Waifu thread? WAIFU THREAD!! waifus mount up, this place is awfully lonely without you~ :3

waifu thread? WAIFU THREAD!! waifus mount up, this place is awfully lonely without you~ :3

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how do you cope, when there is no official birthday date of your waifu?

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alcohol/drugs tend to help, but that may be terrible advice! or just choose a random date and buy yourself a birthday cake ready :3

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the archive is down. how sad
Hirasawa Yui

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Best boy (female) claimed :^)

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we are of similar nature it seems.

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Yo ninpochi!

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I love me some Rias.

You like the old one or the newer one?

Aegis claimed.

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nin.. what?? >w< !!!! ^w^ lole
...hallo hallo! °-°

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hey hey! soooo
scraped a seat off of some flight deck yet??
or you still looking

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I got a chair. I did realize an issue when I moved my computer to my room though, I need to run a cable all the way back if I want to connect it directly to my router. For now, wifi will work though.

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i also have a chair! they're pretty cool, right?! :3

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oh shit!
of course... ya that's not gud.. you'll have to take out the drill... fortunately, the router sits on a huge cabinet like 2 meters away from my pc so running a cable was easy...
if there's jsut the attic above you, you could always just drill a hole up there, run it in the attic to where it needs to come down again and done. but ya i don't have a blueprint of your house, sadly.. he he... ^w^

but it's gud you found a chair you can use!

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i'm gonna reply to you on discord shortly so prepare yourself Cord-san :3

also, have any of you guys heard of DJ Sharpnel? he remixes anime theme tunes and makes them awesome, here's one I'm listening to right now: youtube.com/watch?v=atd5ilhCGW8 - i hope one of you listens to this as it's one of my favourites

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They can be. It all depends.

I can't drill holes. I'm in a fairly small apartment.
I can probably make it work, but it's definitely a not today problem.

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depends on wut, user-san? mine is relatively comfortable, maybe an 8 out of 10 on the comfort scale so it's decent but could be improved! what's your chair like? :3

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o-okay °-°
also, just supreme pls, or nothing at all

awww... ya so that's out of the picture then i can imagine. and in some cases wifi can even be faster so whatever, as long as it works ;)

yup it is! you should enjoy the rest of your free time and play some games, how far did you get in warframe? half of planets unlocked? or did you continue on an old account?

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It has a bottom bit that you sit on and a back.

I made it to Mercury.

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you're a person of few words, like i've said before

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>implying alcohol isnt a drug

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the best drug

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ayyyyy! :3
...ican't remember if that's far :|
what i remember is i was done with pluto... man i gotta get into it this week again, have off tomorrow from lunch to friday so i've got some time

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I don't exactly have much to say about a chair. It's not an elite pewdiepie branded chair.

Hooray for alcoholism!

It's not far at all.

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nice get

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Mai best waifu out there

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I still don't understand why people post whores and prostitutes in waifu threads.

Also where is the usual slut who makes these threads?

Rough day, is a fuck.

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Rest up then

well but you know everything right? so it should be easy
or is the pc version different from what you've played

get well soon fren :|

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Thanks, I tried my best.

It's pretty much the same. It's just kind of boring.

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ah fuck.... so you don't enjoy playing it
have something else you really like`?
or was getting a pc not a gud idea

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I didn't really get a PC just to play warframe.

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It isn't it's an alcohol

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ye of course ^w^ hence why i wanted to know what else you like on pc

maybe get flight simulator or something

hoi hoi :^)
slow hours

playing game.. bbl

eh.. >.

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Remember: Mai Shiranui is not for good boys and girls.

I'll find games to play.

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Not for Nintoddlers No.

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Haha gottem

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You guys ever think about how weird living was during ancient time would have been?

Perhaps life would be slower pace, and less stressful at times, but imagine living in a time where almost half of kids would die before adulthood, and the oldest anyone really got was their 60s-70s

Also just having such a limited understanding of the world around you as well, it's no wonder religion could motivate people so much back then, because it was the only way they could understand the world around them.

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I can't imagine a world where anything can kill you not being stressful. Especially combined with some rich dude profiting off your hard work and leaving barely enough to feed your family.

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