How old do you think she was when he first started raping her?

How old do you think she was when he first started raping her?

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I honestly don't. Most people who are molested in childhood grow up to have SEVERE problems with drug abuse and alcoholism, as well as extreme emotional swings, eg: suicidal depression and violent temper outbursts.

She seems to be a well-rounded adult and does not exibit any of the usual symptoms of someone who was molested as a child.

Add to that the fact that Trump was wealthy as fuck during that era and could get ass from playboy playmates and many other desireable women, and it seems strange that he would rape his own daughter.

“She seems to be a well-rounded adult”

Got sold to a Jew....

>She seems to be a well-rounded adult

About the same age as your mom was when she started doing gangbangs for cigarette money. 9 or 10.

Happy Hanukkah OP. We are coming for you.

>she seems to be a well-rounded adult
This is your brain on trumpism.

about two seconds after she finished puberty


Funny how many fat incel niggers in this thread don’t believe a well-kept, eloquent and charismatic woman is considered “well-rounded”.

Meanwhile they’re sitting on a jizz stained chair they borrowed from their mom’s kitchen set under a blanket of Cheeto cheese telling their Discord buddies how the chick at EB Games is probably a lesbian because she wouldn’t let them take her out for sushi.

Conservative retards have been saying that since Reagan days. Yet the country keeps moving further left. Anyday now, waiting for your rope sweetie.

>thinking he had the patience to wait until puberty

He didn't. He took her dresses and panties, went to his buddy Epstein, and got a gal who looked like her to dress up in her outfits, and then raped her

Not long now, Mary.

Trump thread wouldn't be complete without some republican projecting his insecurities on others. Thankfully we have you!

Look what you say about most of the people in this thread is probably true.

But it's also probably true about Trump.

In the end everyone loses.

Describing trump voters

well sure compared to that mush-mouthed retard father of hers
if you go watch her get interviewed and asked any real questions she's a dimwit like her ole man
and that squeaky voiced fag "husband" of hers lol...

Heard that before. Would you hurry up please so you can be defeated back into a corner like the countless other times you fucks tried to globalize your agenda.

New fast growing Discord Sup Forums server, quickly join before the jannies cuck us.

discord gg/bVvJDeG


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he could afford to pay for the best therapist which solves why it didn't impact her so much, also he did it for that long she doesn't think anything is wrong with it, she knows if she doesn't have sex with him then the planet will end because of the aliens

Well we know he had a long lasting friendship with Epstein. So he was definitely the first to rape her. When exactly is hard to tell.

She has an economics degree and can hold a job, unlike you spergs.

Democrats and liberals are ignorant loser dwelling in mommy's basement. Get a life he won get over it and find something else to cry about. After three years it's old grow up.

Or she could be into it. We're talking about the trump family here. Not exactly your normal specimen.

old enough

> conservative
> globalized agenda

This is the american left, people.

>economics degree
I'm a software engineer, fruitcake

The left has been triggered!

Once again the frothing mouths of the ravenous incels known as Antifa spewing nonsense!

You little scraggly haired, weak chinned soy boys are exactly why this once great nation will one day belong to Islam.

You’re too busy waging a hormonal, delusional, vegan cupcake fuelled LGBTQ2S+ war on the real HEROES to see that you’re selling off your wives and children to the West!

What an absolute shame.

>economics degree
Not helping her case at all there, trumpturd. Especially since her daddy probably bought her that degree.

Seems like you're the only one crying in here.

>her dad bought her an economics degree, and continuously throws his influence around to get her "jobs"

Honestly. I can’t wait until 2025 so he’ll be out of office and these LOSERS won’t be able to cry about him anymore!

Hey, can you code me a game about cute boys with big asses getting fucked?

>doesn't understand verbs
>sees the word 'globalize' and immediately gets his panties in a bunch

Any proof of that?

You CAN NOT rape your own daughters. You own them.
Probably like 12, he looks like likes old bitches

>hold a job
Daddy can you give me a job??
Ok, you can be first daughter and advisor to the president. You don’t get paid.
Thanks daddy!!!

I hope Ivanka or trump jr. run and we have a trump in office for the next decade or more. Their heads would explode it would be awesome.

