Straight shota and mom & son thread

Straight shota and mom & son thread

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your cult is literally fronted by a jew who thought he could take on the world by rising through the ranks of a crime family. then hitler destroyed lenins spies 6 million at a time while your hero stalin forced 50 million of his own to die at the same time. this is why normal people believe in god.

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bump for ss? Why does the gay shit get all the bumps and content, but when someone makes a straight thread it dies.

mommy bump

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Because to make an thread you need at least 3 images from OP. And OP is a stupid lame mf

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Gay shota is for pedos and there’s way more of them than people who wish they were molested as kids

K k

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That's a good one. I love saliva play

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But how would I know if my future son wishes to be molested?

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Any good straight shota hentai or pron recommendations?

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Back when the artist was actually good.

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Why is child molestation ok when women do it?

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I agree

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It's not.
But it is kinda hot.

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It's not. It would be okay if the women who did it were attractive but all the ones who do it are ugly/fat/crazy/etc.

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>It would be okay if the women who did it were attractive


Because double standard.Even younger males aren't as innocent naive or as stupid as a female the same age

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Hard to say. As a man who was molested by his stepmom (for real) it wasn't like it was in the porn. These things have lasting effects and while not all are bad they might be.

because then I could fap to it

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Have you received any therapy to help deal with the trauma?

I was young and molested and teased by an older chick when I was around 12 and i'm fine. If anything it boosted my sex drive and really got me looking at girls earlier than the rest of my nerd friends.

No real trauma for me

Yes. 3. 5 years or so. Its been somewhat helpful. Thanks for asking.

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Glad it worked out for you. For me it had the opposite effect and caused me to be scared of girls my age and i found that i leaned towards men. While i consider myself Bi, women still baffle me sometimes.

That is the trauma, it gave you hypersexuality

I actually wish she would have gone further with me and done more in hindsight. That stuff was fun and felt good

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Well it's never really been an issue for me then. I think i get just as horny as other guys but you wouldn't know it consider how big pussies guys have turned into nowadays
Are you sure it doesnt just have more to do with your gayness/temperment?

Once I hit puberty I actually liked the woman MORE and for what she would do with me (tease me showing skin and putting her cold hands down my pants and feeling my dick)

I didnt mind then and I especially didnt mind when I hit 14. It made me want to fuck my teachers and other girls more

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>TFW I was at home sick on penis inspection day and had to have my penis inspected by Mr Smith the gym teacher the next week, Instead of the cute school nurse.

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I'm 100% not sure about any of it. Therapy is pretty serious about being abused not having a hold on your sexual ID but i wasnt so sure. Only reason i even said it.

I'd stay home with a neighbor to wait until my mom got home from work. She was like in her 20's and she started off by like showing her shoulder to me and stuff

Then she'd catch me looking at her bare belly when she'd stretch or stuff. Started with little things like that

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I got molested by my aunt and father. Also got beat with a belt and forced to have sex with my cousin while they record it. I can't have normal relationships and I have a fervent hatred of gays and single moms.

Straight shota is best shota

For my part, a female molested me habitually when I was 8. I would say it has ruined my life but that has more to do with the various mental disorders it gave me. I really wish she didn’t touch me. I feel like I am still a little boy internally, like I haven’t been able to grow up.
I have not received any therapy and nobody knows what happened but me and her. I’m worried that the shrink might rat her out, and I would feel awful if that happened. She is still very close to me and she’s a good person. I know she didn’t mean to hurt me, and I’m sure she would be devastated if she learned how much it has hurt me.

Sorry to hear that dude. You had therapy?

shadbase is GOD

This exact same thing happened to me except the bitch is long gone and I wish she were around because I wanna cum inside her pussy now that my cock is grown or at least as grown as its gonna get.

I didn't even know I was technically retarded until I actually got proper mental health treatment in my 20s. I mostly just help myself anyways, and that seems to work. No one can help me unless I help me. All they can do is enable me. Don't have money to see a therapist. I get insurance from the state, but you get what you pay for. I'd rather be able to work.

Sorry to hear man.
I was molested twice as a kid, my babysitter and a stranger.
I was also a victim of physical abuse from my mother's ex boyfriend from the years of 7 to 21.
It's made me afraid of the concept being intimate with another human. I also hate my mother for putting me through that torture.
Also, all the people who abused me got away with it scot free.
You're not alone man.

>No real trauma for me
>Also posts on Sup Forums
Imagine being this fucking stupid

Sorry to hear your stories.
But honestly it sounds like you were straight up abused though. My neighbor would molest me but she knew I had the mental capacity to tell her to stop if I wanted.

And I did like it. Then again I wasn't that naive or innocent either around 11-12 years old. I wouldn't want to mix your experience of ABUSE with a story like mine. Because my girl was just having fun with me and so was I. She never had to tell me not to tell anybody because we both understood.

