You have 10 SECONDS to name a worse place to live than The United States of America

You have 10 SECONDS to name a worse place to live than The United States of America.

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Oh... um.

Fuck I can’t

nowhere better

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Anywhere in the US with no niggers or spics.


South America, Africa, Asia, Australia. All those continents are verifiably worse


sandnigger sweden


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Dude, you can't be...

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Everything is worse than the US.

The best joke in the whole bread

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Laughs in public healthcare

>cherrypick one of the worst looking streets of a big city in a big state in a ginormous country

wow damn yep guess america is shit because that one street looks bad

where is it?

Poor areas of the US are sometimes Eastern Europe tier in terms of falling down, but people are usually nicer.

i don't know for sure but judging by the NJ plates on the impala i'd say a rougher part of newark?

I can't even post in ten seconds bro

You can't.America is like the mobile game in a world of PCs and consoles.It sucks and it's pay to win to the point where you literaly die if you don't continue to pay.


“Public healthcare” is that your only lifeline you leftist faggot


>star whores

You ever notice how porn has become as advanced as you see in dystopian futures all clever themed and full of patent leather, spandex, zippers, con superfan level costumes to the point its worth a watch even if you aren't horny?

But that our technology is no where NEAR what those timelines imagine?

Is this the end Sup Forumsros?

any of the various limp-dicked socialist countries


Venezuela FTW!

Can't believe nobody mentioned Venezuela.

Mexico, Guam, Dubai, Siberia, Antartica, Korea, previous turkish territories, and any place in south America that doesn't regularly get tourists

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