The feels bar is open, friends. What's bothering ya?

The feels bar is open, friends. What's bothering ya?

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not having a soul or my hole filledf

can i smoke here? my favorite bar just got new manager and that motherfucker ban smoking. now i gotta find a new bar

was everyone always so narcisstic and self-centered?

We've all been there. It gets better, man.

Help yourself, pal.

Most people, yes. It just gets easier to notice the older you are. There are some good ones, though.

My cock is too big : (

Wish I had problems like that.

I’m mad on a girl for not wanting a relationship after couple of tries. I’m not mad because it didn’t work out, but because she came up with it (twice and my dumbass fall for that) and now i feel like my glass ego’s been shattered. Now i just want to fuck her and already forget about that cunt and look less pathetic to myself.

went to visit my grandpa in hospital last night, he was showing signs of getting better. got a call about an hour after i left saying he went into cardiac arrest and died. my first time really dealing with death and grief not sure what to do

I feel you. You shouldn't be angry at her, you were both looking for the same thing but it just didn't work out. The only way to feel less pathetic is to forget about her and move on, dude.

There is not really something to do. Just try to spare some times with your family if you can, you just need to let time do his job.

I get ya, losing your loved ones is like getting stabbed in the gut, especially if you had a good relationship with them. The only advice I can give you is don't be afraid of being sad, you have to get that shit out one way or another. Try to remember the good times. Also, this song really helped me when I lost my grandpa, have a listen:

> tfw no Sup Forumslack /fit/izen Sup Forumsidya /k/ommando trap gf to play Dark Souls and talk about obscure Chinese guns with while filling her boypussy with your cum

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Are you sure

My girlfriend and I wanted to meet each other for Christmas, but we can't. We have to wait more in hope to see each other and those Christmas holidays are gonna be rough.
How can I stop the pain? I can't feel her

ah good ol long distance relationships, they always work out so well

Long distance is a bitch. At least you have her, you can talk to her about how you feel.

thanks man. i guess i'll be a regular since can't smoke in my house cus mom always crying when she see me smoking in the house, i guess it kinda remind her of my late dad. tho i don't want to see her sad, i just can't stop smoking. and i can't move out since i gotta take care of her and my sister

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Health anxiety is the worst.


I smoke myself, I get it. You sound like a real great, responsible and considerate guy.

It sure is. Have you tried keeping a diary of the times you looked at health information, checked yourself or asked others for reassurance? It could help you reduce it, bit by bit.

Broke up with my GF of 3 years. Have to finish my master thesis in 2 months but cant even motivate myself to write a sentence.
Every passing day the stress becomes worse and feels like the worst depression of my life.
Thinking of kms every day because i cant cope with being a failure.

Get a therapist, my guy. Talking from experience here. Just book a couple of visits. Having someone to regularly talk to openly about your problems really helps.

shit man i feel ya. two years ago my dad died. in the same morning i visited him and have a normal conversation in the hospital, and i got a call from the doctor in the evening that he's died due to brain hemorrhaging

I'm horny as fuck

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thanks for the kind words. that's the nicest thing someone said to me in the last 4 months

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I quit everything to chase my dream job and the possibility of failing terrifies me. I have no idea what I'll do if it fails

cut down gradually... you cant just "stop" unless youre life is simple af.. so rip all the cigs in your pack in half. from now on when you crave a cig just smoke one of the halfies and wait a sec afterwards and see if you crave another (you probably wont)… then each day smoke one less cigarette than the amount you smoke the day prior. worked like a charm on me, but some folks just dont want to quit. either way best of luck

I'm going to be 25 soon. Never dated still a virgin, but not because I'm ugly, or short, or fat or anything like that. It's because I'm terrified of the emotional control you loose when you enter a relationship.

Failure is rarely fatal if you're brave enough. And it is brave to risk everything for your dreams, but you should always have a backup plan in case it didn't work.

i'm still trying. in one year attempt all i can do is cut from two pack a day to one and half a pack. and my job as a taxi driver didn't make it easy, especially when it's a cold night. not to mention when i'm hanging out with friends, i can smoke up to three pack a day. but i'll try your advice anyway