How do you get someone fired at walmart

How do you get someone fired at walmart

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How about you get a life and don't worry about others misery...

Send him to El Paso

It’s a lot easier than you think. What’s this info worth to you?

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Sup Forums is not your personal army

Fuck off with that line. Say something original?

Just some bitch. Fucks every dude and makes so much drama between people. Petty shit but this bitch has it coming

>How do I get X fired from Y?
Pretend to be trans and call them transphobic.

Look, she works at fucking walmart - letting her stay there *is* punishment. If she gets fired maybe she gets a real job.

Acquire a fucking rope.

So she won’t fuck you and that’s why you’re mad. Kek you sound like a loser

So she fucks everyone... except you and you’re mad? Be honest and we’ll help.

Very unlikely. It’s either getting her fired or calling cps for having drugs around her kids. This bitch is definitely trust me.

No I fucked. I’ll even post nudes

All this because she won’t have sex with you? Jesus you need medication.

Smh this isn’t about having sex you yard. And if your gonna white knight then actually do to a person that deserves it

Prove it.

>trust me
Like pottery

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Welp once again Sup Forums has failed. I miss the old Sup Forums

Sup Forums was never your personal army

Tell management they are trying to form a union and the person you dont like is in charge of it.

EZ just fake some social media posts of them being racist and sexist and print it out and tell the manager about them and say they deleted it but you got proof