Mfw more than half this board doesn’t know that being impeached is only the first step in being removed from office

>mfw more than half this board doesn’t know that being impeached is only the first step in being removed from office
>mfw the left is rushing this impeachment because they KNOW he’ll be elected again
>mfw the left can’t continue with impeachment because they can’t provide legally pursuable reasons to remove trump
>mfw trump will be prez intil 2024

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Other urls found in this thread:

two glasses of kool-aid tonight for op

>MFW Redumbicans keep thinking Impeachment is a legal proceeding, expecting it to be anything but partisan.
>MFW when anything needs to be presented to even start an article of impeachment
>MFW Senate impeachment vote is about removal and nothing to do with actual Impeachment.

Dumpy 2020

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You have to be bait

>Mfw you dont even realize Trump wont be impeached unless/until the House sends articles of impeachment to the Senate

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Prove me wrong

The democrips and rebloodicans should stop being pussy and just have a real gang war.

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>>mfw the left is rushing this impeachment because they KNOW he’ll be elected again

you do realize Nancy is not pursuing because Moscow Mitch is a retard and showed his bluff

Mussolini was a fascist. I'm not sure why you'd post him in a Trump thread.

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On the other hand, Trump’s crush, Putin, said he did nothing wrong. So, Big Donnie’s got that going for him...

>rushing his impeachment
We had a president who was impeached in three days, this isn't even the fastest impeachment in US history, not by a long shot.

>Redumbicans keep thinking Impeachment is a legal proceeding, expecting it to be anything but partisan.

>guys, it's all partisan. It is politics. stop bitching, deal with it fagicans
>It is our constitutional duty to protect the integrity of our election and the system of checks and balances set out by the constitution

mental gymnastics extraordinaire

Not him but
>Impeachments aren't partisan
Literally look at every impeachment in US history

>it's just partisan


How does one contradict the other?

Kek obvious comparison

>being impeached is only the first step in being removed from office
Two completely different things there, Sparky.

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>mfw you vote for a guy who can't spell and believes vaccines cause autism

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user literally said impeachment is all partisan and not a legal proceeding it's obviously a legal proceeding if they are accusing him of crimes. fucking moron.

You are an idiot

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Neither of the two charges are a crime-

Go back to Sup Forums where they're used to idiots.


exactly. no rebuttal. you were proven wrong and shit yourself in angst.
just don't reply next time you're wrong, or own up to it. it's an user board for fuck sake

Abuse of power is what they're impeaching him on, it was clearly outlined in the impeachment proceedings, that in itself is not a crime.

>It's just partisan
He never said that, just that partisan politics usually fit into impeachment

>>MFW Redumbicans keep thinking Impeachment is a legal proceeding, expecting it to be anything but partisan.



read. i paid for you education. fucking read.

>Neither of the two charges are a crime-
That's a clear rebuttal, he dismantled the central part of your argument that impeachment is a legal proceeding because they're accusing Trump of a crime. Impeachment is not a legal proceeding and it never has been, this time is no different.

Go fuck yourself, they are not crimes.
abuse of power (unspecified)
obstruction of Congress

they do not need to be crimes and they are not. He can be impeached for his deodorant. (there is an opening for all you small minded hate filled fucks)

The Dems can't risk the Courts Ruling that Trump doesn't have to comply with the Subpoenas. So they pushed it through before that process has a chance to finish.

>Not him but
You must have missed this part, you're quoting a different user

I find it funny that on the one hand you'll say if he isn't impeached he's going to be president until 2024, then on the other hand you say that if he is impreached he is surely going to be president until 2024. then you even have the temerity to suggest that because of the latter that the dems would be fools to impeach because that will cause him to continue to be president until 2024, as if that is some sort of threat. but in all cases you say he'll be president until 2024, so why not impeach??

quit pretending as if this is some master plan and he and you want to be impeached.

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It's not a Legal proceeding because it's not the Judicial Branch you fucking retard.

I'm masturbating at this.. Trump will be president til 2025.

high iq user right here.

Imagine living in a country with a legal system so bad that literally no one can agree on how it works

>mfw he also believes windmills cause cancer

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no, he's been impeached. it's done. I watched every minute of it yesterday. got up early to watch.

virtually any level of intelligence will provide remedy for disagreements about the legal system.

