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>>Loli Thread
>>Opens with Oppai Piggu

Fuck off you.

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could it be?

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Is there a discord for this?

There is but it’s run by the FBI

I'm not a pedophile but i love when little girls touch my pee pee.

Can we get some more 3d lolis?

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I honestly don’t understand what normal people don’t see in prepubescent girls. I look at someone as sexy as Laura B and I just can’t see how anyone doesn’t find her attractive

Totally agree, do you know how /where to get nudes for that shit?


Wckr: flipdipper

Really copper?

Where can I find real 3D stuff

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I am confused?

If you’re a cop: fuck off
If you’re genuinely a horny pedo: knock this shit off before you get a knock on the door

Then you are very stupid.

"Real 3d girls" da fuck

They're not yet sexy enough.
They become sexy enough when they get their first menstruation.

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>liking old hags

Get your head outta the shitter.
25 years ain't worth it.

*aussie accent* aye m8, thats not a loli, THIS is loli

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what if u just like the drawings lmao

ill save this thread

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poke loli? damn idk what more gas to drop

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Hello fellow loli lovers.

I'm on a quest to make a hundred loli drawings before the end of the year, and I've done about 75% of it so far. And so, I need your help, as I'm asking you to provide prompts for me to draw.

I'll do my best but results aren't guaranteed. Picture is from yesterday's batch

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not tht i dont have plenty more but this is the weakest loli thread in ages

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Happy loli having a tea party

there is, we're cool I promise.

I requested Acerola rimming a guy's ass yesterday, rerequesting that

loli using cartoonishly large dick as a chair like sitting on balls with the shaft as a backrest and it showering her in cum from above

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Lolis eating cumshots out of eachothers assholes, you can also mix a bit of brown into it.

a loli smegma cleaning service

a loli snorting coke from a cock

loli deepthroat vomiting onto another lolis face

X-ray rimjob from a loli while you see her licking the nugget

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I’m gonna fucking vomit

>loli thread
>doesn't post a loli
You had one fucking job.

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It's mostly society, any normal male seeing a video of Laura B or Valensiya would get an immediate boner and finally understand the sexiness of little girls.

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I don't even know who those names are supposed to mean.
Are you trying to get a message accross, officer?

They're just very popular models from the 2000s, I doubt it's illegal in the US as you guys still have child beauty pageants.

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Grow up fags, you all got childhood truma. Go find a therapist

>I don't even know who those names are supposed to mean.
I’m genuinely shocked to hear that. They’re like a household name among girllovers

That's some nice assumption you have there. I had a normal childhood, though. That's unnecessary to find little girls hot.

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Maybe that's because I'm a *loli* lover and not a *girl* lover, right?

I gave it a shot, not sure how good it is, there's plenty of wrong with it.

oh, I must have missed you yesterday. Not big on ass rimming but heh, I'll give it a quick shot

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So you’re saying you’re in denial

any good loli hentai series to watch?

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I assume you mean they are softcore models. Unfortunately those are illegal, puritans are ridiculous like that. Don't ask me to explain child beauty pageants, though, I am honestly surprised they have been allowed.

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It’s non-nude

Nope. I had a perfectly normal childhood.

>I assume you mean they are softcore models.
No. Their modeling agency is 100% legal.

No, I'm saying you're stupid for assuming loli lover = girl lover.

When did you develop a preference for loli? I don't mean when you first started fapping to it.

I mean when you realized you 100% prefered loli over adult women.

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Yes, non-nude. Slightly provocative posing when repeated in a photo set is enough to trigger protestant pearl clutching.
>No. Their modeling agency is 100% legal.
I strongly doubt that, at least in the US.

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>Their modeling agency is 100% legal.
There is precedent for otherwise legal material being considered illegal because its audience was pedophiles

When I was like 18-19 I'd say, I never had any relationships with girls in my entire except two when I was 9yo and 12 (girls my age), I think I never stopped liking them, so when I discovered lolis back in like 2009, I was delighted

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>playing GTA means you like running people over and running a criminal enterprise
>playing Cities Skylines means you want to be an architect and flood cities by eliminating dams from existence
Your peed logic is dumb. Sorry.
Not everyone is retarded like you.

