Sup Forums I need you to expose the identities of these pieces of shit and where they live to humiliate them...

Sup Forums I need you to expose the identities of these pieces of shit and where they live to humiliate them. Show that they will suffer more than a puny
fucking fine.

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also, they live near Isparta, Turkey.

They live in NH, USA and go to a school named St. Mark's

If this is true, dogs are a fucking plague in turkey. There are stray dogs everywhere, they roam in packs. Scavenging from humans and killing for food. Not generally harmful to humans but not friendly either.

Why does this upset you, user? How do you feel empathy for the dog?

dogs are mammals, you're a mammal. it functions on pretty much the same experience of reality as you or i, just with a more limited cognitive function. it feels pain, just like you do user. there are bad dogs just like there are bad people, user. does that make everyone bad? obviously not. if you don't feel empathy for dogs, or animals in general, you're an emotionally repressed faggot. dogs are dope.


who is Sup Forums?

That's the good stuff

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Dubs of truth. Animals lives matter too

Based plot twist

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Well done

Can’t argue with that logic

Raise them for food, let them live the best way possible, slaughter the most humane way possible, and prepare them most carefully and deliciously. Their sacrifice deserves respect.

Oh but hey, do you think it’s human to eat a dog? It’s all meat, like humans are as well. I dunno about murdering them like you wouldn’t murder a human though, you’re right it is more nuanced than how we treat other animals. It’s an interesting world we live in


Shovel Dog happened so long ago that those guys are probably in their late 30s.

that isnt shovel dog

Shithole countries with non-functional legal systems producing psychos who torture animals and post it to social media. Nothing unusual here



Several beastmasters and furfag respect you now.

So it's acceptable to torture them?

Shut up newfag, this is not a NYPA situation, Sup Forums has a long history of driving repercussions against animal torturers

I would happily let all of you faggots die before I let anything happen to my dog.

It was me you fucking pussy! What are you going to do about it? LOL.

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God bless you.

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Sup Forums cant catch anyone that doesnt live in the USA apparently

This until we can make cheap meat from stem cells.

My nigga

They found out who the kids were. They were charged apparently but didnt find the dog. I found the story a long time ago, you faggots need to lurk moar and do your homework.

>until we can make cheap meat from stem cells.
Even if we could, that's no reason to not kill animals and eat their meat.
Fucking lefties want to suck all the fun out of life. Every last drop!

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This. Happened over a year ago.