Donald J Trump is a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER!!!! Why the FUCK is this piece of shit not behind bars???...

Donald J Trump is a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER!!!! Why the FUCK is this piece of shit not behind bars???? What was he doing diddling with Epstein???? Why does he have the hots for his own daughter???? DISGUSTING!!!

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The shareblue dude that rented you out at .15 per thousand posts makes several dollars an hour, cuck.

But you didn't answer the issues in my post: Why is this sex offender walking around on the streets as free as to bird?

Attached: CsTd0RbVUAEJnnI.jpg (1000x691, 84K)

Calm down, CrowdStrike. You already have the server.

Attached: 3jo6kg.jpg (600x471, 63K)

user, this is you.

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It seems you're too retarded to pick the correct meme.

Attached: leftcantmeme.jpg (498x434, 25K)

5"9' he's actually 6"3'.

as a clown I find these meme offensive

Attached: 1rs3pj.jpg (423x600, 71K)

well he's told people he's 6'4" but he's more likely 6'1" just as he tops 300lbs despite his claims about his weight

>She draws back from the door and presses her ear up against the wood. 'I'm being stupid. It's probably just [spoiler] the third girl [/spoiler] Papa. I'm being stupid.' But she listens anyway.

Any proof?

Attached: 1573248172295.gif (400x254, 1.43M)

Trump 2020. Ready bitch?

>dis nigga thinks he's talking to a corporation
Hello this is McDonald's, who is phone?

Is very good president. Allegations absurd.
Has support from all patriotic American.

Attached: putin_basic.jpg (554x574, 60K)

Many people have foul lies and backstabbing as, pretty much, their job. Yet more constantly do it for free. He's just one guy. You've been living on a carpet of snakes and he is the first thing you've noticed?

Still with the Putin shit? Wow you foreign paid trolls are way out of touch with what Americans actually care about

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Yeah, he is a senior citizen well into old age, and also in quite undeniably sub standard health. He very well may have been 6'3" at one point, but it's very likely that at his age, he has shrunk down a few inches.

>I'm an insecure manlet belaboring a point since Orange Man Bad.

>Still with Putin shit?

Yes, disgraced IMPOTUS is still owned by his Russian masters:

I fucking hate it when a whole country is clumped into one person... Or I guess i just hate countries and "national consciousness" in general. You want to represent a "nation"? Then you'll be judged by the crimes of its individuals, no matter how distant or unrelated to you. That's my guarantee to you...