What would you do to her?

What would you do to her?

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drain the blood, eat the pineal gland

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Missionary with the sole purpose of creating offspring

thats all you want with this fat butt?

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Buy her a nice dress.

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Nice glasses. Very Elton John.

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OP 12-year old faggot.

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Like Elton would wear those. Ffthf ...

Fucking terrible cartoons. No art.

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What a fuckin slob. Clean your room.

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Stars. FFS,

Cleanse with fire

Maybe hide those tats with some duct tape

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This. Terrible work.

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Agree. 3/10 at best. Lift your game OP cuck.

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Greg you're a fag, and your crusty baby mama smells bad

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This and this.

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This is just a boner killer.

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No love for Jesika P?

The 'P' stands for 'Penis killer'.

with a fat ass and big tits? bag her and fuck her

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Make her run for democratic office in 2020.

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anyone want her insta?


Wwyd to my modest Christian wife? Covers up in public but is a freak in bed...

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My God you live in a fantasy land faggot.

LMAO, try the reverse image search, virgin dumbass. Can also provide video the fucking left pic is from. People have sex, even if you aren't ever having it.

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Die incel

Literally posting pictures of my wife, learn what the word means you fucking faggot. Funny you ignored my challenge huh? Only incel here is you bitch. Enjoy never getting laid.

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Learn what incel means or wife?

>ignore my challenge
From an incel. My sides.

Incel means involuntary celibate, that's you! Someone who isn't having sex because no one will actually ever touch them.

I get to fuck whenever I want, little virgin pussy

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>can't post results because there are none

How's it feel being a worthless piece of shit who will never get laid? I wouldn't know. Since I have provided nothing but oc, and you're a pathetic virgin.

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Calm down Kevin, it's just Sup Forums. No harm done ...

Found the triggered incel.

If these are truly of your wife you should be ashamed. This is domestic violence.

Are.... Are you literally this retarded?


Nah … just shitposting for giggles.

Thanks for contributing … I think.

Hey … easy bigfella. Just tell use what the problem is?

I want apostolic nudes

Holy shit this bitch needs to lay off the meth

Is it loss?


Too soon bro

Classic kek

Get her a gift certificate for laser tattoo removal.

I'd tie her hands and feet, put a plastic bag over her head, and watch her suffocate

It's hard being 14, isn't it?
