I'm from Argentina, ask me anything

I'm from Argentina, ask me anything

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Argentina.svg.png (1200x750, 53K)


Which Operating System do you use on your computer?

Android or iOS?

How long you've been here?

Do you plan to leave Argentina?

Which E-Mail Provider do you use?

Favorite porn category?

Favorite dish?

Single or in a relationship?


river or boca?

my perents are from argentina.
i love going to entre rios but i hate buenos aires.

i also love alphajores

I've been here my 20 years
Yes, I plan to leave
I've been in a relationship for almost 6 years


Alfajores 4L, where do u live?

we live in Australia now. we left when i was 3.

Good choice, never come back


did you move there or were you born there?

i go to argentina every 5 years. every time i go there is more and more scum bags from over seas, ruining the country.

how pretty are the korean girls in argentina?

Macri or fernandez?

I was born here, and yea, ppl don't even wanna work anymore, it's disgusting, hopefully I can move to a better country soon

Only chinese girls, and they are ugly

There are almost no Koreans here, the only asians here are Chinese and shit, they run supermarkets and they are disgusting

Fuck them both

Really disgusting, people won't work here anymore, all they do is daydream about living in another country...

im sorry for you anons

How's the country right now?
I want to visit Buenos Aires again

We have an economic crysis every 10 years, we are in the middle of one now, which for tourist is a GREAT thing since our local currency is heavily devaluated.

So yeah, you can come here, watch our nature wonders, eat our delicious meat, and have a lot of fun, for a really good price.

Why cristina was elected again??

The first time i went there i had some large mozarella pizza for 50 pesos
The second time it was like 75 pesos and my heart broke
Still cheap as fuck

Because she did a master move as sending another dude as the president and taking a step back herself. Alberto (president) feels like something "new" with the support of the leftards and feminist who already loved Cristina.

hehe it be like that, still one of the best pizzas in the world amirite?

tbh the most expensive pizzas in my country aren't even close to the taste of the cheapest pizzas in buenos aires
kinda sad tbh our pizzas suck

heheh well, ive had pizza in a lot of countries (italy included) and they all seem so "thin" compared to argies.

insert "it's not much, but its honest work" meme lol

where is it

Sos la misma argentina del otro día?

How does hunger feel?

It's true that people got poor with macri?

I want to visit Tierra Del Fuego. As an American who doesn't know spanish, will I be able to safely travel around?

Are you white?

yeah, Argentinian south-side is basically american and european travelers. everything is built for you guys, enjoy!


As a country how did it feel getting the shit kicked out of you by the UK armed forces who were thousands of miles from base, lost loads of supplies but still managed to fuck your country big style.

Are you Italians or Mexicans?
Make up your mind.

You don't call your language Spanish do you ? Do you have to speak alot of lingua franca when foreigners come over " HABLA ESPANOL???" " I imagine your tongue is more " le argentina ?

We call it Castellano, and technicaly is "Castellano from the Rio de la PLata", since you know, Castilla is kinda far away lol.

In all honesty im amazed on how we don't speak italian. you can note a STRONG italian accent on our language tho, but still, the italian roots are way bigger than the spanish ones.

I wasn't expecting to see a thread about my country. Las cosas que uno se encuentra

well if tu sprach anglich y roma tu parle?

what's the real price of US dollars in argentinian pesos?

Oficial: $62
Unoficial: $83

Economic Emergency was declarated in the senate this week, so we are doing an "30%+" effort for the poor lads...

Basically the mindset is "people who are able to pay netflix, should pay a 30% more fee so we could use that to help the poor".


So, OP, tell me, what in the future you feel the feeling?


liberalism is the solution

Lmfao shut up argentinians absolutely butcher the Spanish language

>muh italian blood

Attached: chupame la pija.jpg (225x225, 5K)


That guy from your pic looks like a northern african - middle eastern, which heavily migrated to southern italy, whom heavily migrated to Argentina, so it's still valid.

¿Cuantas copas tenés?

Mais do que você boludo

Yeah "Migrated", just like the "Slavs" am i right


Lol no, not even close, if that were the case we would be rich by now, like you fellow americans.

Southern Italians who reinvented Argentina were poor but also didn't wanted to work.

You believe that brazil is best of argentina

Is it a good idea to move to Argentinia or Chile from EU?
Any good advice for someone who might move?

first question OBLIGED...why?

you will find that life is different to anything you know, specially in southern south america. Most americans tend to think to anything below the US border to be just mexico or mexico alike, and tbh things are PARTICULARLY different in the southernern 3 (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay)

¿Cuándo llegaste a Uruguay?

Attached: balseros argentinos 20180907.jpg (480x501, 38K)

Change of lifestyle mainly.
So it's considered because it is different.
I'm not looking for convenience. I can work and I bring my own money too.
I'm aware that it is nothing like mexico.
My question was aimed more towards finding out about potential pitfalls that maybe only locals would know about. Or any other handy tips.

It will not be anytime soon. Maybe in 10 years, maybe 15 years. I will learn spanish too just for that.

Any input would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

yeah of course, if you want to be in touch (and it will be more easy for me to give you any advice you want) hit me up on reddit (username lau9001).

At what country do you wanna go to live?
Do you work in Argentina, what's your income if so

Most American's don't know who Amerigo Vespucci is so can you really be surprised..

Napolitano che.

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Im down to re-establish Rome if anyone wants to take back that other continent.

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ohh Argentina

The land where everyone is white

But nobody is blond.

They come from low-class Italians (not Romans!) and those dark little coal-mining Welsh.
Kinda stretches the definition of white.

Que opinas de las mujeres mexicanas?
Esta es mi esposa

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>Kinda stretches the definition of white.

still, there's a reason why Argentina is, if not, the only reasonable country in its ENTIRE continent, so there's that...

blonde fags always think they're the shit but there's just as many blonde CHUDs out there as anyone else
your ancestors were probably pig farming serfs

Argentina barely has any own culture aside from few meaningless exceptions you can count with your fingers. They blatantly take whatever they feel like from their neighbors or other places and try to claim it as original from Argentina.

They are also known for their arrogance and lack of hospitality.

Don't ever visit Argentina.

Define reasonable lol

uh, qué sorpresa, son todos unos fachos resentidos en Sup Forums

lol you got me there