How do we bring beating women back in style?

How do we bring beating women back in style?

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You verbally tell them what's the right thing to do and you poker face watching how they seek the orgasm in the baws

>Be Indian
>Never went out of style

Is it bad that I envy arranged marriage?

Women are all whores these days and basically both sides buy into the fairytale culturally.. aside from all the dark shit, it's pretty sweet

Rn I'm just praying to find an actual princess, but all the girls I fuck/date between the age of like 20-26 are completely untreatable and brainwashed that whores and whitish acts are what we crave... like, I don't necessarily want to have the image on my wedding day of my wife to be's face turning blue as I nearly killed her with a belt (true story)

Untrustable* if this fucking autocorrect isn't sorted after I DL this update I'm going to shove this thing up my fucking ass

Arranged marriage can work but among more affluent Indians it is gradually dying out, and the women are becoming more infected with ideas above their station. In a generation or so it will only be the poorest who still know how to treat a woman.

"find an actual princess" you're such a pathetic person. you attract people similar to you. if you are a retard then why would any respectable woman look at you? first improve yourself and stop fantasizing, loser.

Lol chill the fuck out.. I'm actively working on myself and can assure you, it's very common in the age group.. dated tat covered shores to shores that live in a mansion

Fuck you got mighty defensive; do you fit in that bracket, are you a dumb whore? Or do you just want to believe you weren't cheated on or currently are being cheated on by a whore?

Kill yourself

Lol dat autocorrect.. these whores are more like the Bermuda triangle; than a lifesaving shoreline

I'm educated, built, 8"+ cock (quit smoking it's getting back to normal) never have to work for money again, and a fighter in training.. what do you have to offer lmao


Also, what's wrong with dreaming big and wanting to live a fantasy, I can assure you I'm well on my way; I don't think all women are whores, just like all men aren't asaholes: innocent till proven guilty

..just all these women have proven to be whores: you're either too dumb, inexperienced, or young to admit that

sure, buddy, whatever you say.

just follow your destiny, incel.

1. Convert to Islam
2. Spread our offsprings around the world. Grow from minority to majority.
3. ?????
4. Profit!

Just start doing it. It'll catch on.

culturally speaking across the west its already "in style", the problem is this only applies covertly, not overtly.

women want to be beaten, but of course there has to be rules in regards to how much you can beat them, why, and how

if you woman doesn't approve of you beating her, she doesn't trust you, she doesn't respect you, she doesn't look up to you, and she doesn't revere you.

legally speaking however I believe that its possible to bring it back in law and have amendments made to certain laws that would differentiate between lawful spousal beating as a punitive measure, and excessive force. e.g. slapping with an open hand as opposed to punching with a closed fist.

tbf, this...

That woman you like to beat is coming back in style!

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>How do we bring beating women back in style?

Introduce mixed events in the Olympic Games:
Especially the Athletics - Track & Field, Weight-Lifting, Boxing, Chess, and thinking rationally, beyond where did I leave my box of chocolates? events.

Men can always beat women in those events,
as opposed to the Gymnastics mincing around on the beam & floor exercises, where the women are pretty hot, especially those that have (allegedly) been put on hormonal puberty blockers to to maintain a high power to weight ratio and stop them turning into fat-fuck land-whales with a power to weight ratio approximating to that of Jabba the Hutt.

Attached: Big Fat Jabba .jpg (1280x853, 220K)

Animated films for the youths

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Have fun being cucked by you estranged wife/gf

Or if female: Lying to yourself if you're attractive; or being a desperate, lonely "women's" rights activist who hates men because she can't get sassy num nums, if ugly... or gets it and never gets called back

I thought incels don't have sex, are you confused?