I've been with this girl for 3 years now. we're both around 25. she's got a degree in art, for painting...

i've been with this girl for 3 years now. we're both around 25. she's got a degree in art, for painting. she doesn't make very much money, and is never going to make very much money. i've got a CS degree, and i make 90k.
is it unethical to break up with her because she doesn't make much money?

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If you're a jew then it's religiously mandated that you leave her. If you're a human then it's your call.

it makes me feel bad, because i like her, and if she made as much as i do, i wouldn't even consider it.

Women aren't supposed to make money, they're supposed to raise your children. If she won't quit to do that then leave her. Money is your job and it sounds like you have enough for a comfortable life on your salary alone.

Money doesnt make people happy.
Having someone youd die for, and you know would die for you is far more valuable.
You obviously dont love her or youd never consider what you're talking about. Let her go. Stop wasting her and your time

90k is poor still, get of your high horse, and if shes an attractive down girl. wife her up, pop out kids and have her make up the difference in the home.

And she's probably actually happy with what she does. Whereas it's a fact that the majority of people who go into CS just do it because "job opportunities"

i don't love anyone and i don't think i ever will. life is a game and i want to maximize my own enjoyment. that being said, i don't want to infringe on other's enjoyment if i can avoid it.

Confirmed for 15 year old.

teach her how to use photoshop and a 3d modeling software like lightwave, you can open new opportunities to her.

In all seriousness, is it such a big deal? Are you under financial pressures? Is there's something wrong with your relationship underlying this? I just get the feeling there must be something more to your discontent than an income gap?
If you get married and have kids, one of you is going to have to take time out of your careers, and not to be mean, but if you enjoy your job and money, you have arguement as to why yours will take precedent.
You two probably have alot to talk about.

yeah i should probably push her into digital media more. i don't think she'll ever really do well with physical media.
i don't think i have any issues with her, but maybe i should talk to a therapist about it. maybe there's something i'm lying to myself about.
maybe the money isn't a significant thing, but the concept of having twice the income is appealing. costs of living are fairly static, so everything above that is "free".
this thread is really just me screaming into the void, and also to see what people's opinions really are. i don't think Sup Forums is fit to give much in the way of relationship advice, but i can speak anonymously here.

agreed 90k a year won't get me out of bed. Funny what others consider wealth. heres an idea move to a real city, send her to real estate school 6 hrs haha. Dress her to impress. 5 listings later shes making more money than you.

with your new found wealth rent art studio for her or if your a man build one.

If you loved her you'd never consider it. Face it, it's already over and she's better off without you.

oh for sure. i'm some sort of autistic robot and i don't empathize properly. every girlfriend i've had i haven't "really" cared about. it's less who they are and more what they do. i can pretend though, and she won't know the difference.

Basically these

+painting is great for a stay at home mom, art+business savvy parents will make one contender of a child

Is this job new or newish? The glamour and glitz of big paycheques wares off quick; I ended with more than I knew what to do with and spent it all on high class degeneracy.. I'd have killed for one girl who actually cared about me

Maybe you're subconsciously scared she'll leave you, being busi and art are perceived as incompatible; but I put peanut butter on my pizza the other day; and i wouldn't have had it any other way, personally

Just don't jump the gun, therapy didn't work for me, but as stated above: different strokes for different folks.. but while you're sussing all this out... remember why you started with her, and treat her right

Merry Christmas mate

Actual 12yr old... love will always be threatened, it's how we deal with it, if we choose to maintain the love and build it to new heights; is what makes the strongest relationships.. i.e am i going to cheat, or tell this cocksucker how i really feel and sort it the fuck out

Make her sell loli drawings and furry porn. That will make her get tons of money.

If you are looking for reasons to break up, then go ahead and do it before she is too old.

Or even bite my tongue and endure and give him/her a chance to prove that I'm not just in this because I'm a fucking moron

All bottom of the barrel of human existence jokes aside.. You never know; she could strike big with a gallery or 2

My old friend was contracted by a huge natural food company to do all their art, he gets to draw literally anything he wants, sliding in memes and all the shit, they give him what they have to promote and give him full freedom, also he's not a weirdo who would do some weird shit; so it's a mutually beneficial, healthy relationship

I hope she sucks the life out of you.

