StiII your president

StiII your president.

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so umad bro.

Not really. He is the president. Just like Obama and Bush before him.

Regardless of who it is why complain? It wont change a damn thing lol


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"I never understood black people. I know niggers very much, I have studied it better than anybody. I know it is very expensive. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous - if you are into this - tremendous fumes and gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right spewing, whether it is China or Germany, is going into the air. A nigger will kill many bald eagles, after a certain number, they make you turn the nigger off, that is true. By the way, they make you turn it off. And yet, if you killed one, they put you in jail. That is OK. But why is it OK for niggers to destroy the bird population?"

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so facebook, doesn't even deserve a (you). have sex kid.

>S E E T H E
not OP, but if you thats "seething" you need to lighten up

a lot

Idc what the seethe kid is getting at. He is just shouting words to feel important lol

still impeached

Yesterday I saw a bumper sticker saying "the best part of waking up is Trump is President"

I just gotta say, you guys are WAY too invested in a politician. It's really just sad now, nobody cared about Obama that much. When he's no longer President, what will you even have going in your life?

typical libtard doesnt know what impeachment is. YIKES!

yaawn cry more libtard

typical retard response

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faggot. I literally only ever hear of people sucking obamas cock
>"I sure miss obama he was our best president"

shit even shows up on TV. Don't act like fanaticism is something new for america.
KKK anyone?

Too rough? Okay. How about all the faggots in america that are into K-pop. There's an easy example for you.

Anyway you're a dumb cunt and you have zero ability to read any climate. Yes that includes temperature you fuckin chud.

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>I'll have nothing but pretty partisan hatred

So you'll be super sad, is what your saying.

The way he uses his hands to talk literally kills some brain cells every time

Preferring Obama to Trump is not the same as having nothing in your life that's more enjoyable to you than the identity of the President.

That's some pathetic, misguided celebrity obsession.

Not American but how the fook can people claim that Obama was "the best"?
He fucked you over royally with the banks who btw choose his cabinet.
Expanded the wars and expanded the surveillance state

Mfw what Republicans have been doing since drumpf got impeached

this shits also a huge basket of faggotry.

>Hur dur libtard
>drumpftard herpader

Faggots like you give people who actually care about their country rather than being better than someone else a bad name.

Funny enough its most of america. So regardless of who wins this exact shit will never stop happening on the scale that it does in america.
It should happen because not everyone should and can agree with one another. But holy fuck you faggots relish in it.

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Stop splitting hairs you twat. What you described is included in what I said.

Celebrity obsession extends to even the presidency hence the obama cock sucking.


he completely lied about every single thing he promised to accomplish, but hey at least he's a still a good meme tho.

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>every politician ever: "Im going to do all these really time consuming expensive things and WE WILL RULE THE WORLD"
>none of the promises are kept because they're obviously way too fucking extravagant and you'd have to be braindead to believe them
>"Politicians are such crooks and they never keep their promises"
>Yeah what the fuck man if only we knew how to discern spoonfed false promises from what a government is actually capable of doing.

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All I can say I guess......I'll give trump a small amount of praise for being able to win a election for A. Being a terrible business influencer and literally making fun of "special needs people and 2nd being able to lead those special mind of people to vote... the mans/people are infactuwaited with a man child that has no say in what happened to our country and kids

My presidento

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lol point A) If you knew more about that issue you wouldnt have brought it up
B) Thats just politics bro.

Politics is a joke, if you follow it you're brain damaged

Celebrity obsession exists everywhere, you fucking retard.

The cult-like following of Trump is worse than anything that's existed in the US since Scientology


Whatever you say Ivan

oh look its the same flavor of faggotry thats displayed in the comic being unironically put out there by the author of the comic.
Seriously neither side has any self awareness whatsoever.
>I know I'll make a comic about how stereotyping people makes you look like a hypocritical bitch.
>I know I'll make it political so theres a solid base for acceptance when it comes out. Better make sure it caters to liberals though just in case.
>Comic is exactly as hypocritical and does exactly the same thing the comic is condemning.

>Man I sure am a smart person and can make political commentary without making myself look like a giant faggot.

>An even bigger faggot comes along and posts it as their thoughts because thinking is hard.

Yes. You're that bigger faggot.

LOL this faggot has blue car syndrome.

No wonder you're all fucked over trump. You probably have one of those stupid pegboard walls with trumps pictures all over it connected with tacks and red string.

eat a dick, its healthier for your mental state than whatever the fuck it is you're doing.

Why would you fallow some one who literally faild and lost money in opening a casino like a fucken retard. I just dont understand how people like him I watch him talk and it kills brain cells


nope, I am not from the united retards

You write and spell like you're still 8 years old man.
You are obviously correct that whatever it is you're doing kills brain cells.
But have you tried watching trump without huffing paint? I mean he still says some pretty outlandish and stupid things but yeah it doesn't kill brain cells.

Pfft.. enjoy your gooey dick, if you want to be eaten. I hope we are less warbrained this time around. Of course we will fight the second Hitler, and maybe we do win. But thats it, if we are dead we wont be able to call ourselves Americans anyway. Besides you can't go back to sleep. Your gooey dick will begin to harden as it begins to ejaculate. Your head will turn to ash, that's it.

>StiII your president.

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Take less meth faggot.

