How do you Sup Forumsros clean-up when using lotion?

How do you Sup Forumsros clean-up when using lotion?

Attached: lotionandtissues.jpg (750x817, 260K)

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Feels good being uncircumcised... no lube needed.

Take a shower, you animal.

By not following semitic religions.

washcloth if i'm being lazy, shower if not

It's not my fault John Kellogg brainwashed America.

lotion sucks, use coconut oil. Soft skin, easy to clean, great for massages.

I only jack off right before a shower.

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Its skin care lotion so you can just leave it on your skin you dunce

Its ok OP. circumcision needs to be outed like this.
Donate to Foregen:

But wtf nigger lotion? You still live with your parents or something? Just buy some lube and stop being ass backwards.

I use a fleshlight so I just cum in it and then go flush it out. I usually shower my dick after but sometimes I don't care and go about my day.

I don't want to put my drawers back on with a slimy dick you dunce.

I don't use lotion or lube becasue im not cucked by kikes anddidn't get mutilated. But I do Something weird when I cum, I hold my foreskin tip closed with my left hand and trap the cum in there and then walk to the toilet and let it out. When I lived at home I could even carefully put it under my waistband and walk to the toilet and no one suspected a thing. No tissues or anything in my rooms

Or get a girlfriend like a normal person.


i usually block my eurethra my my fingers so nothing comes out idk if its healthy but it works

Why not just cum straight in a garbage can? No cleanup or autism.

I don't keep garbage cans in my room and I'm not gonna cum in a can or bag and let it dry.

shower or sink and soap


this, i just beat it like it owes me money, i usually do it in the shower

??? I've never used lotion. I've used soapy hands in the shower a couple of times. And yes, I'm cut. I just treat myself nicely.

Some people literally can't and--get this--some people don't want to.

I use lube usually. Always ruin or edge until it oozes out. Always lick up my mess. Then take a shower if lube was involved.

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I have a gf and I still jerk off daily, sometimes even before or after she's made me cum. I have an unrelenting libido.