Clearly you should leave her. You don't love her if you're concerned about her money. It wouldn't be an issue otherwise. Stop wasting her time.

this is a true thing. she might end up going down some path that works out financially, and so it would be a waste to break up with her on the basis of finances alone.
maybe that's the core question, the "when do quit hunting" question. maybe no one would satisfy me, and i'd always find something to bitch about.
i'll figure something out eventually, i just like tossing the ball back and forth with you guys.

Why would you care?

No, she clearly deserves better. Break up with her and find someone who evaluates you the same way you evaluate her. That ought to fix things for you.

care if she was upset after breaking up? it's because i don't have a socially acceptable excuse for it. i don't want to cause harm unnecessarily. i try to act in a utilitarian way.

Kids nowadays ...

Let's make it real simple op: do you want to be with her?

- If yes then continue.
- If no then dump

Why make everything so fucking complicated?

i'm an asshole and i don't want to be around someone like me.

You need to sit down with her and talk to her about your concerns with your financial future as a couple. If she believes all she wants to do for the rest of her life is physical art paintings... you may need to give her a reality check.

Unless you yourself are open to working another job, or finding one that pays more, you will struggle to support a future family at 90k annually. And while you struggle away, she will either pick up the slack or watch you fail as she searches for alternative men who can afford the standard of living she expects.

You're right to worry. Anyone who thinks women should be stay at home moms are fucking delusional in today's America, unless they can financially afford otherwise.Though I can't blame them cause commonly a woman's first choice on cheating is a co-worker.

dude i don't know what i want for breakfast, let alone what i want in a partner. the future is very hard to predict.

Does she have expensive tastes and wants to live well above her own means based upon her low income, or is she more down to earth and simpler tastes? I ask because it sounds like you are going to present it if she is always pressuring you to buy her expensive things that she can't afford on her own.

Same question for you about your tastes. Do you want to live the rich pretentious lifestyle, so need your partner to be making a lot of money as well?

Then you know the solution, don't you? Either work on yourself so you cease being an asshole, or accept that you will end up alone. Long term, your qualities will always show themselves.

But your advice wasn't for that, was it. You asked if it was ethical to break up with her, and considering she deserves better, it is ethical to break up with her. Your question has been answered.

Money will not make you happy but money problems are guaranteed to make you unhappy. user needs to ask himself if he is willing to support her for their entire lives as she will never have a job (no, painting in the garage is not a job). If he is not then he should not stay with her, simple as that.

>(no, painting in the garage is not a job)
i mean she could make a little bit of money

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Minimum wage makes more than that garbage.

date a man faggot since you need a woman to provide for you

it's about doing what you love, and foodstamps covering the rest

Fuuucking neck yourself leech.

Delectable bait.

>hey honey, I think you made a big mistake with your major, lol

Yeah.. don't listen to this sperg

Straight to cucking and shit too, clearly you need a break from this place mate

No. She’s ugly as fuck. Get yourself a girl that reflects 90k a year.

I think complicating shit comes with intelligence, also if you are at least 2 of the trifecta (driven, handsome, wealthy) entry into all doors is usually an option.. so it's never simple

no she is a sleezy cunt

if you actually loved her, it wouldn't make one bit of difference how much money she makes

you sound like a jew

Goddamn checked.

Don't be naive. Women and men alike are greedy, lustful and selfish. You have to expect people to have a plan B in case you fail their expectations. That's real world 101 shit.

Are you still sexually attracted to her? More importantly is she loyal?

It’s not unethical but it does make you a dick. Females aren’t supposed to be making money in support of your relationship, that’s your fuckin job dipshit. She’s got a degree in art because she did what society expects of her, to get an education and find a man. This shouldn’t be an issue as long as she’s willing to have a rear your kids and have the housework and dinner cooked everyday. Problem is, some women don’t want that because they’re hypocrites claiming muh feminism. If she’s one of those broads, definitely dump her ass. Otherwise, if she’s not going to be an earner, she needs to contribute to the relationship in other ways. Like being barefoot and pregnant in your kitchen.

It's not about ethics holy fucking C++ sperg attack... it's an existential crisis of the human condition, he's looking for insight Mr.high and mighty... fuck I think I need a break from most you people

A lot of this bullshit advice reminds me of when I would get advice from my hermit (but very intelligent) friend on how to handle my approach with my girlfriend... it always ended with the practices you people who haven't practiced; are told.. and they never worked, and only actively worked to push her away...