Judging by the number of adjectives you threw in there, it's pretty easy to tell who is the triggered one in here lol. Go back to watching that blonde on fox, she'll calm you right down with her alternative facts, boomer.

oh look a mentally ill liberal projecting a sexually mentally ill fantasy onto someone else... no way.

You gonna ask for proof that he shits in a golden toilet too? It's obvious. Unless, of course, you're on the receiving end of that shit.

Boomer how original you basement dwelling pussy

Old enough? For rape? That makes 0 sense...

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If you meant neocons, yeah they want to spread Israel's influence by conquering other nations using the US military.

you feel better now that you got it out of your system, faggot?

Very True

Everyone regardless of age is viable to be raped

Anyone who listened to one of her interviews cannot argue she is one of the best spoken women of her age. She could out debate anyone with those skills, no matter the philosophy of what she thinks.


I don’t know what’s more annoying — their constant estrogen fuelled liberal tantrums, their inherent need to wage war on DEMOCRACY, or their genuine disdain for America!

These people do not want us to succeed, but we are, and we will!

Donald Trump
Donald Trump Jr
Ivanka Trump
Baron Trump

The never ending administration of Trump!

Except oyster people they just hide in their shells rape success rate 0% bet you never saw a news article about an oyster person being raped

You fucking loser.

It’s okay coomer — I didn’t expect you to contribute much to this conversation. You can’t even stop masturbating long enough to hand out resumes (though no one would hire a dirty Dem in a dress anyway!) so I suppose I should appreciate the fact that you were able to reply at all!

This country is headed for another civil war but who do you think will win. The left who don't like guns or the military or the gun toting military loving right. You faggots will be wiped out and it's going to be so peaceful after all the faggot loving democrats are gone

Not particularly. I thought I'd add my unoriginality to your unoriginal insults. You know, give you a taste of your medicine much like how republicans are getting a taste of their own obstruction they tried to pull under Obama. Except this time it's lead to actual indictments and impeachment lolololol

I always laugh at this pathetic kind of threads.

Clearly the entire #metoo movement was to prepare some massive Trump Sex Scandal before midterm, yet Muh Impeachument was eventually a farce based on hearsay. Now they're desperately trying to "unbury Bernie" so that he "unloses elections" hoping to "unpresident Trump".

Also, Clintons entourage is massively ridden with pedos, partially suppressed sex scandals and corruption. Do you really want every future President to fight with the usual October Surprise sex scandal?

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Fucking kek

Well put

It would truely be a magical place. No more democrats. No more science. Reading books would be banned, except the bible of course. Universities would finally be closed, and learning would be prohibited. Mandatory Fox news watching every day. What a glorious end for america that would be

I get the feeling you don't get to meet many actual smart women. Can't blame you though, not many of those left in trump country.

This man here — a very smart man. He’s clearly been paying attention to - and you know how important it is - to the immigration issues, the oyster people, and they want to come here and just live in their shells, but they aren’t contributing! Sure they’re safe, and - why can’t everyone be safe like the oyster people? - well it’s because, and I’ll tell you, we are a very safe nation, but these oyster people are emboldening the Mexican cartels because all they do is hide in their shells!

clearly :-)

The impeachment Pelosi is to chicken shit to turn the articles over for because the Senate is going to shut that shit down and in the end all they did was waste taxpayers money like they always do.

Trump had Epstein killed to make sure no information about him and his republican pedo friends comes to light. It's so obvious, the only reason you don't see it, is because you are a loyal trumpcuck degenerate

Yes! What better way of showing your love for democracy by wishing for a monarchy. Typical republican self-awareness lmao.

What do you all think you're accomplishing getting in petty arguments on Sup Forums? I'm a "libtard" too and I cant stand this fuckin prick but this isnt gonna solve anything, do you not feel like you're wasting your time?

You did not even reply to the original poster, disillusioned Dem!

That was another freedom loving patriot letting you know exactly how he feels about your mental illness!

Once again Antifa’s hate spewed AIMLESSLY at whoever passes closest — they can’t even identify who the enemy is anymore! Outrage culture and nothing more.

the amount of illegal pearls they've been importing is out of control, recent reports have noted oyster people involved in gang warfare, many turning up at hospitals shell shocked

Liberals obsession with sex and filth just reflects what they think and care about. They think everyone has a secret, dirty past or skeletons in the closet.

