I'm a fucking White male! I'm not gonna have kids...

I'm a fucking White male! I'm not gonna have kids, except adopt! Who the fuck wants to propagate the Nazi's Aryan "race" (Human race, etc...) in 2019, the 2020s, and forever after, other than literal Nazis? It's time. It's done. The White "race" is an idea that needs to be obliterated. Let's be honest. You probably have a crush on a cute Latina, Asian, African, Indian, or Middle Eastern woman or man, right? I'm right. We need to understand that it is our destiny to unite as one single human race.

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This thread makes my uncut dick weep.
Kys, rabbi.

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Im white and way fucking cooler then you

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No you ain't. I'm the coolest person here, because I am not a bigot like the rest!

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No one cares about your nigger faggot cuck fantasies

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Notice how his website is called Terrible Minds. He is one of those.

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Uhm excuse me but my culture is not yours to fetishize. You are not entitled to rape my body, just because you have a fetish, you pervert. Fuck you and your white privilege.

seems retarded, but this is what the actual liberals numales believes

Moar scat

I want to apologize. I didn't mean to offend you. What culture are you?

My culture? Oh that depends on how much money you are willing to send me.