Women don't want some bitch who's more emotional than them (or at least wears it on his sleeve).. they all want a goddamn hero: a rock

it doesn't really work to say "hey this thing you have wanted to do your whole life and went to school to be able to do... yeah i need you to do something else instead"

Also he wanted advice, not your uneducated sperg judgemental opinion

U retarded or something?

This is the only right answer

I also don't agree with this though, I've always been tempted by the idea in a relationship, especially when she doesn't appreciate all the I do... but call me old fashioned because I always hold out for a chance

I basically want to be that 30yr married couple who die together and say whatever the hell they want, when they want, because we're best friends and treat each other like royalty, and bite and fight through the crap

I could just be delusional, but I'd prefer to keep at least that bit of purity left in my heart for women... it hasn't been easy, lol

Depending on where you live 90k should be more than liveable unless you want really fancy shit (and even if you do, shouldn't it be on you to make more?). What she makes shouldn't matter unless your fear is she works from home and bangs jocks while you work, or she's actively draining your finances (e.g. spending your money irresponsibly)

Truth bombs

Either you love her - and then put your money where your mouth is - or you dump her.

She should anyway ask herself: "I could have chosen a STEM career to make 90k/year as well; I instead chose art school, now I gotta repay this fuckin huge student debt and I need some betacuck provider because I will never earn enough money to make a living... Would it be unethical to leech off some dude who makes 90k and pretend I love him?"

Seriously, what does she bring on the table? Her holes are decaying, she's probably already hit the wall, and since Art Schools are packed with feminazis you may get cheated on or divorce-raped.

This graphic tries to spin the narrative that women are underpriviledged. The obvious truth is that men apply themselves more and are more concerned with earning income. Why? Because a mans value as a human being is directly measured by his income.

Not to say you DON'T love her now.. but maybe it's time to reflect

This is some nonsense, right here. My girlfriend has a solid education and a good job, that pays her 81k a year. She's financially independent and I love that about her. She has goals, ambitions and a road map for her life that is all her own; and she's chosen to have me fit into that road map in no small way. We've been together a little over six years now and I love her to bits; we're getting married next July.

I make good money; about 6k less than she does. I don't have a university degree and it took me ages to get to this point in my life. She's the first woman I've been with that has her independence really sorted out and I think it's cool that she's followed her own dreams and is doing what she WANTS to be doing right now. If her and I split up for whatever reason, I think I'd have a very hard time being with someone who lacks the quality of ambition and the desire for hard work. It just isn't attractive to me to NOT have those things any more.

A decade from now she'll have tenure and you'll have lost half your income to AI.

we'll all lose our income to AI, friend. the machine is immortal.

Is she an insufferable lefty artist? A "metoo" "problematic" girl?
Then dump her.
But if you get along, then that's all that should matter.

You do seem old fashioned, which is admirable but risky.


There's no fucking crisis involved you absolute garbage of a person. He's looking to justify dumping someone on a financial basis. She won't ever make as much as he does, so he wants to cut loose. I advice him to do just that because the number of emotionally bereft asshats going to arts is pretty fucking thin. He's better off with someone reasoning similarly to how he reasons, and upon that suggestion - what is his reply. He doesn't want someone like himself, because he himself is an asshole.

Did you fucking miss that part?

And don't talk about what "women want" like you know what 3.5 billion people on earth wants. How the fuck would you know that? Magic? Am I talking to Gandalf or something? Is this an episode of Harry Potter and the retarded /b poster?

He asked if it was ethical, and the best advice for him is if he finds someone like himself, and leaves decent people alone.

she's pretty redpilled, and wants to fuck more often than i do. she plays video games and does drugs with me. we like a lot of the same things. she's kinda short, and she doesn't make a lot of money. those are my two complaints, primarily.

Not within a decade. Jobs in nursing, the higher realms of academia, and a bunch of other sectors are far from being impacted. Software engineering however, is in the process of becoming something a high school dropout can learn in a weekend.

Does what you get out of the relationship justify paying for everything for her?

how good is her work?


Imagine when you get really rich. How much a woman makes doesn't matter. What matters is if she got a good personality.

I used to have someone like your girlfriend. The reason why I ended it isn't because of how much she makes, but because of her bad habits. She doesn't clean for shit and flirts too much with other men. Actually she outright says it is to make me jealous. But I am the type to intentionally flirt with other woman when she does that. See how bad this works in a relationship?