When is to stop your trolling and when is to be your own doctor?
How do you think using Netflix destroys brain cells?
Fuck Trump, take out the trash. He is the only person in America with the power to deal with this

Ill give trump credit for making MSM look so untrustworthy.

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He's a faggot

Is this a joke or what?

Alright. You either gotta put that crack pipe down and go back to school. Or you gotta learn better english because you're all sorts of fucked up.

So in the vein of you not grasping english too well I'll return an insult in a way you'll understand.

Uh? Dick suck your mom because you dont know things to be in the conversation you bitch donkey mother whore.

How was that?

Without fail, every time someone accuses someone of being the "bigger" faggot in an argument it either implies:
>I'm not mad, YOU'RE mad!
>You're mad, therefore I am more rational
and both of these are undeniably retarded

lol wind farms cause cancer

Vaccines cause autism

P.s. put alligators in pits at the wall kek

Actually we are laughing, and can't wait for this to get laughed out of the senate.
What the left has done is to prove itself unworthy to compete in the market of ideas, and had to resort to moving to impeach since the day he was sworn in.
You are so mad, kiddo.

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This faggot doesn't understand. That's why this faggot went on a big rant on something entirely wrong.

The bigger faggot is the faggot posting the comic. Has literally nothing to do with any argument presented in the comic.

But hey lol you want me so desperately to pick a side here dont you.

Oh well. That's all on you and your assumptive retard ass. Eat at least 2 dicks and call me in the morning. Then you can try mine because you clearly need practice.

oh yeah its one of those "he who smelt it dealt it" situations with the "you mad shit" Clearly
you're rustled if you brought it up at all. Relax guy.

Wind was not invented in 2003, in fact it is not used anymore. Wind turbines are installed in Europe to mimic wind farm performance. So if you take global mean wind speed per year you can find out when USA was the first to stop using it. Top poll bot Stats page 51: The large cap is based on manmade wind power with inlet and outlet inlets in each wind farm. This results in much higher output than natural. Read more in pictures.

>StiII your president.

Yeah, no shit dumbass.

Why is this the rallying cry conservatives have chosen anyway? Its got to be for the same reason they were all screeching 'NOT MY PRESIDENT' under Obama, but what's the fucking point?

They have been doing that to themselves for decades.
He's just louder about it.

Many scientists exist on the autism spectra, så it's more precise to say autism causes vaccines.

>no u

I thought so lol

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“When Iran, when they circle our beautiful destroyers with their little boats, and they make gestures at our people that they shouldn’t be allowed to make, they will be shot out of the water."

—Threatening to go to war with Iran over rude hand gestures, Pensacola, Florida (Sept. 9, 2016)
Talks like a fuckin child but I guess thats why you suck his dick fanatically


English, spic, speak english

again, faggots exist on both sides and pretending they don't makes you look like a disingenuous cunt.
"NOT MY PRESIDENT" is quite literally on T-shirts against trump.

And "still your president" although not sloganized like today was still tossed around when obama came into office.

Stop being such a fucking faggot dude and display a whole opinion rather than a vetted one for whatever interest you have at the moment.

Cant wait for Sanders to beat the orange fuck.

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Thanks for legitimately proving this time that you are a simple minded faggot lol and that you dont understand.


>Talks like a fuckin child but I guess thats why you suck his dick fanatically
Every Republican evangelical is a pedo so yeah, that's probably not too far off from the truth

Det går inte, det är ett efterblivet språk.

>big words, phrases, stuff I dont understand and use anyway

Oh user...

>Stop being such a fucking faggot dude and display a whole opinion rather than a vetted one for whatever interest you have at the moment.

Lol, what the fuck are you even trying to say retard?

Nice one

lol this nigga projecting.

>big words
>legitimately is the biggest word there.

You really are a simple minded faggot arent you?


Is he really, though?



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Already did. Might do it again for kicks.

Objectively, and if you disagree you're wrong

Anyone see Trumps latest "speech"? Fucking KEK the poor motherfuckers brain is rotting at an alarming rate. It will be amazing if he's even able to wipe his own ass by summer let alone cognitively able to compete in the next election.

That would be great, and I can see it now "trump impeached yet again, confirmed biggest loser in the history of the entire world"

He will most likely die of heart failure or something of that ilk. His physician admitted that he is morbidly obese and had advanced heart disease so only a matter of time now

Dems gonna keep digging, many court cases coming up soon regarding lawful subpoenas that Trump ignores, his track record winning court battles as president is terrible, I'm betting more articles of impeachment on the way while the lickspittle Republicans look more and more pathetic by the day.

>Trump vs Biden, battle of the seniles

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I mean I won't argue that Trump is great or anything, but did you fags forget that the last two presidents are both literal war criminals? Dubya is responsible for the death and displacement and casual cruelty of two wholly unjustified wars, and Obama executed an American citizen and his daughter without due process by drone strike

Say whatever you want about Trump but he's definitely not a war hawk, if anything the opposite

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Technically, he has not been impeached. The vote passed, but until Pelosi sends it to the Senate, he still hasn't been impeached. Once sent, he will be impeached, but he will not be removed, until the Senate holds a trial and determines whether he is to be removed or not.

..of him still being impeached

He better be! Guy cracks me up at his rallies. I'll probably vote for him this time.

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This is a new point of view. Previous impeachments the president was considered impeached as soon as the articles passed the House but whatever. If it rustles Orange Man and his bootlickers it's a good thing.

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Ok, scholar.

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