I love how White Birth Rate is now LOWER than White Death Rate!

I love how White Birth Rate is now LOWER than White Death Rate!
We are finally on the right track and these White Girls can accelerate that by getting fucked by Big Black Men.

As time goes on, and as more and more Immigrants flood into your countries, more White Girls will be taken from White countries and bred Black.

And there is nothing White Men can do about it!

Attached: ELn4X09UcAAUXgP antifa left wing meme beating up maga hat.jpg (809x900, 126K)

>"nothing white men can do about it"

Attached: kkk-photo-c968a6d59fe06266dc7560011a9bc1041d5ad8a4-s800-c85.jpg (800x599, 100K)

nothing we can do about it? welp it think its time to bring out the old noose boys. see you all in hell

lol you cumskins wont do shit

You can't do shit, actually!
The Government has "protected classes" and guess what?

How do you know there aren't plans in motion to start a race war that will destroy any race that stands against white men

lol @ "the government has" ahahah

they are so fucking paranoid its great. we're going to have fun with this ignorant shit. more gangs to slaughter for the next 50 years. hooooooo hah

Attached: serious clapping.gif (480x360, 787K)

White Men wont do shit
There are literally all races of people going after White Women and even then White Men wont stop them from breeding with other races lmao

White Countries can't even protect their border!
Enjoy getting flooded with Latinos, Blacks and Muslims!
Sweden loves it!

Attached: 1573677407816 Sweden.png (1757x2268, 1.28M)

who could be posting stuff like this?

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hey nigger keep doing nothing and depending on the government handouts you dont work for....your word is invalid kid

communist nobodies from over seas. they want everyone to hand them respect for literally not doing anything. the same people are hit up for big ass money they've stolen from usa

Of course the insecure cum skin uses the "N word"

Your women are being taken from you, you can't defend your culture, land or border, White Deaths > White Births, and there is nothing you can do about it!

hey nigger your insanity is just entertainment for us lol

The white race is the strongest race when it's time all you shit skin low evolutionary weak bitch niggers will know. I'm ready are you?

Lolololol the Nazi cope omg

Birth rates are so low and your own governments dont even care! That's how much noone cares about racist cracker ass Whites!

Suicides of Whites are so high and I love it

Attached: white suicide rate compared to blacks and other races.jpg (984x919, 97K)

>t- teh left CAN maymay!!1
>j-just look at the image111!!11

you couldn't be bothered to do a simple edit or not sound off like some 2011 kike when making a b8 thread

Attached: e3ea84cd85ef98f5.png (284x214, 71K)

typical and obvious b8, get fucked whoever you are.

Oh no the government (which is run by whites) says we cant kill niggers! If only we had people on our side in the government. (Like the whites for example.)

Attached: download.jpg (1680x1120, 259K)

>hurr durr bait bait durr

Lol everything I'm saying is true!
You Nazi Whitoids just have to cope because you can't do anything about it!

The only cucks in the world are White Men!
You aren't even allowed to protect your land or women, meanwhile proud Black Men can punch you and fuck your women without any pushback!

Bitch you want to talk about statistics? All that you see is by design it's all how it should be.

>Oh no the government (which is run by whites)

It's not even run by Whites, retard!
It's run by Jews who love to see you Whites destroyed and made a minority in your own country and I love it!

Attached: 1570796869788 SPLC jew white replacement.jpg (742x1024, 143K)

You stupid bitch nigger I live in the south a small hood town with nothing but niggers they are the most cucked faggots I've ever seen


You can't do shit in your own country
That's how CUCKED white faggots like you are



Yeah except 10% of White Women marry and breed with Black Kings

How does it knowing that White Women are constantly being bombarded with advances from Latinos, Muslims and Blacks?

Whites can't continue without Women lol

Like I said faggot it's all how it should be the time is coming the weak will be weeded the strong will stand

Stop fucking posting.

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You are a pawn for the CIA mind games to start a race war congratulations for being a weak minded loser


You paranoid cumskins always say it's a conspiracy against you by the CIA

You just can't do shit against Diversity, Egalitarianism or even defend your homeland!

Get fucked, Nazi.

This nigga russian


A little too real for you little baby WHITE BOI?

How does it feel your whole society doesnt give a shit about you?
Yall cant even build a border wall and if you say that "blacks commit more crime" or "Muslims contribute to more grenade attacks" YOU GET FINED AND IMPRISONED IN YOUR OWN COUNTRIES!!!

You Nazis deserve it and you wont do shit

Take my DIVERSE cock in your mouth and just go extinct already

Oh my god he just keeps fucking talking UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHH

Attached: tumblr_p2h1gvmyt31stwfi1_frame3.jpg (640x418, 29K)

Jesus his mouth fucking flaps to no end

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f (720x587, 35K)

>hurr durr he says true things so must be Russian!

Where am I wrong, White Boi?

Noone gives a fuck about your so called "race" (more like a birth defect) anymore, bitch.

