If a girl that looks like this, hits you up and wants to go on a date. Is she just looking for free drinks?

If a girl that looks like this, hits you up and wants to go on a date. Is she just looking for free drinks?

Attached: edgy.png (450x597, 619K)

Drinks are cheap, I'd go once to see if anything happens. If not never speak to again

'She' is looking for somewhere to bury her 8 incher.

try again tranny


never change Sup Forums

I mean you have changed. a lot. for the worse

but never change Sup Forums

probably just wants to fuck.
date is a formality and you just need to make it through it without breaking the deal.
do a good job and you got a regular fuck most likely.

Is she actually a tranny? Should i ask her that?

How do you know that?

She has a very masculine face imo.

God fucking damnit are you for real? This is a man?

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Now that I look closely. She kind of does look like a man but I am afraid to ask that.

Probably not. We're gonna needs some details user. Otherwise you can fuck off with this gay shit.

What kind of details? It usually is rare for a woman to ask first, it sort of emits a man's personality but it happens sometimes.

I am not going on a date with no fucking tranny

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How did you know her? What are the circumstances under which she asked you out? Are you a sperg or are you fairly charming/normal? Are you more, less or equally attractive to her?

Details nigger, details.

I have a dating profile and I sometimes get notifications that a girl messages me or whatever. So those are the circumstances, and no I dont know her.
I wouldnt say I am normal or a sperg, I am just kind of a quiet shut in. I would say I am probably more attractive than her. I am pretty good looking and get hit on quite often for a neet.

>better looking
kek we're gonna need a picture now bud

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go for it.
if she has a cock just walk away like nothing happened.
what do you have to lose?

get to know her if you think shes cute. if shes boring block her and never see her again

hyde always got what he paid for.

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>If she has a cock...


That's a man, nigger. I've never been more sure of anything.

Earn $50+ per day method

pastebin com/8CtwPUBe

Should I block him then?

Dude i really cant risk this being a man. I would fucking kill myself if i made out with a dude and found out he has a dick

or to give you hepatitis

Are you so sure that you've never been more sure of anything? What if you're not sure of that?

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Depends on what you look like. If you're good looking than its 50/50 if youre fat and gross like me than 100%

the chances of them being trans is low imo. don't block them just because some retard on Sup Forums thinks they can tell who's trans from 3 pictures

are you fucking kidding me? what are you 12? of course its a dude niqqa

you seem pretty fuckin aspie m8

and I doubt you're more attractive than her

just be glad a girl likes you and take the shot

meant for

>I would fucking kill myself if i made out with a dude and found out he has a dick
who cares?
I date a tranny if he was passable.
probably take it up the ass and throat her too.
yolo no homo.

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I realize that there maybe some mgtow types on Sup Forums maybe trying to psyop me into believing this is a tranny.... But now they got me really thinking this might be a tranny. How can i find out with asking her? If its a woman and i ask her if shes a man then i am getting blocked...

Dude you would know the moment he/she spoke

It's not like online where they can take perfect angle photos with perfect lighting and tons of makeup. In person they still, move, look, smell and sound like dudes.

you can't.
hate fuck him if he has a cock.
you'll both love it.

Block him, also tranny's always look significantly more manly in person. I'm also aware you're trolling and playing us for fags.
Don't split hairs, faggot. Now check my singles.

The difference is that you are a faggot unlike me clearly.


Maybe you are right I guess it will just be a bit awkward but it will be her/his fault

>you are a faggot
>no homo.

can't you read Sup Forumsro?

I'm just saying who gives a fuck.
If it has a cock then you proceed no further.
your god gonna smite you for getting baited or something?


Thats a fucking nigga

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what country are you in, what name did 'she' use? looks familiar...

Looks like what? A dude?

New york. Name is steph

false alarm, I don't have inside info for you

god damnit you got me excited for a second

reminded me of a girl from scotland that I know for sure is biologically female, so with a face like that it's possible