few decent stories but for the most part he writes like he still gets paid by the word and his plots lately are just throwing paint at a wall. Everything is a supernatural, alien, extra dimensional, demonic, government project gone wrong. Just choose something. Girl with Dragon tattoo sucked balls so bad I never bothered with 2nd two. Its more some dude's masturbatory fantasy with a murder side plot than anything. Very first Harry Potter was an OK written but not that original teen book that got transformed into a not even thinly veiled social propaganda series that self contradicted some aspects of 1st book. Can't say anything about ASOIF since I don't start series anymore until they're finished (which causes them to almost suck by default at the end since they're usually extended for past the author's creativity in order to milk it dry)

Can't really recommend without knowing something of what you are looking for. I thought Remains of the day by Kazuo Ishiguro, Do androids dream of electric sheep by Philip K. Dick, and Life of Pi by Yann Martel all good post 1960s books

The Fall of Albert Camus, you could also read stranger or the myth of sisyphus if youre interested in philosophy

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Yes it is another example where the movie was decent but you still get more from reading the book.

Back in the day, house of leaves was popular on Sup Forums

Thinking about reading Slaughterhouse 5, is it any good?

High Mysticism by Emma Hoppkins

If you really want to go old read the Epic of Gilgamesh. I would recommend this to anyone simply for the fact that its one of the most ancient pieces of writing we have and its asking the same question, "Is this all there is?"

If you like disjointed rambling of a war veteran trying to process ptsd after surviving a firebombing at a prison camp. It reads well but fuck does it jump around

French existentialism is a waste of time and mental effort. Skip the drivel and read Nietzsche already.

Another great movie, great book. All's Quiet on the Western Front is another one of those good book/good movie combinations

The jumping around is a big aspect of the story. Can't say more because I don't want to be that guy.

No I understand the why. Just the first reading is weird because of it

Brilliant damn opus of a book

w h y n o t b o t h

what are you looking for out of a read, dingus?

True but at least there's a point to it rather than gimmick . Its like when writers use 1st person with multiple characters. That aspect is fine but a lot write these so that it takes you several pages before you know a character has changed or you can figure out who it is. Sometimes its poor writing and sometimes its gimmick. Like Faulkner giving the woman and the retard the same name. I was a good ways into the book before I realized they were two people.

On the side topic of characters OP. Both John Steinbeck and Joseph Conrad are excellent when it comes to creating characters that feel real.

is manga worth checking out?

The art of the deal is pretty good read. Complex stuff, How to use Casino Cash, Trade techniques, Dress like a Kingpin, buy cheap look rich, how to stack up with Wall Street. How to get a hooker in bed for life, etc.

Can agree. Conrad has some heavy shit. Got a few Faulkner but could never really get into them. Possibly cause I’m retarded

portrait of dorian gray by oscar wilde is something most people today should give a go.

Guns, Germs, and Steel - Jared Diamond

Midnight in Chernobyl - Adam Higginbotham

Clay machine gun by v plevin or the short timers if you can locate them are pretty good

I just finished 'I am legend' and loved it. I came into reading later in life and sci fi is my thang. Others I can think of that I enjoyed this year were..

.The man who fell to earth
.The last werewolf (brutally cynical)
.The stars my destination
.The lords of darkness and the lords of light
.Today we choose our faces
.non stop

I also bought a bunch of graphic novels as my starting step into real reading because I have massive mental problems and previous attempts to read over the years were met with constant screaming voices in my head and short attention span and constant intrusive thoughts but I've calmed down and taken a simple focesed approach to reading for fun rather than because I felt I had to. My favourites if those were..

.Fear agent
.kill it be killed (super sjw bullshit don't completely detract from the fast paced vengeance)
.Autumn lands

Also read 'The dice man'. ;)

Off To Be the Wizard by Scott Myers

If you have quite a bit of time, The Story of Civilization by Will Durant is an excellent summery of most of human history. 11 dense books that even the author admits as the work of a lifetime only covers the surface, but as a broad, well, story, of civilization, you can't do much better than this.

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The Martian. Book the movie was based on is great. Read it in like 2 days, couldn't put it down.

Will Durant is the shit, his story of philosophy is a must read for anyone in the field

Only good book by King is "The Stand". All King book leave me wondering where the scary parts were.

there a good book called fucko boingo

His short story anthologies are much better than his full-length novels.

I wasn't talking about Stephen King retard. But I do agree most of SK works really are not that scary.

There would be no GoT or sci-fi fantasy without Tad Williams
recommend Otherland

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I grew up in a house where those were on the shelf. Read most of them.

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy series is amazing


and also a french one Latium by romain lucazeau not sure its translated in your poor peasant language yet

I read a horror series by Dan Wells, well, i'm 4 books in. It's pretty good stuff. Nothing too deep, but no one does typical retarded shit usually seen in horror novels. They're interesting reads and the books span several years. Pic related.

Also, my favorite book of all time is "Futureproof" by N. Frank Daniels. It's a story that follows the narrator over 10-15 years starting in high school and going through his sexual escapades and drug problems. Really good coming of age story. The first 250 pages are stellar writing. It jumps the shark in the last 1/4, but it's still a solid book.

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Ironically, Mein Kampf is actually a really bad book (on a technical level), but it's quite interesting and informative given the historical context.

What do you normally enjoy reading? There's lots of scifi and fantasy in the thread so far, and some horror/thriller type stuff.
Maybe though you're into drama, or romance, or reading technical manuals. Makes a bit of difference when recommending stuff.

Empire of lies if you like action , mystery type books.

And his criticisms of democracy are spot on.

Eh. Some are. There's no such thing as a perfect system. Not terribly agreed with his proposed solutions but that's another discussion, probably best had on I was more talking about the way they were presented and argued in the book. It wasn't done very well. It's a chaotic, rambling, poorly written book.

Steinbeck & Faulkner are almost polar opposites when it come to characters. Steinbeck is able to make pretty much everyone someone you can feel some empathy towards whereas Faulkner's characters are in the main dislikable. Both are good writers in that their characters produce a response but Faulkner is harder to get into, I think, simply because its harder to get invested in the story when everyone is either a jerk or leaves you thinking, "god these people are idiots"

Its not as bad as you seem to be arguing but I will agree it reads more as a journal of someone's thoughts, which it essentially was, rather than a polished dissertation of a sociopolitical doctrine.

If you want rambling you should read the Quran. In its defense it is very difficult to translate poetry from one language to poetry-like prose in another, but it is not a good read in English. Would recommend though just to see that a lot of what the talking heads claim to be in the Quran are not actually in the Quran (some is in other texts but don't claim its in something it isn't)

"Journal of someone's thoughts" is an apt description.

Yeah the Quran is an odd one, and I agree it likely loses much in translation (tho there's no freaking way I'm learning arabic, just as I won't learn hebrew, aramaic or ancient greek just to read biblical texts).
I have to go back and reread it actually, had issues with retaining it the first couple of times round.
I also have to find a good translation of the Hadith to go over at some point.

My bad dude. Responded to wrong post.

The prince by machiavelli.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

Malazan Book of the Fallen, Stephen Erikson.
10 books that easily place in the top of what I ever read.

The House of the Scorpion, amazing book. It's about a drug lord in the future but it's hella in depth and its one of the only books i've ever enjoyed.