But no, money is never the big issue.

post pic body shot if you can

Yeah. So easy. Except for the logic and algorithms and stuff. Big difference between a programmer and a CS or SWE.

Definitely risky, it also makes me a bit paranoid because I like younger girls (20-25) and with social media there's literally someone barking up their tree; every other hour

I just go with innocent till proven guilty, or till it can at least be judged with substantial alluding evidence
No matter what really, I'm winning: if they start showing signs; I still have a fine piece of ass till conclusive.. if not.. I have the girl of my dreams

C'est la vie

Depends if shes a good GF or not. Some thotina comen hone late always out with the girls that doesnt cook or clean or make you feel like a G can kick sand. A nice girl is one in a million tho lock it down if shes nice.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to date older.. just haven't really found any I was too keen on

I think it is perfectly reasonable to talk with her about switching her occupation to something that brings in more income. That's assuming you need the money. This is something that needs to be ironed out before marriage. If she is unwilling to do anything to increase income for the good of the household, you may want to look elsewhere.

I had the same situation with my wife. She was content as an admin assistant for $35k/year. We had the difficult talk about her growing and moving up. Now she's in HR making around $60k with the discussion of salary and pay increases on the table. It's an ugly topic and women WILL be emotional about it. Approach with caution and kid gloves.

>. If her and I split up

then she found some Chad.
or some guy making 6k more than you.

i don't think it's great to be honest, but the only art i've taken was in high school. in college i did architecture for art credit.
she sells shit fairly often, and probably a quarter of the time she's doing leg-work commissions like painting someones dog or their house.
she's definitely passionate about it though. she spends more of her free time painting than i spend my free time programming. does that mean anything though? if i am passionate about cooking, that doesn't mean i'm a good cook, or worth being paid for it.

Married to an artist. Considering divorce. She has a masters in art, and is completely unemployable. Doesn't know how to type, much less use Word or any other practical knowledge of any type. I don't have a wife, I have a retarded adult I have to care for in every way because she's entirely incapable of doing anything for herself.
Fine art is a scam. If you don't have connections you're just gonna spend money for nothing to display your work and not sell. It's the most unrewarding thing financially I've ever been involved with.
My wife doesn't have the drive to find the market, she wants to make the same bullshit abstract art that everybody else makes and doesn't want to pay for.

>logic and algorithms and stuff
Yeah, those don't matter for 99% of people. The best algorithm for most tasks already exists. The implementation of logic is increasingly handled by machines. With the advent of AI the massive steps made so far in code compilation will seem insignificant. We're already at a point where an AI can be given a basic outline and use it to write efficient software.

Of course the worlds leading researchers and scientists have nothing to worry about. I just don't think you're one of them. Most people are employed by businesses that will be grateful to save money.

what else do you have to say? i'm assuming you're not roleplaying.

Had a girl like this who was mentally damaged from her past and couldn't live and learn like someone trying to be healthy; but let herself feel she was a piece of meet, and thought she had to demonstrate her value so I could see she could still get attention... fucking bratty little child, who I did everything for, short of wiping her ass

I wouldn't really try to flirt, but I found myself doing it when a girl came up to me, it's just how I've always spoke to women, i kind of think I'm just fun to be around, especially out partying and stuff.. I don't get close or sexual or anything...

Anyways, that would lead to a week of me being accused of cheating

Guess we gotta pay more attention to having kids; not dating them (lol her mentality, she was mid 20's... chill lol)

kys roastie

>Yeah, those don't matter for 99% of people. The best algorithm for most tasks already exists.

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She can’t do both man. I don’t give a shit how smart you think she is. The problem is perpetuated by men who have been brainfed by liberal media to believe they want an “independent” woman. The minute you bozos have kids, that’s all gonna change. Citcoms and instagram will tell you how good these women are, how they can have it all but the reality is you won’t have a woman focusing on what she should but one who is all over the place. Then you’re gonna be divorced. When you’re paying her child support because she can’t find a job that will pay her what she made when nothing in her life restricted her short term goals in the way children and maybe a cuck husband will then, you can tell me how much an “independent” woman is worth. Believe what you want but your disagreement is your lack of life experience showing. You’re fuckin generation has a habit of thinking you’ve discovered some new and improved way to do shit that nature established thousands of years ago. You think it’s a coincidence that the divorce rate is over 60%? Stop being a fuckin idiot. Don’t believe everything you read on Twitter.

