Nigger hate bread?

nigger hate bread?

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whitey fina git me riled up yo

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with obama massive failure as the 1st black president, democrats will never elect a black president.

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Some of these make me like niggers more.
Love seeing fags get stomped.

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>23 years
Hardest part looking these up if having to put "teen" instead of "black guy" since google will filter you to black victim stories

It's always pussies like that thinking they're the shit and suckering punching others.

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op here, sucking cock and loving some of these classics posted along with a couple new ones
thank you, Sup Forums. at least its not all porn and we can still crank out a smallish nigger hate bread

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My god, this makes my stomach turn, how could a human being ever do something like this?

You’re assuming blacks are human

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Damn why are girls so fucking mean?

Oh Look another Russian thread... very creative I must say.