I'm still happy I had my experiences and I still wish we could have gone further.
It didnt feel abusive or malicious in the slightest

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Imagine being that fucking stupid to think a Sup Forums user cant have a solid stable life.
You're projecting so hard lol

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Not everyone is weak

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You might want to consider suicide

Alright I coomed. I'm out.

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Not that this is a contest or anything but
Was abandoned by my mother and molested by one of caretakers in the foster home i was in.

I don't like people and am afraid to put trust in them. When im with another person I collapse mentally and try my best to make them feel uncomfortable not because I want to abuse them but to make them leave me the fuck alone.
25 yo now. Never had a gf. Fucked a girl once when I was 15. Always afraid to trust any girl with my feelings so I avoid getting into a relationship.
Now im torn apart and suicidal because the first girl I ever truly loved and actually trusted left and is gone forever. I didnt tell her i loved her because i was too afraid to but it wasnt until after she was gone that I realized that she was the only one I could ever trust in the entire history of my life.

Ill probably an hero if things dont get better for me in a few years

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Fuck I'm glad I coomed early because that pixelation bugmen censorship faggotry is an absolute TURN OFF

> hurr durr if it resulted from age-asymmetric sex it was trauma

God, do you even read your own messages?

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You know like many molestation victims I am very afraid of intimacy and very slow to trust but I never attributed it to the sexual abuse I suffered. I wonder if that’s the underlying cause

What you describe is honestly so typical that I wonder if your problems are actually due to the molestations in the first place.

So many incels out here looking for reasons for their own situations.
I was molested too but I thank God had the mental capacity to get over it. But then again my experience wasn't really abusive or without concent. Yeah I was 12 but after puberty I dated and had friends and life went on pretty fine.

Now i'm afraid of being close to females due to a classic heartbreak story of being cheated on - nothing to do with my molestation. I'm 28 and I didnt let things from my childhood bear down on me and define me. I'm so lucky I had the friends I did. As well as high school girlfriends

You’re stupid as fuck

When i was 13, a hot and taller lifeguard followed me into the bathroom and sucked me off. I csme in her mouth and she licked up every last drop. It was awesome. No regrets and she let me finger her through her once piece swim suit swimsuit and squirted all over my hand She was like 16/17 at the time.

Didnt regret one second of it then and I dont regret a single second of it now.

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I dont have the capacity to get over it tho. I still get spells of terror that haunt me over it. Anytime theres an opportunity to give someone my trust, that adrenaline rush of anxiety creeps in and deters me.

I have no friends. I have no life. Im fine with it but flustered with the fact that I live in a humanoid society that compels me to pay taxes, get a job and get health insurance.

Please don't.

I'm here if you need to talk.

Don't be a woman. Put all your feelings aside and go with what is LOGICAL.
Everything is ultimately a choice man. Also stop being a bitch. Not everyone needs to have a social life.

My fat ass incel friend WANTS a girlfriend, but he doesnt want it bad enough to come out and socialize. He just don't want it bad enough.

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Not him but I will probably kill myself soon as well

What do you think, I deny that non-consensual (to use a less legally charged term, unaccepted) sex can cause long-term damage? No, that'd be dumb. One just shouldn't go around calling every result of such interactions trauma. It holds people in a victim narrative where harm may not have otherwise occurred. Trauma is a big deal; if somebody doesn't feel bad about something, it's not trauma, and the idea that it is merely exists to try to force every person in such a situation into the position of a victim to avoid asking the hard questions which arise from the reality that when children have sex with adults, their ability to function doesn't magically start disintegrating.

Wow. Great advice dipshit

I dont want it bad enough either. I think a part of me does but the fear and tramua silences it.
Ive talked behind the shadows of tindr and dating apps, playing it off like mr smooth and getting girls to actualy want to meet up with me but I stood them up at the last minute out of fear and felt awful
I almost peed my pants out of nervousness when I was talking to her irl. Its like im torn apart and one half is fighting the other because it doesnt want history to repeat itself. People are mean by nature so I dont associate with them.

Stop treating these people like such pussies man.

"If things dont get better for me" that's such a bullshit self victimizing line.
MAKE IT BETTER FOR YOURSELF. Fucking work at it like everyone else does.

I fucking hate incels because they undermine the fucking work people like me have done to improve themselves. I was never awful at talking to girls but I definitely had to learn shit and practice and become comfortable and embarrass myself.

The fucking work it took me, a fucking 5'7 fat piece of shit to lose weight and become attractive to my gf. Nobody gives it to you. And you ain't gonna make any progress with your shitty victimizing attitude

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>if somebody doesn't feel bad about something, it's not trauma
Yeah, you’re stupid as fuck

Aww. Poor baby is afraid of feeling "negative" emotions....


Kik thotofgamea for a hot story about my older stepsister

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