Have you seen this yeen?

have you seen this yeen?

Attached: janja and jasiri look -o.jpg (640x640, 36K)

DAAAMN... She is ugly

Attached: hellothere.png (500x520, 138K)

agree, looks like a tard

Attached: tri.jpg (480x270, 13K)

you're ugly, shes gorgeous
no you
projecting much?

Attached: oh really -o.png (420x480, 143K)

>have you seen this yeen?

looks hot and fuckable

Fuck you and the hyena you rode in on.
Golden Zebra ass is where it's at!

Attached: Dhahabu.png (1000x553, 881K)

you should!
fucking thank you, atleast someone with common sense
aren't you the same guy from a while ago?, posted an image of her too

Attached: kion and jasiri smiling -o.jpg (752x628, 42K)

I like jasiri but that once is nightmare inducing , just stare into her eyes

Attached: 1576963277794m.jpg (749x1024, 64K)

her eyes are wonderful, how can you even say a bad word about them?

Attached: cute jasiri -o.jpg (206x244, 5K)

Here, now she IS a tard

Attached: 1577124836977.png (640x640, 263K)


Here bro , you seem to treat jasiri like your furry waifu , why not just obsess on actual furry character?

Attached: 20e593c34f597e875751403ab0ba0ef4.jpg (616x800, 70K)

what is that supposed to be?
A furry, double-eared catfish guzzling glue?

This thread gives funny stirring in loins. Is this sex anons? Have I finally made it?

haha now that's gold user, janja's reaction also adds to this
Jasiri is my waifu, i'm her number 1 husbando

10/10 pawpads look kissable af.

Glue , haha
Not glue

Thanks my friends, but if you liked that, just look at this

Attached: 1577125793437.png (640x640, 278K)

is that a rape?

post the psuedopeen

hey jasiri

fucking kek, you're talented, did you draw the hands and gun yourself?


Attached: MG5aFXa.jpg (405x435, 33K)

OP is too meek shy with Jasiri. Go full on overdrive sex manic on her. Tell us your extremes fap fantasies. Tell us what you would do to her sexually. You obviously want us to fap to her so go on and make it happen.

Attached: low1.png (635x623, 377K)


Go on bro your fully anonymous here share your feelings,

There will be no consequences don't feel afraid to share everything , I wouldn't mind reading it

>OP is too meek shy with Jasiri. Go full on overdrive sex manic on her. Tell us your extremes fap fantasies. Tell us what you would do to her sexually. You obviously want us to fap to her so go on and make it happen
your imagination is gonna be way more better than any answer i'll give out
i love you user, how long have you been drawing for?, its pretty damn good

what program are you using? also using a tablet, right?, mind giving me a name

Attached: lustful eyes -o.jpg (1364x982, 616K)


no, what's disappointing is the fact that you can't use your imagination so you have to rely on strangers

and the fact that you can't spell "disappointing"

Attached: sideways look -o.jpg (1382x1033, 74K)

Why is this shit thread on Sup Forums?
The fuck is wrong with you assholes?


Thanks my friend, and yes i did

Nah bro I already have my own fantasies and wanted to hear yours,
Nothing else

Hey OP, you obviously want a sexually gratifying reaction from us, so tell us, what would make you cum fastest? What do you want from us??

>Why is this shit thread on Sup Forums?
ask the mods
and some people like quality threads, are you not used to anything besides cuck threads?
got nothing special, friend

Attached: kion and jasiri 4 -o.jpg (600x336, 144K)

i do not masturbate to the thread or get any sexual gratification from your responses.

Attached: oh yeah -o.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

He want this, he just love furries

Attached: a5a09945dfddaac32332c2073147e606.jpg (800x479, 67K)

Wow seriously? If you're being sincere then I think you're too pure for circa 2019 Sup Forums

Man you post about jasiri everyday , don't try tell me you don't have "something"
If you could get your own irl jasiri how tall would you like her to be? I think around husky size would be perfect for me

nah, i don't think i'm pure for Sup Forums
i just don't have any fantasies
i don't post about her because i'm attracted to her
i got other reasons

Attached: excited look -o.jpg (358x393, 15K)

Cmon OP, masturbate to my butt

Attached: 0f9350d115c23cf795adb3f889c95b83.jpg (950x1060, 104K)

What are these other reasons?

Attached: 1576439970772.jpg (500x368, 46K)

Attached: 1576015111279.jpg (400x299, 31K)

oh god
decided to save the text since i hate rewriting it every so often

i'm doing this for several reasons, i like the show, and doing this gets more people onto it, i have already gotten quite a few to watch it, and most of them had no complaints, i like the character, and i think Sup Forums's mods are complete assholes
they let the spam run wild on Sup Forums, going as far as promoting it while silencing anyone with a tiny bit of originality, shitposts that started 4 years ago and last all the way up to today, they do no good except as a way for trolls to enjoy themselves, if the mods don't give a shit about spam, i might aswell join the winning side,with enough people joining in either Sup Forums's mods will do something more useful with their time, or the users will just get annoyed and disappear, either scenario makes me win

but the threads actually do have a purpose, i'm willing to chat with anyone respectful, and i like discussing the show, i have quite a few supporters and followers that visit here

if you feel like this is a bit too much spam for you, get Sup Forums x and ask me for the md5 list of the images, it will prevent you from ever seeing my threads.
i was wondering when you would show up

Attached: jasiri on rock -o.jpg (1834x1034, 102K)

Did you just modify the original image by one pixel, just to be able to post it again and correct your initial post, all while getting dubs both times?

Attached: american-psycho-bateman[1].jpg (590x322, 212K)

Ooow, cmon OP, fuck me, i know you want

Attached: 2d73da41baba90da8fe1891eb01b7735-imagejpeg.jpg (750x587, 94K)

Attached: 1558367422472m.jpg (1024x753, 97K)

No, i just found it on e621, downloaded it, and posted it here

* Spider Man orgasm and moan sounds *

I'd say op is in denial of those furry cheeks

please no

Attached: jasiri cute tiny version -o.png (690x758, 216K)

No, you have to fuck me, atleast 1 time

Attached: eb540d0c02333b6157c46ec85a61aa1e.png (2584x1828, 1.11M)

does nothing for me user..

Attached: jasiri2 -o.jpg (1280x620, 84K)

How about this?
You can't deny those curves

Like this fucker more

Attached: 1566103774909.jpg (475x386, 47K)

I wish she had some details, a pussy and a butthole

not really, i am not one to be attracted simply by looks user

Attached: jasiri arm on chin -o.png (900x841, 918K)

More, that's amazing, Bambi is sexy as a female too, like here

Yes but that doesn't mean you cant deem something as attractive,

Them curves doe fuck

she doesn't look bad, but as i said, i'm wired different, i'm more into personality than looks

Attached: sitting -o.jpg (860x1044, 388K)

Rate my skeleton plz be nice

Attached: 70206598_165499801288974_7440408748666912768_n.jpg (343x640, 32K)