Live honestly and you won't need to do this. Trumps only crimes are banging hot models.

Trump kicks Epstein out of his establishment and bill Clinton is buddy buddy with him getting on Epsteins private jet. So sorry to tell you he had pedo Democrat friends.

More projection from the Gaslight Obstruct and Project party of "patriots." Here's some unsolicited advice: when insulting someone, don't make too many assumptions because if they're all wrong you end up sounding even more retarded than you already are.

No one is wishing for a monarchy, simply for the best candidate to win!

It’s still a Democracy if they are each voted in, and still a prosperous country so long as the mentally deranged dems don’t find themselves at the helm!

The side with the money wins. Guess which states have the most money. Certainly not the ones growing corn.

Trump kicked out Epstein because they fought over a child slave, and who gets to rape it first. Trump didn't tweet once about his friendship with Epstein, even though he tweets about everything. Obviously he knows to shut his mouth when he needs to

Prove me wrong — but you won’t, because you’re a do-nothing Democrat!

Not the ones growing born, but those affiliated with child porn

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Go suck on mommy's tit the grown ups are talking.


The Republican in me is getting hard just reading this.

Yes that impeachment. The one senate won't be able to bury anymore because it's not going to them. Hahahah you fucks got played by some actual 4d chess.

Sounds exactly like dumb liberal logic. Your argument is pointless slander with no facts to back it up.

imagine actually believing this while being a follower of the largest anti-science clique to exist lmao

Magical indeed disney world wouldn't have shit on a democrat free country

Why do you sound like a fox news "analyst" desperately trying to connect wildly different dots to try to form a coherent sentence. It's like you're trying to insult me but just can't deliver the punch. Lay off the fox news for a bit, uncle jerry. It's mushing your brain.

The most searched for porn in Alabama is incest. Really tells you a lot about who exactly is the one obsessed with sex and filth, doesn't it.

I never said i was a republican? and republicans aren't anti-Science, they are just retarded. So for them Electricity might as well be magic.

Do not also forget that W.j.Clinton was on the pedo plane and pedo island a shitload of times and the press KNEW.

Ok. If you want to believe a nobody could functionally gather enough mental capacity to somehow anonymously kill somebody, rather than a dynasty cult leader and his transgendered wife who have a CVS receipt list of dead "friends" who all had dirt on them

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Clinton,Prince Andrew, Trump....the list of wealthy individuals on this pedo island is very long, and shows very clearly why Epstein got suicided.

You didn't make any claims worth proving. Yelling random words in hopes that it forms a coherent sentence doesn't leave much to reply to.

> a nobody
Are you actually that retarded and called the President a "nobody"? No way you are that delusional.

And yes Trump and Epstein were long-time friends

I mean, history is on my side. Most wars are won with money. Except any of the ones america start. Then no amount of money can stop them from being defeated by a bunch of jungle rats and sand niggers with rusted ak47s

He provided as much facts as you did, which is to say none. But a photo of trump and epstien at a party together is definitely a fact you can't spin your way out of no matter how hard you try.

But they don't want to put that money towards the military and they don't like guns. So I guess your plan is to kill us with your tears but jokes on you liberal tears is my favorite drink!

Listen, just because he beats up on lesser people like you Demorats does not make him important on the world stage. He's a nobody you fucking clown shoe, now back of the bus where you belong
>Literally looks at a picture of before Epstein was established and still goes for the Trump friendship
Talk about a fucking mental midget here. You should drink bleach to save your parents the phone bill you're racking up when you should be paying attention to your teacher right now.

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Lol even in their brains trump doesn't earn the title of president. Maybe they are not retarded after all.

Probably about 11

>they don't put that towards military
Blue states pay more taxes on average. So taxes from liberal states literally pays for the military you like to virtue signal about. It also pays to keep red states from collapsing into heroin riddled shitholes, but it might be too late for that anyways.

>president of the united states is not important on the world stage
Lmao there really is no limit to republican retardation. You fucks will say ANYTHING to try to make your point.

Only honest post in this thread.

lol u just went nuts

>projecting this hard