Anyone else drunk out their fucking skull?

Anyone else drunk out their fucking skull?
And in their 30's?

Attached: beth.jpg (145x200, 5K)

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no. get it together man.

Just turned 30 and no, I've got to go to my career job tomorrow you fucking loser.

I'm 32. I basically drink 1-4 times a year now. It gives me migraines and I just don't find it that fun anymore. I would much rather smoke weed or the occasional acid.

yea we are out here just trying to die

OP here. Some interesting answers here dudes. My career is fine though. Everything closed today til new year,

Office Christmas party!


Not that drunk because i did alot of coke aswell but im pretty smashed anyway yeah, fun lonely night tho

Drinking so frequently this month that I actually feel sober, I don’t really get drunk anymore, have horrendous shits in the morning.

i dont get much from it, i'd have to be forced as the next day my mood can hit near rock bottom or just flat fline.

so i'd have to be in a very good mood.

For me, I get withdrawals. I used to binge for months and stop when I got bored, no issues. I turned 29 and things changed. If I drink hard for 3 days, I get really bad anxiety and my insides feel like they're shaking unless I drink again.

28 and on a relapse. i lasted 8 months.
one day we'll kick this shit to the curb.

No, drinking is retarded. Just did a fat line of K tho, so prolly going to K-hole in a couple mins.

Me too. Went back to AA yesterday.

22 and off my fuckingnut ama

29 and its Jameson!

How does ketamine feel like?


sounds like the life i desire, but i have people who care about me around and stop me from doing it

I'm drunk out my fucking skull, but in my 20's.

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Sure why not