Be me, 24, generic life sucks story

>Be me, 24, generic life sucks story.
>Suffer in silence because I don't want to feel like a burden to friends.
>Live with two roommates for past 3 years
>We basically don't talk.
>They kinda talk to me, but are usually busy, and don't have time for me/no one cares.
>Feels bad, but I get it, they got lives.
>Since I live with them, they're mainly all I talk to.
>Small friend group really doesn't seem to care
>Get the vibe they just feel bad for me.
>My job is a Workers Comp Surveillance for a large insurance company
>Regularly spend ~10 hours/day in my vehicle
>Don't get to interact with others since I'm just hiding in a van
>Makes me fat(ter) and lonely
>One day, I decide I really don't see myself going anywhere in life, and it's hard for me to improve myself when I'm on the road for 10 hours, and at home writing reports and editing videos together for the next 2-3 hours. 6-7 days a week.
>Make decent money ($26/hour) but still never feel fully ahead financially
>It's the bane of my existence.
>Bought some items that have been on my Amazon Wish List for a while.
>Helium Tank, CPAP Mask, etc, you know the drill, we're all here.
>Everything arrives
>Finally gonna do it
>Set shit up and start it rolling
>NOW of all times one of my roommates walks in
>She sees me passed out and strips the mask off
>I wake after my other roommate (paramedic) brings me back to consciousness with a sternum rub
>They freak out, paramedic roommate knows EXACTLY what I was doing, he's probably found some bodies like this
>They start telling me all this shit about how they care, and I should have talked to them, etc, etc
>Suddenly my small friend group starts hitting me up more, talking to me.
>Roommates must have told everyone.
>They all tell me that they love me and they care about me.
>It's all bullshit though.
>Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask.

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>Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask.

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>Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask.
u got me u fucking bastard

KEK Bump

>Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask.

hope this post got you enough karma

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Darkness Visible by Arthur Koestler? I've read Darkness at Noon by him

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I needed my pinkies or whatever for FunnyJunk

I tried something like that but it turns out that helium tanks only come with like 95% helium or something like that, not enough to actually kill you so I woke up in a dark room only lit by my pc monitor with no one around or even asking where I've been for the past several days. loneliness sucks and having no one there for you is worse but I realized that theres a lot I want to do/can do with my life and a lot I can achieve and since I have nothing to lose or prove I'm now free to take any huge risk I want because worst comes to worst Ill just kill myself. this new found freedom is amazing

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>>My job is a Workers Comp Surveillance for a large insurance company
>>Regularly spend ~10 hours/day in my vehicle
>>Don't get to interact with others since I'm just hiding in a van
Damnit I get that this was a ruse but I hoped this part was true. I live in my vehicle and that gig sounds ideal.

gonna dump feels cause I'm sad now.

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i am a babaganoosh

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Include me in the reddit screencap, faggot

included faggot

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