So shut the fuck up and accept Diversity already because everyone knows you wont do shit

When blacks fuck whites the whites are not disappearing. It is the other way around. If blacks only fuck whites from now on in 500 years everyone will be white! Blacks only hold 12% of world population, do the math

Words are STILL falling out of his fucking mouth

Attached: tumblr_pe31x9J7FN1ujj0s9_540.jpg (540x514, 45K)

“Nigger Nigger can’t you see the powerful don’t care about you or me”

good. at least low-income non-whites aren't stupid enough to vote for a party that takes away their food stamps.

Black men? How can they breed when most of them are in jails and prisons, uneducated and marginally employed?

Plus white genes are dominant so it's not breeding out whites it's breeding out niggers

I feel confident Andrew Yang will unite the white race and finally give us the power to retake our country from those who have stolen it from us. President Yang is out great white hope. He is the only all right candidate the dems have.Trump failed us, but Yang will not. Vote for our all right candidate, Mr. Yang.

Attached: ca-times.brightspotcdn.jpg (840x560, 50K)

They won't do it.
White men are too weak, pathetic and scared to actually do it.

If you have to resort to images of the kkk or events that happened more than 50 years ago to prove a point like nazis then you my friend are just delusional.

Nazis were scum, but they were at least standing for their Führer, white men nowadays don't stand even for themselves

>Blacks only hold 12% of world population, do the math


Attached: white minority.jpg (667x472, 211K)

All it takes is 1 night with your White Bitch

And guess what?
It doesnt take a genius to figure out that the more non-whites you have in a country, the more non-white men will breed with your precious White Girls and thus less Whites will be produced

Eventually...Whites will go extinct!

I don't think your nigger made picture is accurate shit skin

Even if you preach "kill the jews" or "kill the niggers" you won't do shit.

Trump is on his knees giving away billions of white taxpayer dollars just for the right to suck Israel's cock and you all white nations are doing exactly the same.

Even if you had a 2nd Hitler it won't matter, you are just too weak now to even try to resist.

Hmmm I don’t think white girls like nigger dick as much as you think

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That's the gayest fucking meme I've ever seen. Who ever made this should be brought out and shot. It's horrible and stupid. I pray for you, also conservatives are having more children than those who label themselves as liberals almost on a 3:1 ratio

Bitch I bet you won't try me

You are retarded

If just 10% of White Women have babies with Black Men instead of White Men, that 10% less potential for Whites to continue their own race...with already low birthrates!

>posts only white people in his meme

Mexican americans
Will domanate USA soon.

Attached: flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg (750x1000, 214K)

who do you think the government is that protects the lesser people?

>talks about ending whites
>talks about having sex with whites
Sup Forumsro I know autism rates are on the rise but WAT

you forgettin bout rape white boi puucci

real man take what dey want

I’m sorry your brain is so underdeveloped that you think whites will go extinct. You’ve eaten so much Popeyes your whole existence is wearing Malcom X shirts and jerking off to white girls

Or white Americans will dominate mexico

Pray tellllll
What in OPs faggoty ass post makes you think he is communist
>just sounds like niggers

And that’s why the prisons are filled with negroid specimen

white girls



to fuck niggers in prison

Where do you get these statistics do you think the common white woman cant wait to fuck a prison nigger you are truly delusional

Mexicans dont even dominate Mexico. The cartel have become their own race and country at this point.

lol inbred kkk squad

Have you never bothered to check out how many murders get married in prison while on death row? women are fucking nuts

>threaten people on the Internet

This isn't funny anymore, it's just sad.

If you're so angry then why don't you go and make something for your own society?

Oh! I forgot! You're weak, useless, impotent and just a whiny bitch

Relax whitey, you don't have to worry about your children, your women or your land.

Post your dick with a ruler and a timestamp fuckboy.

I cut my gear with fent when i sell it to blacks

Post your dick with a ruler and a timestamp fuckboy.

What are you doing about it son? How many white children you got?

Attached: 5634785437.jpg (168x127, 14K)

99% of you would lose in a fight to an average black guy lol

Attached: 6379124-5767233934-rob-l.jpg (454x610, 42K)


okay, nigger


Imagine taking this bait

Now imagine making this bait

Not sure which is worse tbh

The ideology of the person who makes the claim against the hat is one that demands death in such a justification scenario as they reject the values of the American System. They are traitors to the cause, delusional, and broken. OP, you can get up, go lean on the water cooler, and know that you're a fucking jew shill. And one day? Your whole synagogue of Satan will come crashing down.

The OP is hiding like a bitch.

I have a theory far right extremists parrot this kind of stupid thread to rally more people to their cause by spreading hate towards the left

Do you even wonder what they were thinking about? Were they bored? Did they feel a sense of quiet accomplishment? Did the guys in the line feel jew'd out of a decent view?
Do you think they ever had a guy try to roast a marshmallow on it?

I think it's just fun to burn things

As a white man I did my part by impregnating a Mexican woman.
Fuck your feelings.

i think the guy demanding dick pics scared him off

>durr my bigoted violence is justified because of how i chose to interpret your values instead of letting you tell me what they are


>Hurr, I demand civil treatment while advocating genocide.


White bitches should just stfu and accept Diversity until they are a super minority in their own countries

Whities deserve nothing more