>Mfw Trump shills don't know how impeachment actually works.

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democracies need educated citizenry to function. our democracy is filled with stupid people more interested in how to spend every bit of disposable income watching star wars and avengers and through amazon buying video games and plastic garbage made in china by someone earning $2 per day.

it's over

it's not-

I can't believe it took one sect of Christianity this long to come to the conclusion that Trump isn't really Christian-like.

they are christians in name only. they don't live the tenants of their supposed faith. they made a bargain with satan to hold power. they should be ashamed of themselves every day they continue to support this amoral wolf in sheep's clothing

you don't get it either retard

I hope so user.

I guess the world needs morons too.

wow what a bunch of shit posting in here. must be a bunch of uneducated Libtards, all of you! Go to bed Junior! Trump will be here for a long time yet! WWG1WGA

The real left doesnt give a shit about impeachment op. Like it would be one thing if it was for violating human rights but we have yet to see that happen yet. He could of been impeach like three times over already for shit he did to people in the military and the fam's getting separated and the emoluments clause. The only reason the fake left in government cant (cause that what they are. They are more right wing than actually left) is cause they are guilty of corruption as well and violations too. Tbh me, a leftist. wouldnt mind seeing the entire set elected figures get booted out of office by the general public.

Btw did you know America was lied too for 18 years by the government and media. True story. They knew the Iraq war was unwinnable during the 2nd month. If that doesnt piss you off. than you dont actually care about left or right.

nice anarchist screed

Found the trumptard who thinks legal and judicial is the same thing.

They just keep getting dumber.

You're crying alright, faggot. But there's absolutely no laughter in it.


The Iraq War wasn't winnable because there was no objective for winning for at least 2 years.

Democrats are wasting their time trying to impeach the current president rather than focusing on producing a viable presidential candidate for the upcoming election. He gets removed so the fuck what. All the republican party has to do is put up ANYONE who isn't a leftist radical shill and has a moderate idea on how economics work in this country and boom republicans get another 4 years.

There's lots of laughter. I've been hoping for impeachment because Pence is next in line, and good luck getting him out before the term is up

I am reading articles that legal experts are debating about an impeachment vote but no articles of impeachment are sent to the Senate. Some are saying there is no impeachment without that.

I, personally, have no clue.

sir, he is impeached. it is done. the next step is that the senate holds a trial but only after the house formally hands over the articles of impeachment. if for some reason the house does not do that, then no trial will happen.

this is very odd, but federal government has recently examples of such odd things such as no vote for a supreme court pick when scalia died for nearly a year.

Fat old dementia fuck

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>clicking 5 squares
fucking newfag

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Most republicans haven't read economics. The cornerstone of republican economic policy depends on most republicans being too stupid to distinguish between social programs and socialism, the economic system. How about you guys quit voting for the kids of rich people with IQ's under 100?

>doesn't realize the Senate has already stated they will acquit Trump & that's why Pelosi is now refusing to send the House articles of impeachment to the Senate in violation of the Senate summation clause.

Why are leftists so fucking stupid?

>started going on Sup Forums in 2015
>trump newfag wave of 2016
>calls people that have been here since 06 Newfags

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Trumps already bern impeached dumb fuck. Impeachment is the process of bringing charges against the President in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The next stage is the trial in the Senate, which requires a 2/3rds majority vote yes to remove the President.

Yeah, I guess the ruin of democracy is pretty funny for a retard. What's important is that there's people willing to stand up to his turd-ass baby- mode autism where he seems to neglect that people live in this country who aren't fat-cat dickholes

> requires a 2/3rds majority vote yes to remove
and it will easily be done. watch.

>implying America is a democracy

Pretty braindead. USA us a perfect example of Plutocracy. The big companies buy politics and dictate policy.

Jesus, left wingers are uneducated. The Senate Republican majority already stated they will acquit. 14 Democrats also stated they will vote to acquit. That makes 64 total votes against removal. Go back to eating paint chips incel

can't deny that. you got me there.

What does any of that have to do with the post you linked?

did the vote occur yet? then you don't know the outcome.