Christ almighty, give it a rest

Maybe she just wants to be an artist lol; you can't base all that shit off the art student meme

..maybe she's a sound girl?

sometimes, a woman is just a human. not everyone fits into boxes, and sometimes shit works out.
not always-- there's a reason stereotypes exist. sometimes though, the real person underneath doesn't have some ulterior motive.

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Your cringe shows how little you know. Name a task employed commonly by businesses that we don't already have a perfect or near perfect algorithm for. I'll wait.

And in the meantime, please explain how an AI with perfect knowledge of machine code, a massive database of algorithms, and the ability to reduce algorithmic complexity when combining outlined tasks isn't a risk to most people in the CS field.

we only know what we know now. we only have the tools that we have now. it's very hard to make predictions, especially about the future.

Yeah, listen to this guy... he fucks LOL

Imagine if we still used the programs and shit that we were forced to use on old shit pcs (some places still use them, and the are archaic, bordering on barbaric, and everyone complains about them, they are inefficient, just no one cares to change them because that would take effort for optimization and better ACCURACY)

fuck no I'm not roleplaying. Emailed everybody in the September issue of Art in America witht he listings of every gallery in the USA. Spent so much time massaging her portfolio and powerpoint, paying for photos of her work, thousands on shipping that bullshit around the world, and it's still not enough for her.
Does that sound bitter enough to be authentic? The truth has a certain ring to it, user.
If my wife kept a clean house, cooked well, kids, didn't want to fight all the time, I could find a way to make it work. I made 160k last year and it's still not enough to live in her fantasy artist world. She has an incredible imagination and just can't be practical about finances and life even when she tries. Since her parents always took care of her, in her mind she has a trust fund and doesn't have to worry about money, both of which is wrong.
AMA I guess. We did a show earlier this year, and it still cost at least a grand on food/rentals/setup+teardown etc.
That's just my wife, though, I only talk about what I know. AMA if anybody gives a shit.

The department of finance just changed their entire system and functionality back in like 2017

If your dumbass was in charge we'd still be on IBM and dial up

Actually, thanks to math we also know what we don't know. We even know that there are things that we can't know but are true. This sort of math found its way into computer science and the study of algorithms long before computers existed.

You say it's difficult to make predictions, and when it comes to a large number of people I agree. But when it comes to the development of current technologies - that's not hard to figure out. The advent of totally new technologies may not be predictable, but it also accounts for a smaller portion of the changes happening around us.

Thing is, a woman usually thinks her income is hers, and your income is mostly lhers.
Also, a woman usually asks herself: "can I do better?" And that's not about her job - that's about her radar making some unexpected Chad blip.
She would leave you as soon as you announce her you were laid off. Or as soon as someone making 10k more than you blips on her radar. Also watch out for Chads, because a woman decides usually on a whim.
There's a joke in my country about buying a pen and a car. A man buys a pen "gimme a random one, as long as its ink is dark blue". Then it's time for the car: starts checking prices, catalogs, features, reviews, statistics; asks for a test drive, talks about it with his friends and on online forums, finally he goes to book it with some detailed optionals list.
Well, a woman goes to buy a pen and checks countless pens, pencils, markers, colors, prices, styles, wasting an entire day going from one mall to another, until eventually picks some $0.99 one and still asks herself: shold have I waited a few weeks to get 10% off? -- Then goes to the car dealer and asks for a car. The dealer asks: what maker/model? "I don't care, as long as it's a dark blue one".

>name a task
This indicates your junior level developer foresight, and is why you aren't in charge of anything above L4 / Project manager.

I'm doubting you even have a CS degree with this baffling magnitude of clairvoyance.
Can you truly not fathom anything by your own that might need a custom framework?
Can you really not see why it's desirable to have multiple approaches to the same algorithm?

Everything is black and white in your world it seems. You have no creativity, and are very autistic with your approach to problem solving.

You aren't going to advance in this field.
t. Silicon Valley cloud AI developer for Oracle/Microsoft/Google/Apple/ and some gov't agencies.

I make over 670k a year, btw.

The idea that people don’t always fit molds is fleeting liberal faggot bullshit. All that philosophy leads to are irresponsible people who don’t fuckin want to be what they are intended to be. Talk about some fuckin nonsense

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