Fapping to kids means you want to fuck kids

so women who enjoy yaoi are secretly gay men?

Exactly. Kids.
Drawings aren't kids.

As far as your dick is concerned they are

Can the baiting FBI cops pls fuck off
There's no CP here and stop baiting people

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I started when I was 15 I'd say. Originally I liked all sorts of doujinshi, but then I noticed I liked the one with petite women the most (it doesn't help that sometimes cow tits are drawn grotesquely large). Even if the page I used back then didn't allow loli, I searched the scanlator groups and found it. Then I found the sadpanda and I've been a happy man since then. Nowadays I don't bother with non-loli, it does nothing for me. I think I was lucky I found them so young, I believe I never developed the post-masturbation disgust response some people report here, that has been a blessing.

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MY dick has no issues getting hard at inanimate things.
My dick doesn't get hard at kids.
Sorry, your logic is flawed.
Go tell people that to people that get erections from seeing cars.

You're retarded reasoning is the same shit people use to try get loli banned by making fictional people have rights.
Drawings. aren't. real.

They're not even talking about CP, it's non-nude models.

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It's still real kids.
Which means it's not loli.
Which means it's off-topic

Nah wrong. It's the same from a different perspective. I fap to anime MILFs all the time, but irl MILFs are just absolute shit. I like NTR and ryona, but seeing that irl would be disgusting.

Here's a shot at that one, sorry for having missed your request yesterday

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wow same here. im serious, same age and everything(18-19) and my only relationship was when I was young.

maybe im into loli because the only sexual/love experiences I had was with other lolis. I imagine most normal people have their first real experiences with teens or adults

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Are you this guy from yesterday? Fuck off already and let people talk about whatever they want to, at least contribute some pictures if you want to complain.

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>My dick doesn't get hard at kids.
My dick doesn't get hard randomly at adults in non-sexual/provocative situations either.

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I'm not the guy from yesterday and you can't force me to contribute.
And it's not about telling people to shut up, it's about telling people to stop *derailing threads* in order to bait people into talking about *real kids*.
You're allowed to talk about it, just make another thread about it, I promise I won't disturb you there

nah, you can look at someone and say "they're hot"
even in non sexually provocative situations

>maybe im into loli because the only sexual/love experiences I had was with other lolis. I imagine most normal people have their first real experiences with teens or adults
Yep that's what I think too, sometimes I wonder that, if I was to find a woman my age (I'm almost 30 now) and we were to have sex and stuff, I'd end up not liking lolis anymore?

Maybe I'm only into kids because I only had relationships as kids, who knows.

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We're still posting pictures (which is the entire point of the hread) while discussing, nothing wrong here, you're the one derailing it by not posting anything.

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You're the only one "derailing" the thread specially if you're not contributing. Your opinion on what's on or off topic in a loli thread is not universally shared.

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thanks, nice! you're getting close to 100!

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while I do agree that I can look at women and think they're hot, it's very rare for me to get hard from just looking at people in casual situations.

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this is a loli thread, not a child porn thread
the other user is right, make your own child pageants thread if you like child models that much
any discussions, and anyone off topic should gtfo
no one cares about your CP shit, unless you're the FBI and you want to force the issue

that's just you, there are plenty of females with natural beauty
"love at first sight" doesn't need the female to be in sexually provocative situations

>this is a loli thread, not a child porn thread
Good thing nobody's posting child porn, we're all posting lolis while discussing other stuff, now stop derailing, thank you.

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And you are saying you have never seen a cute little girl butt that gives you pause?
Man, I knew that sexuality was strange, but I am somehow often caught off guard by it.

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you're talking about child pageants and child models which is exactly the same thing, and i'm telling you off that, that shit doesn't belong here

>”love at first sight" doesn't need the female to be in sexually provocative situations
I felt “love at first sight” earlier this year, she was like 7 and so beautiful

Fuck off FBI

it's getting so obvious you're a cop