In Season 4, episode 32 of Sponge Bob Square Pants, Patrick is crowned King by the “royal ministry”. However...

In Season 4, episode 32 of Sponge Bob Square Pants, Patrick is crowned King by the “royal ministry”. However, this poses a problem. Neptune is canonized as the king of the sea, so how could Patrick (and ultimately Gary) have a right to the throne of bikini bottom and the rest of the sea when they share no family tree with Neptune? Is this some sort of ploy by the royal ministry to usurp Neptune’s crown and install a puppet monarch? Thoughts?

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I forsee highly intelligent conversation flourishing throughout this thread.

This is why your parents don't love you.

In the first Godfather, Clemenza, the top soldato of the Corleone family is given the Rights and the support to start his own family as a means to control territories the Corleones are no longer interreseret in.

You know what, that’s a great question OP. Why?

Never watched this stupid show.


You were wrong.

Then you’re gay or old because this show’s early seasons are some of the best children’s entertainment ever. Shit still makes me laugh a little bit to be honest.

Bikini bottom doesn't have a king, I think they have a mayor and also one time Squidward mentioned the president of bikini bottom, but he was misinterpreting what spongebob said. Seeing as how Neptune is a godlike being it's unlikely he would have to contend his throne with others or deal with some "royal ministry." However it's clearly shown that both Neptune and Patrick are absolute monarchs. Perhaps whatever Patrick was the king of is a smaller fiefdom under the rulership of Neptune.

This also points to the unsettling realization that the show is set in a feudalistic society. This is further supported by the observation that the police in bikini bottom can act with absolute impunity and there is almost no justice system (example: squidward being given community service for things he didn't do) Therefore, Spongebob Squarepants takes place in a totalitarian police state ruled by a corrupt absolute monarch.

neptune is called king of the sea in the show. and in s4 e77b you see that gary is descended from king amoeba. He could have been king in a different sea. There isnt just 1 sea technically.

Why concern yourself with post season 3 matters at all?

A very good assessment. One point I wanted to touch on however is the idea of contention of the throne. I’m S5 E38 at the 20 sec Mark, two fish have a discussion. At one point, one of the fish makes the assertion that “everyone knows poseidon is the ruler of the sea”, so this leads me to believe that at some point in time, if not currently, that there already exists some sort of dispute for the throne

There were good episodes in season 4. Not as many as in the past granted. But there were still great episodes in season 4. For example, Gary come home is a classic and one of the best Spongebob episodes of all time.

An interesting assertion! Definitely a possibility considering that even while Neptune is clearly some type of god king, he is not omnipresent.

No its not, this is like Titanic all over again, you're letting the song alter your perception of the show.

I wish I knew. It keeps me up at night.

Maybe Neptune isn't a specific person but a rank. For example, the Neptune in Neptune's Spatula and the Neptune in The Spongebob Squarepants movie appear to be different people. They don't share similar facial structure and they have notably different voices. This leads me to believe that Neptune is more of a rank than a person. Perhaps, when Patrick/Gary became King they earned the rank of Neptune.

But it is a great Spongebob episode! Why do you feel like it's not?

Its a children's cartoon, a lot of that shit is made up as they go
Watch the first season followed by the latest. The characters are practically different characters altogether. That applies for any long running cartoon and even sitcoms

A possibility, but with the design, it was changed back in the most recent appearance of Neptune. Was the Neptune in the 2004 movie stripped of his title with his predecessor retaking the mantle in 2011? Or is the god king a shape shifter? Or was the 2004 movie a poor body double?