There's 100 Senators. 64 have stated they will vote against removal. When 2/3rds - or 66 votes - is required to remove a President & 64 have already stated they will vote no - that means the impeachment failed & Trump remains in office, you illiterate cunt.

God damn, left wingers are too stupid to even do basic math.

MFW I have no face

The Republicans control the Senate. They have enough votes to acquit without a single Democrat vote. The 14 Democrats voting no is just icing on the cake.

Hence why Pelosi is now refusing to send the Impeachment articles to the Senate

Fuck, are all far left Democrats this fucking stupid?

He was already impeached mate

I know the kiddies on this board think they're very redpilled, but you're only celebrating the transition from the rich controlling you through liberal propaganda to the rich controlling you through fascist violence. If you think that transition will lead to you having some minor amount of power in society for some reason, then you're really just morally the same as a corrupt liberal politician - you're only the subhuman animal thug version whose only real skill is violence.

In the end, only the rich are winning. You are all the cucks for believing different versions of their lies.

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Yup, and the Senate already stated they will find him innocent. Hence why Pelosi is refusing to forward the House impeachment articles to the higher chamber for trial.


no that's not the main reason why. you're not too bright yourself.

Dems are notoriously guilty of the exact same lack of information. Don't pretend like any of your candidates are even close to acceptable, nor have they been for years. Which is why we have Trump in the first place.

Earn $50+ per day method

pastebin com/8CtwPUBe

If the Democrats had a hope of a successful Senate vote to remove Trump, the House articles of impeachment would already be sitting on Chief Justice Roberts desk & the Senate trial would already be in motion, you uneducated cunt. That is the only reason Pelosi is hiding like a petulant child refusing to forward the articles, no matte9 how desperately you spin it.

Cry more, faggot. Trump will be reelected.


no you're wrong. you're pretty angry though for someone that has everything going his way.

Actually user is absolutely correct on this one. Out of 109 sitting US Senators, 66 yes votes are required to remove Trump from office. The Republicans hold 53 of those seats & wil vote no. The 14 Democrats either voting no or currently leaning that direction only makes it a certainty that Trump will remain in office. Pelosi only decided to run & pout when the Senate test vote found that Dems had zero chance of removing Trump in the Senate. Now she's trying to postpone the trial, desperately hoping Senate Republicans don't use constitutional procedure to force her to present it.

*out of 100 sitting US Senators that is.

It's 67. Not 66. And you assume it's not going to be voted down party lines; McConnell and Schumer have basically said it that's how it would be, 53-47.
And Pelosi is holding on to the articles because McConnell went on national television and basically said he'd be a biased juror, and that he wouldn't be partial. The oath that he has to take before the trial makes him say that he has to be. He's abdicating his duty; he's running a kangaroo court to acquit Trump.
The fact of the matter is, McConnell has already showed his hand that the trial he planned out was going to be a sham. So Pelosi isn't having any of it. Besides, if the evidence is really exonerating, why wouldn't you have witnesses and documents presented at trial? It's the most essential thing you need.
But we all know the answer. They know that Trump's guilty. And they don't want to show that to Americas in a fair trial.

TL;DR - Senate will inevitably vote no on removal, Pelosi is desperately trying to delay the inevitable & you're cryin like a lil bitch.

Glad we cleared that up. ;)

Kek! And /thread.

Trump's impeached, buddy. I understand you're mad, but you need to move on.

Even the Dumbocrat law professor who "testified" confirmed

mfw op doesnt realize being impeached means its a permanent FACT AGAINST DRUPPf FOR THE REST OF TIME, IN THE KNOWN OR UNKNOWN UNIVERSE THROUGHOUT PERPETUITY. and nancy is doing the slow walk and they can add more articles of impeachment at any time from here til the end of next year. and trumptards are shitting their pants along with the potus. trump is a pussy and if you cant take it, dont dish it by the assload. impeachment is forever and aint nothing anyone alive can do about it now. you dense pieces of shit.

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Lol you're gonna be real mad when he's re-elected. Haha

Why would anyone be mad? Polls now show Trump leads all Dem candidates.

And majority of polls now show most oppose impeachment / removal.

No wonder Pelosi's hiding & Refusing to turn over the articles of impeachment. Stop crying sweety. Trump leaves office in 2025. You'll survive. :)